The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I don't bother with protein shakes n shit.
I jog and I mess around with free weights. I am making progress though.
I keep my hair tied back so it's really not a problem.
Checking out Karl Sanders' side project. It's actually really cool. Not metal, but...if you listened to part one of In Their Darkened Shrines and though it was cool go here.
I really love In Their Darkened Shrines but what I loved about it was the Egyptian elements and obviously this is pure that, so it's fucking made of win.
I went to the gym today, I go 3 days a week. I really want to get my bench back up, Ive just been doing dumbell bench lately tho. Did the 80 pounders today. I just havent been the same since I tore my pec last summer. I should probably start with the shakes again.
I really love In Their Darkened Shrines but what I loved about it was the Egyptian elements and obviously this is pure that, so it's fucking made of win.

I love Middle Eastern music. I have a couple albums of it. The pop music isn't bad either.
I actually really don't like much outside of metal, I'll be honest, but I love when metal incorporates other stuff. But this is egyptian stuff played with a metal aesthetic...sounds really cool.
I love Middle Eastern music. I have a couple albums of it. The pop music isn't bad either.

I disagree with that last point, I've had to endure middle eastern pop before and I think it's pretty bloody awful tbh.

They blast it out in their cars sometimes in Hull and erm wtf.
Depends on the country I think. But of course its subjective, some people consider Tanuk Tanuk Tun an annoying song but I like it.

I've listened to some Indian and Egyptian pop but haven't found anything I didn't like.