The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

At work. I should be calling people to make them buy shit from me but I don't really feel like it tbh. 45 minutes to go until supermegahappyfuntime.

Are you a telemarketer or something?
I hate telemarketers.

So I've done all my homework for the weekend now, which sounds like a really lame use of my friday (and actually is) but now I can actually enjoy my weekend.
Are you a telemarketer or something?
I hate telemarketers.

Pretty much, yes. Don't hate me. :( Hehe.

I work for a company that does inbound/outbound phone sales. I'm calling people in Colorado now for some opera company, but the customers I contact are those who have attended certain events in the past so it's not as if I'm trying to get Jim Bob from Bumblefuck, Arkansas to see an opera.

Ugh. It's a crappy job and another temp agency called me yesterday to see what kind of work I'm looking for so maybe they can find me something a bit better and closer to home.
This is unbelievable, i'm actually practicing guitar.
While typing? I don't believe you.
keep it up.

Pretty much, yes. Don't hate me. :( Hehe.

I work for a company that does inbound/outbound phone sales. I'm calling people in Colorado now for some opera company, but the customers I contact are those who have attended certain events in the past so it's not as if I'm trying to get Jim Bob from Bumblefuck, Arkansas to see an opera.

Ugh. It's a crappy job and another temp agency called me yesterday to see what kind of work I'm looking for so maybe they can find me something a bit better and closer to home.
As long as you don't call me, or rather, as long as you don't try to sell me stuff, we're cool.

Sounds like a shitty job, though.
Yeah, playing shitty acoustic stuff - I'm sorry, I mean indie, is the best way to get chicks.
Playing wild, distorted death metal rarely does much for the girls but on the plus side when one gets turned on by it you know she's a keeper.