Themed Mixtape Game Mk. 2

Celtic Frost-Into the Crypts of Rays 8.5/10 classic stuff and a great start to what looks to be a (serial) killer list! Almost submitted a song about Gilles de Rais myself *

Valhalla-Nightstalker 8.5/10 has that classic sound. Good voice and some pretty cool solos.

Impact-Knowledge is King 9/10 one of the best obscure thrash bands/albums or at least one of my favorites. This track isn't one of the strongest off the album and it's still great

Cranium-Dentist of Death 9.5/10 yeah this is awesome!

Target-Absolution by Termination 8/10 great band and album.....but is this on theme? Fuck it....good stuff

Sigh-In the Mind of a Lunatic 7/10 not bad! Out of my wheelhouse, but not bad

Blessed Sickness-The Butcher 7.5/10 short and crushing!

Iced Earth-Jack 7.5/10 never got into these guys for whatever reason? Pretty good

Mortillery-Sunday Morning Slasher 7/10 never listened to these guys before...pretty alright

Torture Killer-Sewers 7/10

Hellwell-To Serve Man 8/10 wow...this is pretty long. Wow....this is pretty good

Night Demon-Killer 7/10 i can dig it

Judas Priest-The Ripper 7/10 never been a big priest fan...but this pretty alright

Gorerotted-To Catch a Killer(A Serial Sing-A-Long) 8/10 no Macabre in the playlist!? But this is pretty fucking close and a good way to end the playlist.

Thoroughly enjoyed this one!

.almost submitted this but thought it was a little cheesy...Gilles de rais serial killer

wish i would've submitted this
Celtic Frost-Into the Crypts of Rays 8.5/10 classic stuff and a great start to what looks to be a (serial) killer list! Almost submitted a song about Gilles de Rais myself *

Valhalla-Nightstalker 8.5/10 has that classic sound. Good voice and some pretty cool solos.

Impact-Knowledge is King 9/10 one of the best obscure thrash bands/albums or at least one of my favorites. This track isn't one of the strongest off the album and it's still great

Cranium-Dentist of Death 9.5/10 yeah this is awesome!

Target-Absolution by Termination 8/10 great band and album.....but is this on theme? Fuck it....good stuff

Sigh-In the Mind of a Lunatic 7/10 not bad! Out of my wheelhouse, but not bad

Blessed Sickness-The Butcher 7.5/10 short and crushing!

Iced Earth-Jack 7.5/10 never got into these guys for whatever reason? Pretty good

Mortillery-Sunday Morning Slasher 7/10 never listened to these guys before...pretty alright

Torture Killer-Sewers 7/10

Hellwell-To Serve Man 8/10 wow...this is pretty long. Wow....this is pretty good

Night Demon-Killer 7/10 i can dig it

Judas Priest-The Ripper 7/10 never been a big priest fan...but this pretty alright

Gorerotted-To Catch a Killer(A Serial Sing-A-Long) 8/10 no Macabre in the playlist!? But this is pretty fucking close and a good way to end the playlist.

Thoroughly enjoyed this one!

.almost submitted this but thought it was a little cheesy...Gilles de rais serial killer

wish i would've submitted this

Target is on theme from the angle of courts are serial killers by way of the death penalty, but this was my original pick:

Judas Priest - The Ripper
Unfortunately this track isn't available for me, and since I've never heard it before I'm just gonna have to guess that it's a 9/10 or so. But I'm reading the band's wikipedia article (surprised they had one) and apparently Tim "Ripper" Owens is the name of their singer so clearly this song is about him and not Jack the Ripper, so I'm docking two points for being off-theme.

god i really hope espada submitted this
The Brits really do hate Polish people.

that is generally true. it's mainly because so many Poles were coming to the UK at the beginning of the century to do nothing or take up some menial jobs and not even deign to learn the language. I've always been ashamed of them :(.

On another note, the Brits are usually dicks, so I don't really care :p
my nearest major town is absolutely overflowing with polish immigrants, moreso than any other nationality. i’ve always found them to be good people though.

i just wanted espada to lose even more respect for pompey after the great ‘fade to black’ incident of 2022.
I am interested to see how many of these tracks are about real killers vs fictional. The former seems way cooler even though both are permitted.

i chose a song about a fictional killer (i think, anyway!), from an album that contains a song about a real killer :/ i like this song more though, i have a habit of sacrificing thematic perfection for quality tbh
Celtic Frost - Into the Crypts of Rays 8/10
Valhalla - Nightstalker 6/10
Impact - Knowledge is King 9/10
Cranium - Dentist of Death 8/10
Target - Absolution by Termination 6/10
Sigh - In the Mind of a Lunatic 6/10
Blessed Sickness - The Butcher 6/10
Iced Earth - Jack 5/10
Mortillery - Sunday Morning Slasher 7/10
Torture Killer - Sewers 8/10
Hellwell - To Serve Man 6/10
Night Demon - Killer 6/10
Judas Priest - The Ripper 7/10
Gorerotted - To Catch a Killer (A Serial Sing-A-Long) 5/10
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Busy week so gonna keep it simple.

Celtic Frost - Into the Crypts of Rays 7/10 fun energy, repetitive riffs, decent vocals.

Valhalla - Nightstalker 6/10 another Maiden copycat, nothing particularly special.

Impact - Knowledge is King 8.5/10 haven't heard this album in years, better than i remembered.

Cranium - Dentist of Death 5/10 not a fan of the vocals, some of the riffs are ok.

Target - Absolution by Termination 9.5/10 one of the top tech thrash bands, sick riff progression and use of odd time signatures.

Sigh - In the Mind of a Lunatic 6.5/10 I don't remember Sigh having such bog standard riffing, it's listenable, it's like black n' roll.

Blessed Sickness - The Butcher 5.5/10 not a fan of the throw up vocals, or tremolo riffs, but it's not the worst i've heard in the style, doesn't overstay welcome.

Iced Earth - Jack 3/10 i'd honestly rather listen to mr. barf with the cool riffs on the previous track, than this DB with the pop-metal riffs.

Mortillery - Sunday Morning Slasher 7.5/10 these guys have always been on the edge of not being forgettable, and i like them for a moment, but i'll probably forget about them again right after this.

Torture Killer - Sewers 4.5/10 i liked the intro ok if they removed the spoken word, and a couple riffs, vocals ruined it tho.

Hellwell - To Serve Man 8/10 the progressive aspects of it are pretty cool, and the vibe, but the vocals just can't sing in tune for more than a few seconds and try to hide behind the wall of sound.

Night Demon - Killer 7.5/10 saw these guys open for Exmortus one time and wasn't a fan of the singer, it works better on the studio recording.

Judas Priest - The Ripper 8/10 it's Priest, great lead guitar work, but it's like B-side Priest imo.

Gorerotted - To Catch a Killer (A Serial Sing-A-Long) 4.5/10 yeahh just not a fan of this vocal style or lyrics.
Celtic Frost - Into the Crypts of Rays 8/10

Valhalla - Nightstalker 7/10

Impact - Knowledge is King 9/10 :kickass:

Cranium - Dentist of Death 8/10

Target - Absolution By Termination 7/10

Sigh - In the Mind of a Lunatic 10/10

Blessed Sickness - The Butcher 6/10

Iced Earth - Jack 5/10

Mortillery - Sunday Morning Slasher 8/10

Torture Killer -Sewers 7/10

Hellwell - To Serve Man - 5/10 a 16:00 minute song...fuck off :lol:

Night Demon - Killer 8/10

Judas Priest - The Ripper 9/10

Gorerotted - To Catch a Killer 8/10
Celtic Frost-Into the Crypts of Rays
Quite enjoyable. 7.5/10

Sounds pretty dated. The song itself is OK. Best thing was the guitar work: 6.5/10

Impact-Knowledge is King
Intro is too long. Lots of changes, cool bass part. I liked the second half of the song better. Vocalist sounds a bit like Tom Araya. 7.5/10

Cranium-Dentist of Death
I really like the music, especially the guitar solos. Vocals sound intentionally silly, though, but are acceptable in this context. 8/10
(In spite of my rating, I wouldn't listen to this band outside of this game, because I don't like their lyrics.)

Target-Absolution by Termination
Nice technical Thrash. Some parts sound a bit like Mekong Delta, others remind me of "The Edge of Eternity" by Hexenhaus. 8/10

Sigh-In the Mind of a Lunatic
Some parts sounded out of place, like the one starting at 1:07 or the background choir at 2:40 and 3:16 which sounded more like taken from a pop song. Looking at the genre description on MA, those are perhaps meant to be the "avantgarde" parts, whereas the vocals are the only thing which sounds like Black Metal to me in this song. Since the music doesn't do much for me and the vocals even less: 3.5/10

Blessed Sickness-The Butcher
I liked the pig squeals as much as the extra-low vocals. The best thing about this song was that it didn't last very long. 1/10

Iced Earth-Jack
What a snoozefest! Uninspired metal where nothing really happens. Best part was the one from 2:10 to 2:50. Compared to the songs on their debut, this is an insult to themselves. 3.5/10

Mortillery-Sunday Morning Slasher
Nice bass intro. I like the riffing, the occasional short drum rolls and especially the vocals. Doesn't come close to Détente's "Recognize No Authority", but still: 8.5/10

Torture Killer-Sewers
The spoken words part is too long (was my first thought), but considering what followed afterwards, they should have kept them over the entire length of the song. The music isn't that bad, but the vocals make this song absolutely unlistenable for me. 2/10

Hellwell-To Serve Man
Sounds like the best song on the entire list. In spite of its lenght, it doesn't get boring, though the pure organ part could have been a bit shorter. This was a nice surprise! 9/10

Night Demon-Killer
Pretty average song. Not really bad, but nothing to write home about either. 5.5/10

Judas Priest-The Ripper
The clip included in this list wasn't available for me, but I simply picked another one I found on youtube. One of the "softest" songs in this round, also production-wise, but I like it, especially the guitar work. 8/10

Gorerotted-To Catch a Killer(A Serial Sing-A-Long)
The vocals remind me of the ones in Andy Rehfeldt's "Mary Poppins Sings Death Metal", only that the lyrics of "To Catch a Killer" are absolutely not funny. As regards the music, there are a few parts in the song I like, but overall, there's too much I dislike, especially the vocals. (If I didn't already dislike the vocals, the lyrics of this band would be reason enough for me to avoid it.) 3/10
Celtic Frost - Into the Crypts of Rays
not one of my favourite frosts from the morbid tales/emperor's return period, which may be controversial. appropriate start to the playlist tho. 7/10

Valhalla - Nightstalker

from 2 minutes through 3:30ish this is obviously incredible, wasn't expecting such an emotional outburst from a serial killer mixtape but god damn it is epic. love the intro as well, and the prowling spiralling SNM-era slayer sounding riff between the verses. the main verses and chorus themselves are just kinda there though. in any case this is exactly the kind of obscure nugget this mixtape thread is for. 8/10

Impact - Knowledge is King

i guess a paid assassin is technically a serial killer so props for creativity. shame the band aren't as creative. personally i'd like more of the riffs like the one at 30 seconds or so, less of the basic shit at 45 secs. thought the solo was a bit pedestrian as well and the aggy vocals aren't exactly to my tastes. eh it's not bad. 5/10

Cranium - Dentist of Death

this one i'm familiar with, it's like campy shit from a speed metal musical or something (i'm just picturing steve martin in little shop of horrors lol) but it's also fucking deranged and the riffs absolutely slay, big contrast with the last tune. the riff that comes in at EAT THE FUCKING DRILL could crush your molars to powder. solo is a belter. just love how the whole thing sounds as well, so much feral energy behind it. great pick, must revisit. 9/10

Target - Absolution by Termination

if you smell... what baroque is cooking (in this case, questionable explanations of thematic relevance, but i'll allow it!). huh, i had no idea target were belgian, thought they were german. despite how much is going on here i ultimately find it meandering, too many slow thrash chugs, too much four bar repetition, etc. obviously not exactly my thing anyway but i like i.e. mekong delta more than this. 5.5/10

Sigh - In the Mind of a Lunatic

speaking of camp bands who could soundtrack a metal musical... i still don't exactly know what to make of this band but i like this chorus at least, and how in the last minute it just turns into a mid-paced driving groovy NWOBHM for whatever reason. i mean who knows why they do anything? whaddya think i am, insane and japanese? 6/10

Blessed Sickness - The Butcher

which fool chose this when literally the song right next to it is explicitly about dahmer? depraved hellish stuff, you can smell the rotting meat. structured storytelling is a human practice and there's nothing human here, so it just ends with a 10 second burst of violence and chaos. 8/10

Iced Earth - Jack

iced earth are very much the black album of trad metal, and i don't say that just because they constantly stole shit from metallica but because they're overproduced underwritten hacks. 3/10

Mortillery - Sunday Morning Slasher

some of the melodic lines here remind me of that project roenwolfe thing i liked, this is more crude and juvenile sounding though. this kind of shouty chuggy thrash doesn't really do it for me, where's the personality? 5/10

Torture Killer - Sewers

lol this is what i expected half the playlist to be tbh. totally cookie cutter to me, heard it a thousand times. 4/10

Hellwell - To Serve Man

i'm a fan of this album although it's the other 10+ minute song on there i love. distinguishes itself more than most latter era manilla road albums did IMO. i admire the sheer audacity of picking a 16 minute song that half the board would probably hate so i won't downrate, even though whoever chose it is objectively a cunt. 7.5/10

Night Demon - Killer
probably goes down too easy if anything, but after 2 hours of hellwell that's kinda satisfying. appealing flow and vibe, there's a coolness factor here and they've written some very catchy tunes (this is below average for the album) even if they're ultimately lightweights. 6.5/10

Judas Priest - The Ripper

i should downrate for obviousness but i love this song too much. 9.5/10

Gorerotted - To Catch a Killer(A Serial Sing-A-Long)

i saw this band live in a pub once with a skinhead buddy lol. not really for me, but i'm impressed you managed to find a song that references not one but six real life serial killers. 5.5/10