Themed Mixtape Game Mk. 2

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Reactions: TechnicalBarbarity
Stratovarius - Visions (Southern Cross)
i remember this band being fucking terrible, but despite the overproduction and maybe some slightly uncreative melodies this is massive in scope and portent, really feels appropriately large for a nostradamus tune. by the end it reaches vast oceans lachrymose levels of unabashed drama and not a hair on my body can resist it. great pick for the theme and, i can't believe i'm saying this, one of my favourite discoveries in our entire history of mixtape games. 10/10

This outpouring of love for an old nostalgic favorite of mine warmed my heart <3 Was not expecting such a superlative response from you or anyone to fucking Stratovarius!

For my next magic trick, I'll make you love Dream Theater.
i'd give it a few days for him to resurface before writing his obituary, it's not like he posts every day normally. @Sirjack better start thinking of a theme though in case we have to promote him.