The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

The time difference makes hockey pretty difficult to watch, but fortunately it's not as publicized a sport as football, so sometimes I can watch highlights without knowing the outcome. Super-psyched to see the Caps finally beat the Penguins in the playoffs. I would say that the most I can hope for is a Stanley Cup, but really all I want is a 3-4PM ET Saturday or Sunday game.
Saw Demilich in Chicago last night as well. Holy shit that was great and I don't even really care about death metal much these days!

Were you outside the doors in the last quarter of their set? I saw a face that looked vaguely 'internet familiar' as I was leaving, but didn't say anything because I assumed I was just plastered. I had a blast during Blood Incantation's set.
I don't think I was outside, but I was standing in the back by the merch table for most of their set. I couldn't get too rowdy since I had to teach the next morning and it was hotter than fuck in there so I just stood in the back.

I was wearing my black vest with the big Lizzy "Killer on the Loose" patch and a SKR sleeveless t-shirt
Aye that was you then. I was the douche with wearing red plaid and a white Cough shirt. First time I made it down to Reggie's for a show, was pleased.
Seems like everyone is making it to the Demilich shows. I was able to catch their show in Philly this past wednesday night and they fuckin ripped! Never thought id be able to see these guys live. Blood Incantation and Artificial Brain were pretty good as well, and so was Scorched for that matter. Great show.

Saw Blood Incantation and Demilich last night. They were amazing! I haven’t been drinking much at all and I had two drinks yesterday and wasn’t even that drunk. Now I have a crazy hangover from two drinks.

Anyways, the Demilich show here they actually played twice yesterday. They had an early show and a late show. I went to the late show and because of that by the time I got there the Demilich merch was all gone. I did snag a blood incantation shirt and cd though.

I was gonna go to this show, but my friend and I decided to opt for Demilich later in the week and go to the Electric Wizard/Cough show instead. As for the Demilich merch, I saw the warning on facebook and bought a t-shirt before the show. They were out of the green one in XL, but I liked both shirts so it wasnt a big deal.
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Seems like everyone is making it to the Demilich shows. I was able to catch their show in Philly this past wednesday night and they fuckin ripped! Never thought id be able to see these guys live. Blood Incantation and Artificial Brain were pretty good as well, and so was Scorched for that matter. Great show.

I was gonna go to this show, but my friend and I decided to opt for Demilich later in the week and go to the Electric Wizard/Cough show instead. As for the Demilich merch, I saw the warning on facebook and bought a t-shirt before the show. They were out of the green one in XL, but I liked both shirts so it wasnt a big deal.

Oh snap how cool! Ray @Anom@nder Rake (formerly known as cook-ta) went to the New York show and the Philly one as well. Nice I saw electric wizard was playing and thought oh cool maybe it won’t be packed as heck at Demilich. I was totally wrong. Lol. Wait so are you in NY or the tri-state area?
Oh snap how cool! Ray @Anom@nder Rake (formerly known as cook-ta) went to the New York show and the Philly one as well. Nice I saw electric wizard was playing and thought oh cool maybe it won’t be packed as heck at Demilich. I was totally wrong. Lol. Wait so are you in NY or the tri-state area?

I live in NJ and im roughly in between NYC and Philly. So I go to concerts in either city depending on the show. I usually only go into NY if it is something big, otherwise I prefer NJ or Philly shows because I dont have to take the train. The Electric Wizard show was pretty packed too, so I guess the draw was high for both shows.
I don't post much lately because I'm either busy at my new job or busy with my abdominal health issues. I was hospitalized for a couple days last week after returning from my Nurenberg/Bamberg trip and couldn't return to work straight away which sucked. Gonna jump right in tomorrow if my inflamed asshole ruined by abscess allows it at all. I don't need a breakfast because I eat enough pills in the morning to combat hunger.

I shouldn't drink so I only drink light beers in small quantities.

In other news, I like my company car so much I'm thinking about buying it and using the personal one as work car. We'll see about how the job holds.
I hear Laurel, but it is totally unfair for you not to post the one that you hear if you're asking us. You're a real my pals, you know.

i didn't want to sway your perceptions :p

i heard 'yarry' for a couple of seconds before it turned to laurel and has stuck at laurel since then. only way i can hear anything else is via this pitch-shifted one (i still don't know where the n in yanny comes from though, it's 'yeahwee' or something)