The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

How Will I Laugh Tomorrow and Lights...Camera...Revolution are pretty awesome. There are a couple of duds on both albums but still solid I think. Give them a listen, Ozz.
Which album of theirs did you get?
The Art Of Rebellion

I have never heard any Suicidal Tendencies, but I would think they are awesome and that anyone who says they suck is a faggot
Going by the Art Of Rebellion, the vocals are really fruity but not in a way where the guy can actually sing, I feel some influence from hip-hop but in a really bad way, it can't really be called metal, all the riffs are extremely generic, there's no good grooves, and it's all music about being an angry fuck from the hood. Song titles include "we call this mutha revenge"
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow and Lights...Camera...Revolution are pretty awesome. There are a couple of duds on both albums but still solid I think. Give them a listen, Ozz.
I'll check them out, but I'm not buying anything...
The one you got WAIF...not so good. I think you might like the albums I mentioned. At least I hope you do or else I'll have to kick your young lil butt. :p

At work more hour to go of this boring ass shiz.
Watching this Rangers-Red Sox game.
This may be the greatest game I have ever seen. It's 16-15 Rangers, and it started out 10-0 Red Sox in the first inning. It would be th first time that a team has ever come back from more than 7-0 after the first inning in major league history.
I just got fucking scammed on ebay/paypal, I am so fucking sick of paypal and their totally fucking of me im going to fucking shove my dick down their throat and sue them for all my fucking money these piece of shit assholes.
He buys it like idk, last tuesday and I send it out on sat. and I say i've sent it, here's the delivery confirmation # blah blah blah. wake up today it's been reversed and I have to deal with all this bullshit that I really don't want to deal with. I guess if I go to USPS I can get fill out some form that can stop/bring the package back so maybe thatll happen. So fucking sick of Paypal, it doesn't protect the seller at all buyers can fuck everyone over. Seriously going to stop using that shitty service soon.
Thinking of getting some mead and drinking said alcohol out of my drinking horn and spilling it all in my viking beard of GRIMNESS. Then i can have a sip later cause liquid keeps well in beards.
Listening to Agalloch and sitting around thinking of a creative way to quit my job, even though I'll probably just turn in a two weeks notice. I've had a deep hatred of my job for a long time, mainly just because the manager treats me like shit, but I requested vacation time off (the only time off this whole summer I've asked for) for an important family gathering and he wouldn't give me the time off.... so finally my stepmom just told me today that if I quit now, she'll help me out financially until I get a new job because I work my ass off for this place and I get nothing in return and I spend waayyyy too much time stressing over it... .so... hooray?
Listening to Agalloch and sitting around thinking of a creative way to quit my job, even though I'll probably just turn in a two weeks notice. I've had a deep hatred of my job for a long time, mainly just because the manager treats me like shit, but I requested vacation time off (the only time off this whole summer I've asked for) for an important family gathering and he wouldn't give me the time off.... so finally my stepmom just told me today that if I quit now, she'll help me out financially until I get a new job because I work my ass off for this place and I get nothing in return and I spend waayyyy too much time stressing over it... .so... hooray?
