Themed Mixtape Game Mk. 2

Pungent Stench - Happy Re-Birthday
Not that bad, but nothing I'd return to, either. 5.5/10

Forsaken - Resurgam
As regards Epic Doom Metal, it doesn't come anywhere close to the best stuff by Candlemass or Solitude Aeturnus, but it's something I could imagine listening to again. Liked the guitar solo. 8/10

Gorguts - With Their Flesh, He'll Create
Music was about as annoying as the vocals. 2/10

Pagan Altar - Reincarnation
Music is OK, but nothing noteworthy. 6/10

Dismember - Reborn in Blasphemy
I like the music much better than Gorguts. Vocals are OK. Doesn't come anywhere close to Death, though. 7/10

Wytch Hazel - Dry Bones
An example of music I feel completely indifferent to. 5/10

Tomb Mold - Infinite Resurrection
Apart from a few random screams, it sounded like the vocalist tried to do the entire song on the lowest note he can reach. It's hard to get more monotonous. Uninspired song + annoying vocals + heaps of blastbeats = 1/10

Virgin Steele - I Will Come For you
Never listened to Virgin Steele and judging by this song, their style doesn't fall into any of my favourite subgenres, but the song is quite enjoyable, except for the part from 3:00 to 4:10 which is rather boring. 7.5/10 (My favourite album by David DeFeis is and always will be Original Sin's "Sin Will Find You Out" with his sister on vocals - he should have done more Thrash Metal in that vein!)

Dream Death - Back from the Dead
Good Thrash Metal, but not getting anywhere close to e.g. "The Legacy", "Mekong Delta", "Within the Prophecy", "The Plague" or "Breaking the Silence" (which all came out the same year). 7/10

Disciples of Power - Ice Demons
Has some interesting parts and overall, I like it a bit better than Dream Death. 7.5/10

Terror - Exiting the Grave
Nice intro! Some of the vocals sound like a sped up and angrier/more aggressive Dave Mustaine - might be a bit random, but I think I'd like "Rust in Peace" better with an overall rawer sound. Out of the last three, I like this the best, guitar solo part was rather disappointing, though. 8/10

Forbidden - Through the Eyes of Glass
Thrash Metal doesn't get better than this! Not only Forbidden's best song (together with "Forbidden Evil"), but also one of the best Thrash Metal songs ever, especially as regards the guitar work/solo section, featuring what might be the best and most powerful clean vocals in Thrash Metal (though, thinking about it, I like those of Drifter's Tommy Lion at least as much). 10/10

The Chasm - Fiery Rebirth
That was interesting and I actually liked it. 7/10

Black Veil Brides - Born Again
Yawn! I don't hate this song (like some others do), but I find it terribly boring. 4/10
Ratings are now off the charts

Pungent Stench - Happy Re-Birthday

Saw these guys in a strip club in my hometown when I was 18... it was suitably grubby and fucking bizarre. Still have no idea why they played here of all places. Great opener anyway. Rotten sound, big riffs 8/10

Forsaken - Resurgam

Pretty cool. Not a huge doom guy outside of the classics but I enjoyed it 7/10

Gorguts - With Their Flesh, He'll Create

Hard to go wrong with classic Gorguts 9/10

Pagan Altar - Reincarnation

Never been a huge fan of Pagan Altar. Cool but outrageously overhyped. Doesn't help that it reminds me of Dodens 6.5/10

Dismember - Reborn in Blasphemy

Wish this had the production job of LaEFS or Pieces... still classic Dismember though and one of the best songs on the album 8.5/10

Wytch Hazel - Dry Bones

Not for me, not much else to say 4/10

Tomb Mold - Infinite Resurrection

Not bad, found the heavy Demilich influence a bit distracting 7/10

Virgin Steele - I Will Come For You

Masterpiece 10/10

Dream Death - Back From the Dead

I hope you've enjoyed the living me, because the dead one never ends! 9/10

Disciples of Power - Ice Demons

Fairly standard sounding stuff. Cool riffs and production though 7/10

Terror - Exiting the Grave

Total facemelter, a shame these guys didn't release a full-length back in the day 9/10

Forbidden - Through Eyes of Glass

I've had this for years and I've barely listened to it compared to Twisted into Form. Need to remedy that, this rules 8/10

The Chasm - Fiery Rebirth

Knew this'd be here 8/10

Black Veil Brides - Born Again

Unacceptable 1/10
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Pungent Stench - Happy Re-Birthday

Pretty rudimentary stuff, thin production does it no favours either. 4/10

Forsaken - Resurgam

I like the lead work in the chorus and the solos are cool but I find the general sound a bit tacky for some reason, the Christian vibe probably doesn’t help. 6/10

Gorguts - With Their Flesh, He'll Create

Not my favourite era of Gorguts. I like the faster sections, the guitar solos are totally shitty though and not a fan of the dissonant squeals that become predominant in the second half 7/10

Pagan Altar - Reincarnation

A song that never fails to give me shivers. That lilting guitar on the intro and the counterplay with the bass is exquisite. Moves into a more standard Sabbathy midsection but there’s still moments like that key change on the riff just before 4:00 that continue to elevate this. I just wish they somehow found a way to segue back into the intro melody at the end. Still 9.5/10

Dismember - Reborn in Blasphemy

Doesn’t do much for me until the riff that kicks in at 3:17, just pure malevolence. Brings it home strong 7.5/10

Wytch Hazel - Dry Bones

If Ashbury suddenly reinvented themselves to play Christian youth festivals. 3/10

Tomb Mold - Infinite Resurrection

I gave their previous album quite a few spins as I liked the sound and the Lovecraftian horror vibe but it always kind of blurred together for me. This sounds much the same. 6.5/10

Virgin Steele - I Will Come For you

Vocals are powerful as fuck. It temporarily loses its way for during the bridge, suddenly sounds like Marillion or something, not sure what they were thinking there. Lyrically I’m not sure this is particularly on point? Sounds like it’s more about coming back from a journey rather than rebirth. Not deducting points, just sayin. 8.5/10

Dream Death - Back from the Dead

Unremarkable thrash, don’t see what the fuss is about. 6/10

Disciples of Power - Ice Demons

Shitty band name but this was weird and interesting. Some bizarre time patterns going on, and a vocalist that fluctuates from sounding like Ian McKaye to Attila Csihar. 8/10

Terror - Exiting the Grave

As soon as the guitars kick in, I can tell I’m going to love this. The tone is perfect. With this breakneck pace the song probably should’ve been a minute shorter but that’s my only gripe. 9/10

Forbidden - Through the Eyes of Glass

It’s alright, the solo was the best bit. Agree with Baroque about the vocals on this. 7/10

The Chasm - Fiery Rebirth

Great song from the Chasm’s most underrated album. Best production job the Chasm ever did and in particular I much prefer Corchado’s vocals pushed down in the mix so the riffs take focus. Listen with headphones, there’s a ton going on. Drumming is amazing too 9/10

Black Veil Brides - Born Again

1/10 for the music, bumped up to 3/10 because the video clip is fucking hilarious, emo kids co-opting a bunch of black metal cliches.

Pungent Stench - Happy Re-Birthday 9.5/10

One of my all time favourites. Their groovy degeneracy just always made sense to me. Always has destroyed all wimpy faggots, always will.

Forsaken - Resurgam 7/10
Underrated band. Nothing mindblowing, just solid true doom. Awesome vocalist too.

Gorguts - With Their Flesh, He'll Create 9/10
Still remember the first time my old housemate showed me this album. Couldn't wrap my head around it. These days when I want Gorguts I reach for Obscura the most, so this has become a bit neglected by me. Need to change that.

Pagan Altar - Reincarnation 9.5/10
Just always love how utterly purely metal Pagan Altar are. It's like someone found this band while drilling to the centre of the earth!

Dismember - Reborn in Blasphemy 9/10
Probably controversial but these days I think I prefer this album to their debut. Just feels more violent and visceral to me. Fucking pure devastation!

Wytch Hazel - Dry Bones 6/10
Definitely some cool epic vibes, reminds me of Grand Magus a bit, when they do their more ballad-y shit. If the riffs had more weight to them I'd enjoy these guys more.

Tomb Mold - Infinite Resurrection 6.5/10
Needs more Demilich influence and less murky caverncore. The tone makes everything feels so samey and flat. Cool band nonetheless when I'm in the right mood.

Virgin Steele - I Will Come for You 8/10
Ridiculously epic and passionate track! I haven't listened to V.S. in way too long! Hit me right in the nostalgia.

Dream Death - Back from the Dead 9.5/10
Timeless fucking classic. One of the biggest headbanging anthems ever for me. Used to have this song burned on a CD-R mix for skating sessions. This and Strappado were my staples back then. Great memories.

Disciples of Power - Ice Demons 8.5/10
Man I really need to pay more attention to this band. Whenever I hear them I'm always impressed. Think I've heard this album before but definitely never owned it. It's a face-ripper!


Terror - Exiting the Grave 8/10
So retardedly raw! :rofl: Great band.

Forbidden - Through the Eyes of Glass 8/10
Absolute banger, I don't jam this album anywhere nearly enough.

The Chasm - Fiery Rebirth 9/10
"To let my dreams be licked by dolorous euphoria" is such a great line, but one time my brother said "Dolorous Euphoria sounds like a Harry Potter character" and now I can never read it the same again!

Black Veil Brides - Born Again 0.5/10
Music like this just makes me think of dudes that wanna creep on little girls or something. Minus half a point for the faggot music video.
Pungent Stench - Happy Re-Birthday
unfortunately i am both wimpy and a faggot. 5/10

Forsaken - Resurgam

would work better at the end of an album and/or the end of this playlist, but i won't hold that against it and to be fair it would be hard to top the actual closer. something very doomed and deathly about this. don't think this is a very triumphant rebirth, i see why arg was begging for something happy lol. 8.5/10

Gorguts - With Their Flesh, He'll Create

classic. sanity is indeed eroding, sinister diseased music. obscura might honestly be my least favourite of the first four, i prefer them when they stop noodlin' about like art school faglords. 7.5/10

Pagan Altar - Reincarnation

not one of my favourites on this record, but i'll always love how ancient they sound, like they've just been dug up out of the earth. 7/10

Dismember - Reborn in Blasphemy

some good stuff here although it all feels a bit scattered. promising riff at 30 seconds or so, then the annoying bouncy groovy bit comes in, which is dismember in a nutshell for me. verses? yeah pretty cool. when the drums stop and he yells the title out? exactly the kind of lame anthemic DM move i don't care for. my favourite part is probably the bridge from 3-4 mins, which is often true with this band. i like the production on this more than the debut which helps, never gonna be big on the sunlight fuzz but the drums in particular sound great. 6/10

Wytch Hazel - Dry Bones

surprised i'm the first person to say this but... not metal? i'd downrate if i thought they were gonna win but they've mostly been shat on, which surprised me a little as i thought they were pretty popular around here. they're kinda basic but also classy and passionate, i'm a sucker for a lot of this 'pastoral rock' stuff and i sing along to these guys on the regular. i love the 'by his power and might' section, sounds exactly like a hard rock susanne sundfor. 8/10

Tomb Mold - Infinite Resurrection

this band get a lot of love and hate and i've no idea why, they're a completely solid and disposable pastiche of classic OSDM influences. 6/10

Virgin Steele - I Will Come For you

i'm the opposite of pompey here, i'm not the biggest fan of terry jones whereas i think defeis is absolutely incredible and the best thing about this band. although sometimes, everything is the best thing about this band. the climax pushes it to full marks, i got goosebumps like a minute before it arrived. 10/10

Dream Death - Back from the Dead

ha they're kind of a cheat code for winning this thing, unless terror or forbidden are gonna beat them? every bit as good as vintage frost and slaughter stuff, no need to overthink it. 8/10

Disciples of Power - Ice Demons

not the first time this song has been submitted--in fact it was hearing it in the mixtape that got me into this great band in the first place--but i'll allow it 'cause it was over 5 years ago and it absolutely fucking rules. incidentally krow gave it 3/10 last time and 7.5/10 this time, so he'll be giving it 10/10 by 2027. 9/10

Terror - Exiting the Grave

production is too shit for me but on a purely songwriting level it's probably my favourite DM song here and i'd love people to pick more obscure shit like this. 7.5/10

Forbidden - Through the Eyes of Glass

i don't exactly get the love but it's very solid, better than i remember this album being. 7/10

The Chasm - Fiery Rebirth

to be honest even lesser chasm stands out as great to me next to other bands. maybe it's 'cause of my physiological condition where i automatically start masturbating whenever i listen to them? 8/10

Black Veil Brides - Born A Gay

mate i gave 8/10 to that my chemical romance song you submitted, i'm not allergic to faggotry. just give me something less fucking generic and boring. 2/10
i am both wimpy and a faggot. 5/10

Wytch Hazel - Dry Bones

surprised i'm the first person to say this but... not metal? i'd downrate if i thought they were gonna win but they've mostly been shat on, which surprised me a little as i thought they were pretty popular around here. they're kinda basic but also classy and passionate, i'm a sucker for a lot of this 'pastoral rock' stuff and i sing along to these guys on the regular. i love the 'by his power and might' section, sounds exactly like a hard rock susanne sundfor. 8/10

We know and I did mention it

Wytch Hazel - Dry Bones
This feels very repetitive and very thin on the metal compared to the rest of the playlist.
I personally don't have an issue with metal-adjacent stuff in these mixtapes but people are free to downrate things on whatever grounds they want.

Did you ever get around to hearing Pentecost, wainds? Curious how it compares to Sojourn for you.
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yeah i've listened to it plenty, they do kind of blur together in my mind honestly but i think it's every bit as good? i thought that was controversial but actually looking at RYM it's on a super positive rating trend and all 3 have similar ratings now.
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I don't know anyone who doesn't classify Wytch Hazel as a metal band. Most people associate them with the NWOTHM. Despite having medieval and 70s rock influences, they are clearly a metal band. That song is at least as metal as the Pagan Altar song ffs.

I think Prelude is their best album, but I like Pentecost more than Sojourn.