Themed Mixtape Game Mk. 2

Amon Amarth - Death in Fire 7.5/10
Satan’s Host - Hell Fire 8.5/10
Immortalis - Burning Existence 8/10
Lovebites - Set the World on Fire 7.5/10
Chelsea Grin - Playing with Fire 2/10
Mythological Cold Towers - Contemplating the Brandish of Torches 8/10
Force of Darkness - Whore of Untamed Flame 8/10
The House of Capricorn - A Candle for the Morning Star 8/10
Acid - Prince of Hell and Fire 9.5/10
King Diamond - Burn 8.5/10
Skeletonwitch - Burned from Bone 7.5/10
I was listening to a more recent Mythological Cold Towers album on the way to work this morning. It didn't have the same Summoning vibe as the track you chose. Which album do you recommend?

I don't regret choosing that song, I just didn't know it was a poor quality upload. I have it on CD.

That's probably the album I'd recommend too, or the debut album. I jump between them as my favourite.

It's funny that the Summoning comparison has come up a few times, I'm not really much of a fan myself. Weird.
Celtic Frost-Into the Crypts of Rays
Impact-Knowledge is King
Cranium-Dentist of Death
Target-Absolution by Termination
Sigh-In the Mind of a Lunatic
Blessed Sickness-The Butcher
Iced Earth-Jack
Mortillery-Sunday Morning Slasher
Torture Killer-Sewers
Hellwell-To Serve Man
Night Demon-Killer
Judas Priest-The Ripper
Gorerotted-To Catch a Killer(A Serial Sing-A-Long)
Celtic Frost - Into the Crypts of Rays
Probably the best song on Morbid Tales, super obvious pick though so I won't give it full marks.

Valhalla - Nightstalker

Was worried this playlist would be all death and thrash and shit, so thank god for this absolutely ancient-sounding NWOBHM (EDIT: American apparently, got them mixed up with a different Valhalla) track with a gorgeous guitar tone. The songwriting isn't quite as exciting as the sound but that amazing arpeggio/scream part around 2:20 seals the deal for me.

Impact - Knowledge is King

Cranium - Dentist of Death

Musically not my thing at all but the lyrics/vocals/samples are hilarious. EAT THE FUCKING DRILL!

Target - Absolution by Termination

I'm all about songs that take their time with long instrumental intros, but this one's trying my patience. Didn't get much better after the intro either. This is some of the most forgettable tech-thrash I've heard. I like the vocals but not much else.

Sigh - In the Mind of the Lunatic

Thing I love about early Sigh is you could remove all the gimmicky shit and you'd be left with really sick first wave BM with some of the most expressive growls in the genre. First half is killer black'n'roll with a chorus riff that evokes sneaking up on an unsuspecting victim and stabbing them to death, and then you have the second half where shit goes off the rails without any semblance of a transition, which is arguably fitting for a song about a deranged serial killer.

Blessed Sickness - The Butcher

Surprisingly dynamic and narrative for a sub-2 minute song. That growl-shriek at the end of the slow part is sick.

Iced Earth - Jack

Mortillery - Sunday Morning Slasher

Killer riffs and killer vocals, for a purist take on a genre I'm not a huge fan of there's a lot here for me to like. The album apparently ends with covers of "Evil Invaders" and "Angel Witch", the band must have no country's utubegasms list favorited on RYM.

Torture Killer - Sewers

Hellwell - To Serve Man

Mark Shelton died right around the peak of my MR obsession and it still hurts. Bittersweet listening to this, one of the few MR (basically) albums I never got around to hearing. Probably not one of their best cuts but there's no way I can be objective about this. What would a serial killer playlist be without a long-ass organ interlude?

Night Demon - Killer

I'm trying to think of one thing this song brings to the table to differentiate it from decades worth of stuff that sounds exactly like this but better. The riffs have no teeth at all and do nothing to evoke a serial killer's pursuit. I'm always rooting for more heavy metal in these mixtapes but this is just sad, man.

Judas Priest - The Ripper

Unfortunately this track isn't available for me, and since I've never heard it before I'm just gonna have to guess that it's a 9/10 or so. But I'm reading the band's wikipedia article (surprised they had one) and apparently Tim "Ripper" Owens is the name of their singer so clearly this song is about him and not Jack the Ripper, so I'm docking two points for being off-theme.

Gorerotted - To Catch a Killer (A Serial Sing-A-Long)

Thematic in the extreme. Very dynamic with the shifts from growls to snarls and constant shakeups in the drum patterns. Not something I would willingly listen to ordinarily but I can get into this a bit.
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