The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm hanging out with my boyfriend, waiting for him to finish with his email. I went lingerie shopping today :D

If you're going to post pics after posting something like this, fine. If you aren't, don't mention anything like this because all the guys are going to go ZOMGGGGG A GURL BAIEENG LANSHERAY ELELELOL and go jerk off to it
Anyone know of a good music player that actually has replaceable batteries? I want a new one, but it really annoys me that Apple seals the iPod cases and then charges absurd fees for replacing the battery.

some creatives ones do, for example the zen micro and micro photo

they are rechargeable li-on type affairs but the back panel slides off like on a mobile phone and you can get a new battery on ebay quite cheaply.

the zen 30GB or 60GB one might be exactly what you want. Bear in mind those are a couple of years old now, you can get a new one I'm sure but they aren't small by any means. Good players though.
Coffee. After that, I'm going to let the stomach settle for a moment and exercise for a few. Then shower and get ready for work.

I'm still exhausted from yesterday, which sucks. I had my first class last night and with the amount of work the professor wants us to do plus working full time, I'm thinking about dropping the second class of mine that starts in October. :erk:
So I had more school today, and my AP Euro history class is awesome. we had a discussion that started out as a discussion of what modernity means but wound up as a discussion of language as a relative construct. I get the feeling this will happen a lot. This is good for me, because I wanted to take philosophy anyways and I love debating anything, plus I'm good at history and self motivated enough to prepare myself for the AP without needing to be babyed along in class.
took the practice asvab today, got an 83 out of 96 or 99 i forget the max. fine with me since i havent been in school for almost 6 months and I feel 10x more retarded than i was in high school. tomorrow going to take the real ASVAB and hopefully look at some high quality jobs with high bonuses and then I can fucking leaveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Well bollock me senseless. How's that for unlikely scorers? Rooney and Walcott.
I wish I could've actually seen the game. Fucking sentanta.
And woo! Discovered that you can turn the touchpad off on laptops.
My typing is saved :D