The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Hmm, I think more than anything I'm just wanting to try something different. If I don't get a mac, I still have to decide if I want Windows Vista or not then, I've heard some bad things about it.

Vista is fine. But with a laptop the mac vs pc thing doesn't really apply as much.

Finished my hw. Got my chinese friend to help translate my chinese hw. hell yeah.
The number of faggots on RYM ruins that place. Ratings are totally NOT reliable and many reviews are written by total ignorant poseurs with metal knowledge of wine bottle.

I don't care about any of that shit. It's just a tool to catalogue my collection online. I used to have cd-tracker, but that closed down at the beginning of the year. Now I have it all in an excel file. I have just under 1/7th of my collection upped on to RYM now. :erk:
Feeling totally awesome because I got my first programming assignment of the semester done. About 99% of the effort in it was spent on just getting the teacher's pre-written code to run on my computer (took me fucking an hour and a half to figure out), as opposed to actual programming. That was the point of the assignment, though.
I don't care about any of that shit. It's just a tool to catalogue my collection online. I used to have cd-tracker, but that closed down at the beginning of the year. Now I have it all in an excel file. I have just under 1/7th of my collection upped on to RYM now. :erk:

Yea, we all know that you don't care about shit and that you have amazing collection. BTW, I am looking for a metal site that lists all issues of records or something. Do you guys know something useful? There's next to nothing on MA and RYM users don't care much about that.

Lately I've had a problem I bought three Earache Mosh originals and then I looked on and few persons stated that THEY sell originals but they've had Earache/Relativity cds with slightly different discs inside. Did Relativity distribute Earache to US or something so they're different?
That's slightly better, thanks. Still lists Earache and Earache/Relativity releases as one though. Maybe it's supposed to be that way.
Relativity was just a distributor. They distributed pretty much every label that mattered in the 80s and early 90s.
Hmm, I think more than anything I'm just wanting to try something different. If I don't get a mac, I still have to decide if I want Windows Vista or not then, I've heard some bad things about it.

I don't think you should ever use Vista until the new Service Pack is released. I have Vista on my laptop, and i am not able to work properly on it, the problem also is, i can't install any other OS except Vista, they need to fix so many bugs.
By Order of the Honorable Joseph M. James, President Judge, CRAIG RICHARDS is hereby NOT REQUIRED to appear as a juror in the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County for service on 9/9/2008.
