The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

How could you be lonely when you've got your hand to cheer you up anytime?

Anyway, just finished loading the iPod for car trips, now headed to bed.

I've also gotten back into jogging. I ran on Monday and today. :D Granted, it was little over a mile both times, but it's gonna take some time to re-acclimate myself since I'd only run 4 times the whole fucking year before this week.
I've also gotten back into jogging. I ran on Monday and today. :D Granted, it was little over a mile both times, but it's gonna take some time to re-acclimate myself since I'd only run 4 times the whole fucking year before this week.
I got the same way, because for various reasons I didn't run for over a week but ate quite unhealthily etc and so yesterday when I went running it was fucking brutal and I ended up having to walk part of it but tonight it was fine.

Fine meaning that I felt like I was going to die, but didn't.

Feeling so freaking awesome right now. That's what I'm doing.
Quit your job?
My monitor is broken. The screen is flashing. It makes me feel sick. It seems like it doesn't get enough signal out of the computer, but all the other stuff is completely normal.
Nah, I didn't just get laid. Although that's pretty awesome too.... you know? I could really use a good lay right now.

why dont you live in colorado?

just took my dad to the airport. now starts my 4 day weekend to do nothing! oh how i love doing nothing
So in the mail I got a letter telling me that I've been scheduled to take my yearbook photo next monday. I don't understand why this can't wait until school starts, and I really don't understand why they didn't ask me about this, but the thing that I truly do not comprehend is why the fuck they think people will be around in the summer?
Now, I don't travel much, but as it so happens I'll be in New Hampshire that monday (Pinkham Notch, btw, a very nice place, great hiking).