The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I don't think it's a conspiracy, I think the administration left the nation open to attack so that it could further its authoritarian agenda when it happened. They knew that with the USS Cole and all the embassy bombings that something would eventually happen on US soil. Well it turned out worse than they anticipated. Obviously they weren't conscious of the potential attack in particular.
I really don't buy this. I think that if they had stopped the attack it would have still provided ample justification for the invasion of Afghanistan due to the shittiness of the Taliban. It wouldn't have gotten the same level of support, obviously, but it would have passed.

What a shitty tradition. We honor 9/11 by watching documentaries on it all day. The radio this morning replayed the broadcast from that day... minute by minute. Some kind of ceremony would be nice, but this whole reliving it thing is just stupid.
It's completely retarded. It's the absolute worst way to do this. A moment of silence for the victims would be the best thing. Then go on with our lives. Because when we spend a whole day dwelling on this shit, the terrorists actually do win.

I thought it was funny. It's nothing but a picture.
Okay, for one thing, I'm dubious about how much comic potential 9/11 has. But regardless, as seed said it's too soon. Making holocaust jokes, nazi jokes, whatever, are still tasteless but won't really piss off most people. 9/11 is too soon, though. Yes, it's hypocritical, but that's how it is.

We are winning in Iraq, big time.
What are we winning in Iraq, exactly?
There's no such fucking thing as too soon. There's no universal standard. If somebody told me a 9/11 joke while it was happening and I laughed then, it wouldn't make me a bad person in any way. I'm getting really sick of people saying stupid shit like that. Maybe it bothers you, but that doesn't mean it's supposed to bother everyone else equally and that those not bothered by it or who have an involuntary laughter response to a joke are bad people.
There's no such fucking thing as too soon. There's no universal standard. If somebody told me a 9/11 joke while it was happening and I laughed then, it wouldn't make me a bad person in any way. I'm getting really sick of people saying stupid shit like that. Maybe it bothers you, but that doesn't mean it's supposed to bother everyone else equally and that those not bothered by it or who have an involuntary laughter response to a joke are bad people.

Is it just me or do you keep getting more and more awesome by the day?
The war on the budget surplus
Well, we kicked ass in that. Angry (probably true) fact of the day: in Iraq when a truck would get a flat tire rather than fixing the tire they'd blow up the truck and get a new one (just for full disclosure, this comes from my history teacher who got it from a documentary about the wastefulness of the Iraq war, decide for yourself if you believe it)

There's no such fucking thing as too soon. There's no universal standard. If somebody told me a 9/11 joke while it was happening and I laughed then, it wouldn't make me a bad person in any way. I'm getting really sick of people saying stupid shit like that. Maybe it bothers you, but that doesn't mean it's supposed to bother everyone else equally and that those not bothered by it or who have an involuntary laughter response to a joke are bad people.

Nobody's saying that (except maybe Belligerent). Most people will probably find it at the least tasteless and offensive. Some of us feel that it's too soon for us to find it funny. That doesn't make the people who don't feel that way assholes. Although I think that laughing at tragedy is in general not an admirable trait, it's something that pretty much all of humanity does to varying degrees.
Well, we kicked ass in that. Angry (probably true) fact of the day: in Iraq when a truck would get a flat tire rather than fixing the tire they'd blow up the truck and get a new one (just for full disclosure, this comes from my history teacher who got it from a documentary about the wastefulness of the Iraq war, decide for yourself if you believe it)

Nobody's saying that (except maybe Belligerent). Most people will probably find it at the least tasteless and offensive. Some of us feel that it's too soon for us to find it funny. That doesn't make the people who don't feel that way assholes. Although I think that laughing at tragedy is in general not an admirable trait, it's something that pretty much all of humanity does to varying degrees.

I don't really know how people can find shit like that offensive unless someone they know died that day as a result of what happened. I mean, it's like when people get offended by the word 'my pals'. It's letters on a page and if it affects someone that much, then the person is too uptight to begin with in my opinion. It's like they want to be offended.
On a more serious note, I think the idea is that we're winning an Arab ally in the Middle East, along with spreading democracy, both of which could be very positive in the long run.
I think that anyone who thinks we're making friends in the Middle East is completely fucking retarded, and anyone who expects any democracy in Iraq to last long without American intervention is wildly optimistic.

I don't really know how people can find shit like that offensive unless someone they know died that day as a result of what happened. I mean, it's like when people get offended by the word 'my pals'. It's letters on a page and if it affects someone that much, then the person is too uptight to begin with in my opinion. It's like they want to be offended.
I don't think people should be offended by the word my pals, and I loled at some of the 9/11 pics, but it has to be funny, otherwise it's just tasteless.
I don't really know how people can find shit like that offensive unless someone they know died that day as a result of what happened. I mean, it's like when people get offended by the word 'my pals'. It's letters on a page and if it affects someone that much, then the person is too uptight to begin with in my opinion. It's like they want to be offended.


WAIF just shut the hell up.
There's no such fucking thing as too soon. There's no universal standard. If somebody told me a 9/11 joke while it was happening and I laughed then, it wouldn't make me a bad person in any way. I'm getting really sick of people saying stupid shit like that. Maybe it bothers you, but that doesn't mean it's supposed to bother everyone else equally and that those not bothered by it or who have an involuntary laughter response to a joke are bad people.

As I said, I was joking about the too soon thing.