The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Pretty buzzilated. No work this weekend, so I am enjoying staying up past 8 PM for once. Gonna do a hardcore back workout tomorrow with my good friend/boss. Hope I can come close to keeping up.

Also, just ate a Totino's Combination pizza. Despite my avid health kick the last few months, it was god damned delicious.
Finally took the time tonight to research car rental insurance coverage from rental companies vs. credit card companies, and decided it was dumb of me to accept collision coverage from a rental company today. Going back there tomorrow to cancel that shit and save myself $20/day :kickass:
Found a baby kitten today and brought it back home with me. Fed him and washed him. But now my other cat look like is jealous of him and every time sees me holding him starts to hiss. I don't know if it's a matter of time they get used to each other, but i already made up my mind. I'm going to give it to a shelter.
i'm in a room filled with computers
my friend is on a different computer (in the same building) online talking with natalie addams

He's beyond burnt/fried out of his brain. I have this thing for older women so am not going to sit her and say that my taste is probably normal, but whatever. Maybe it is being 25 now.

I think when you're burnt out it's harder to be stimulated/get off. So the person might have acquired some weird taste when it comes to being attracted to females. idk
That bitch on the last page is nasty.

I'm packing my shit up because I'm going to be moving. I'm outta this shithole. I don't know when I'll be back online after tonight. I'm leaving tomorrow.
Watching my students squirm one final time.

Packing up later and driving down to Wiscasset where I'll be mooching off my folks till MDF.
Just got back from work. Got off early today. Probably gonna watch Elfen Lied until a coworker's gonna take me out to get some weed.
Wrote my last final. Cooking up a pot of chicken curry. Got a six pack of beer and my dealer (this adorable french chick who makes brownies) is on the way. Gonna send in some job applications and then blast off. SUMMER.
so I picked up a job a few months ago from one of the local high schools. English teachers give me their students' papers to read and comment on and possibly grade (if the teacher asks).

The first batch of papers I received were AP papers, and they were pretty good. Now I'm grading some regular papers, and the difference is pretty huge. Keep in mind this is from a rather affluent school that's pretty good. When I did my undergrad I was going to teach high school English but decided to go for college level English. Now I'm wishing I had stuck with the original plan. These papers are pretty abysmal. An essay =/= summary of Romeo and Juliet.
I'm consoling/counseling my former fuck buddy about his feelings after he had a threesome with our friend and her friend. What a gaylord!

Wrote my last final. Cooking up a pot of chicken curry. Got a six pack of beer and my dealer (this adorable french chick who makes brownies) is on the way. Gonna send in some job applications and then blast off. SUMMER.

You gonna be in Beantown or Poutinetown this summer?
WAIF you reminded me about the pretty blonde french girl in one of my classes. I need to talk to her.