The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

So it's September 11th again. Sad day for all Americans. I was only 12 when it happened so I was not quite old enough to grasp the significance then but now it still bums me out to see what has resulted from the attack. I do wish that we could have not squandered the sympathy America had around the world. I think I remember the British playing the Star Spangled Banner and things like that. Makes me emotional just thinking about it.
I didn't even connect it.
Yeah. 11/9 again.

That's particularly tasteless right now. Especially directly following CC's remarks.

I'm not terribly patriotic in the traditional sense of the word, but 9/11 was still such a sad, terrible day. I have so much emotion for the victims. What a massive, tragic waste of human life.
When I took an exam at my old school I noticed the little desk (it was an actual desk that lifted up, those are rare here, we normally have flat tables) it had a big and really detailed picture of the trade towers attack carved into it. It looked like it would have take maybe half hour or more to do. Somebody didn't like their exam....
It just pisses me off how perfectly the events of 9/11 played into the Bush agenda. I'm not saying they did it, but they certainly benefitted from it, so they let it happen.
So it's September 11th again. Sad day for all Americans. I was only 12 when it happened so I was not quite old enough to grasp the significance then but now it still bums me out to see what has resulted from the attack. I do wish that we could have not squandered the sympathy America had around the world. I think I remember the British playing the Star Spangled Banner and things like that. Makes me emotional just thinking about it.
I remember being really worried about my aunt, who works near the towers. Fortunately she was alright. One of my friends at the time's father was supposed to be conducting some sort of music type thing on top of the towers that day but luckily he got sick and couldn't go. So many people in my school had stories of friends and family having near misses.
I was really happy today that no one even mentioned it at school. While I don't think it should be forgotten, the amount of bullshit that has been done in the name of 9/11 has really tired me out and so it was nice that we could sorta move on.

It just pisses me off how perfectly the events of 9/11 played into the Bush agenda. I'm not saying they did it, but they certainly benefitted from it, so they let it happen.
I don't think they let it happen in order to further their own ends. I think the administration was being fucking retarded and did nothing and that happened to benefit them, but I refuse to believe that a conscious decision was made to allow it to happen.
But yeah, I get pissed too.
I haven't watched any of the 9/11 related movies. I feel that if they were any good they'd be too wrenching to watch and if they weren't good they'd piss me off.
I've debated 9/11 conspiracy idiots on this forum before. If you want to bring that up, please search those threads.

Or just go to I will not accept anybody saying stupid shit about conspiracies and whatnot.
Finished my jogging, arm reps, crunches and situps. Drank my whey shake and eating 2 pieces of whole grain toast for the full amount of protein! About to start studying for my Finance test tomorrow. And then Creatine and lifting!!!!
I don't think it's a conspiracy, I think the administration left the nation open to attack so that it could further its authoritarian agenda when it happened. They knew that with the USS Cole and all the embassy bombings that something would eventually happen on US soil. Well it turned out worse than they anticipated. Obviously they weren't conscious of the potential attack in particular.
What a shitty tradition. We honor 9/11 by watching documentaries on it all day. The radio this morning replayed the broadcast from that day... minute by minute. Some kind of ceremony would be nice, but this whole reliving it thing is just stupid.
Reminiscing about the old days of wrestling. Japanese death matches and all that shit. And remembering good ol` ECW back in the day. Sabu was a crazy cunt!

Oh and finding reasons not to study for Finance.