The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

milk is definately one of the best beverages ever. up there with beer and vanilla coke.

well right now i'm reading and about to start a massive amount of schoolwork. its snowing like crazy and looks awesome.
Today is just so fucking average. Well I should be thankful I guess.

EDIT: Also, Anti is sending a shiver down my spine.

EDIT2: <3<3<3<3
Building my playlist for tonight's show and working on my Honors paper about how the subtraction of religion from society is good and/or bad.
I've been up since about 4 PM yesterday. I finished a homework assignment a while ago then had a wank, now about to play some Eve.
You don't have hot shower water?

I explained it in the bitching thread.

But, our hotwater is on a timer, and we can't get it so it's not on a timer. The next time it's back is at 4PM, and I have to be at my work party by then. So I had to heat up water using the woodstove, and used my moms solar shower thing.