The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

So in the mail I got a letter telling me that I've been scheduled to take my yearbook photo next monday. I don't understand why this can't wait until school starts, and I really don't understand why they didn't ask me about this, but the thing that I truly do not comprehend is why the fuck they think people will be around in the summer?
Now, I don't travel much, but as it so happens I'll be in New Hampshire that monday (Pinkham Notch, btw, a very nice place, great hiking).
Happened to me too. They have tons of dates during the school year when you can take it and probably miss class.
why don't you take a seat tbh

Watching the Olympics. Tomorrow is my last day of work for the summer. I'm getting taken out to lunch again--this time by my boss.

This weekend I'm heading back to school.
was playing halo, now watching the olympics. they need to stop showing swimming, and start showing the gymnastics. i dont want to see a semi final race that phelps is ofcourse going to qualify in