The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread


I have not used this force yet. I just picked up the battle force and the codex. I have 8 warriors, 2 scarab swarms and the 3 destroyers assembled.

I needed a change of pace from the Chaos Marines I have been playing for years.
NECRONS :kickass: I absolutely raped people with mine.

Funny story about my destroyers though. The first few I built I made the torsos facing backwards (oops :D) so I dubbed them "directionally challenged". I also painted my first batch of Necrons bright blue for some reason and everyone made fun of them and called them "disco necrons" looking back it's hilarious but when I was 15 I felt bad about it.

Evil? I challenge you to a game of 40K via internet.
Necrons were really annoying to face as Imperial Guard, but Marines walk over the imo. Not sure about how it is in the 4th edition rules though as I haven't tried them, but from what I've read I'm not dying to do so.
One of my friends played as Chaos back in the day, and he would do all these
"conversions" that involved glueing toothpicks to the guns and sometimes the marines themselves. Like, they'd have really, really long bayonets or they'd have armor covered in really long spikes, so they could jump on you and impale you. Then there was this other guy who played as some bullshit combination of Dark Angels and Imperial Gaurd that he called the "Sentinel Element". Essentially it was so he could use Dark Angels with Imperial Guard tanks.

Oh, and then there was my friend who I played with most of the time. He played as Plauge Marines, and holy shit was he impossible to beat. Like, you'd fight off this whole squad of fucking Plauge Marines and lose half your guys in the process then- OOP, AWWW HE'S GOT LIKE 12 MORE AROUND THE CORNER OOPS.

I played as the most lazy, uninspired DIY chapter of Space Marines of all time. They were the product of my wanting to be Black Templars but being too lazy and apathetic to collect enough decals and also preffering red over white, and thus the "Imperial Champions" were born. Stunningly uncreative name and all. I wanted them to be like specialists in urban combat, but that really never came across. My scouts were fucking badass, though. They cut through a sqaud of Khorne Berserkers without even breaking a fucking sweat, man. I have no idea why, I just always kicked ass with them. One of those freak things, I guess.
Some most badass guys I have had was a squad of guardsmen that were standing around a Leman Russ. It was in 2nd Edition when you had crazy damage tables, so the tank exploded and all the guys around was caught in the explosion. Everyone survived though (2+ to wound, rolled six or seven 1s). They were Tallarn Desert Raiders though, so maybe they were used to the heat. :p
Plague marines are tough cookies indeed. They are even tougher in the new codex. After they die they get to make a roll and on a 4+ they are back, similar to the Necrons.

Back in 3rd edition when you could still charge out of rhino's my Khorne Berzerkers reigned supreme.

Is there enough interest to start a new thread on the subject?
Warhammer has a fantastic universe, I must admit; but those god damn models (albeit the shit) are sooooo damned expensive :(
I stopped playing that game years ago. I never got that into it, really. It just seemed like so much work and it was all so expensive and fairly hard to find (for me, anyway), and the one friend who introduced me to the game (the Plauge Marines guy) didn't go a great job getting me to like it a whole lot by constantly kicking the shit out of me.