Themed Mixtape Game Mk. 2

Havok - Time is Up 9/10
Love this song and this album. Havok at their best!:kickass:

Griffin - Traveling in Time 7/10

Godflesh - New Dark Ages 6/10

Atrox - 4/10
I liked the instrumental parts, but goddamn those vocals.

Obliveon - Chronocraze 8/10

Enjoyed this and will check more out from the band. Fits the theme well.

Void Moon - Realm of Indigo - 7/10

Kept waiting for it to get better and the last two minutes delivered.

Destroyer 666 - Trialed by Fire 8/10

Atheist - Piece of Time 10/10
Thrashy, aggressive, and brutal. The best song on the list. :headbang:

Trivium - Of All These Yesterdays 5/10
Song fits the theme well, but it is still Trivium. :lol:

Catacomb - Enter the Castle of Great Entities/The Key 8/10

Mortification - Ancient Prophesy 9/10
Crushing:kickass: Added this album on Spotify.

Primordial - Stolen Years 7/10

Danzig - End of Time 8/10
Havok - Time is Up (Bitches)
9/10 Such sick thrash drumming and riffs on this song and this album in general. Tight composition. Makes me want to go see them live again.

Griffin - Traveling in Fine
7.7/10 This is far more loose compositionally, but feels like it drags a bit placed after Havok. I get they were going for Sabbath style riffs in the beginning, but it's just not as menacing or catchy. I like that it speeds up, but then it kind of gets stuck in a loop of Maiden/Priest-like riffs. Liked it more than expected, still.

Godflesh - Nu Dork Ages
4.2/10 hey look ma i can play tritones and im hip to the scene

Atrox - l3tTeRs To EaRtH (this is what she sounds like tho)
6.9/10 Ok I appreciate that they tried something different. Sprechstimme, vibrato vocals, slides, middle eastern scales. It just doesn't sound that good to listen to, lol. a shade shy of 7 for effort

Obliveon - Chronocross
9.2/10 This Obliveon album is so badass, it almost made my top 10 90's decade albums, def would have been in the top 20.

Void Moon - Realm of Indigoaway
4.4/10 I just can't stand vocals that are too nasal, or riffs that are too boring/repetitive, and this has both. I'd go chill at the bar with a beer for awhile if they came on stage and sounded like this. The guitar solo is the only interesting thing, and it's like they turned the volume of it down so it could be drowned out by the more boring parts, a wtf choice for sure.

Destroyer 666 - Passed the Trial by Fire
8/10 Very listenable intro, and I dig how the same mood comes back as a change of pace midsong. Shame that the meat of this is kind of standard black/thrash without much to add interest. The change of pace alone makes this stand out from the pack though.

Atheist - Master Piece of Time
9.8/10 It hardly gets better than this album for Death/Thrash. It's making me re-question if I should include UP or this album in the top 10 90's list. There have been times when I preferred this album for sure, it's kind of like, which have i heard most recently.

Trivium - Worst Of All These Yesterdays
4.7 Lyrics are like an emo kid woke up uninspired and decided to write a B-track filler for a Trivium album in a 10-minute time limit. They're so bad, lol. The guitars are OK. but this is a lot more representative of modern rock (and why it failed for years) than metal.

Catacomb - The Key to Mediocrity
7/10 Not so much a fan of the vocalist, and some of the riffs just feel uninspired. Vocals can really make or break a death band for me, it's not awful just not one of the greats. There are some high points, and it's nice that they're semi self aware and realize when they're being boring enough to change riffs, the changes just don't flow consistently. There's one transition just before 6:00 I really liked, and then it ends.

Mortification - Ancient Prophecy (that someday this song will end)
5/10 Oh wow this drags like a concrete block with chains. Come on, move forward. I can't sit through 11 minutes of this, it's too choppy. "hey listen to me hold a power chord for a few seconds. i'll do it again, and again!" - wait what it picks up at 3 minutes and somehow it's still slow. They're just tremolo picking the same slow chord progression.. no thx. The vocalist isn't terrible, but the music is, imo.

Primordial - Stolen Points
8/10 Digging the chill desert-rock-like intro. Is this the whole song, is this just an interlude? Ok kicks in around 2:50, not bad. Never gave these guys a chance before. I could see myself listening to this as some background music around the house. Good choice.

Danzig - Bland of Time
6/10 It's Danzig singing to some monotone guitar riffs, without the energy of the Misfits behind him or catchy chorus work. Guitarist.. the solo was your time to shine and redeem this, you blew it man. It's fine there'll be 100 more songs just like this with Danzig. +1 because he does have a pretty good voice
Havok - Time is Up
not bad, a little anthemic and bouncy for my tastes. it's influenced by exodus but not the darker exodus stuff i really love like 'piranha' or 'deliver us to evil'. really dig the riffage that starts at 2:20ish, that's the highlight for me. i do think picking songs about death for this theme is a bit lazy although not completely egregious. 5/10

Griffin - Traveling in Time

this was a hbb staple lol, has he stealthily returned? these guys had the bassist from heathen and some early metal church members. epic stuff, good choice for the theme, there was always a little bit too much rock in this band for me though which is evident in the early verses here. chorus is just OK, production's a bit washed out. favourite part is "nowhere to be founddddddddddd" transitioning into a bleak transitional melody and then the pace amps up with those soaring leads, that shit fucking rules. 7/10

Godflesh - New Dark Ages

i actually like this take on the theme, sometimes less is more. not sure if i'd enjoy a whole album of this but for five minutes it's satisfyingly crushing and atmospheric on high volume. good creative choice, maybe i should revisit streetcleaner, could never get into it before. 7.5/10

Atrox - Letters to Earth

can't imagine who submitted this :/ was expecting the vocals to be way more annoying, especially given i'm pretty sure i hated them last time an atrox track was picked, but maybe i'm just more tolerant of weird indulgences these days--there are vocal lines here that remind me of everything from big blood to elend to DCD. again, maybe i'd struggle with a full album of this, but it really worked for me here and it's a perfect choice for the theme. 8.5/10

Obliveon - Chronocraze

about as on-theme as it gets, and i love that tense warped riffage which leaves me "sinking into confusion slime". 9/10

Void Moon - Realm of Indigo

disliked the first couple of minutes, riffless and whiny with awkward vocal lines, but they do at least show off some good musicianship in the second half. soloing is the highlight. not really my thing though, which i could've guessed from the band/album name and cover art tbh. 4/10

Destroyer 666 - Trialed by Fire

i know everyone worships this and it's probably gonna win, but this kind of slow burn bathory worship isn't my preferred mode for d666, i generally like 'em riffier. 7/10

Atheist - Piece of Time

duh. 7.5/10

Trivium - Of All These Yesterdays

"this is the real motherfuckin' deal ya'll... let me see those lighters!" - fred durst 2/10

Catacomb - The Key

i introduced this to the board and take full credit if it wins even though i didn't choose it. probably my favourite song here but unfortunately i do have to dock a half-point for it being a repeat pick as it was already on the lovecraft playlist. just for fun i had a look to see if anyone's changed their minds on it: baroque gave it exactly the same rating, kiwi david gave it a point less this time, and... those were the only people who've rated both lol, so maybe repeat picks aren't a big deal (@dwellerINTHEdark is still around and rated back then). it's blatantly on theme, by the way. 9/10

Mortification - Ancient Prophecy

good stuff, easy to listen to even for this amount of time, but it's just a little generic for me to love. makes me wanna listen to miasma or something. 6.5/10

Primordial - Stolen Years

i'm always a bit hit and miss with primordial but this may be the blandest thing i've heard (which makes sense as it's probably their least acclaimed album). maybe it's better in album context. 4/10

Danzig - End of Time

parts of this sound more like load-era metallica than most people would like to admit. fortunately i'm the rare person who considers that a compliment. 6.5/10
Atrox - Letters to Earth
can't imagine who submitted this :/
was expecting the vocals to be way more annoying, especially given i'm pretty sure i hated them last time an atrox track was picked,
As far as I can see, two songs have been submitted before, "The Beldam of the Bedlam" and "Ruin" - the latter in the so far last round of the compositional mixtape-game which was never finished -, but you didn't participate in either of these two rounds. Still you might have listened to one of these songs.
but maybe i'm just more tolerant of weird indulgences these days--there are vocal lines here that remind me of everything from big blood to elend to DCD. again, maybe i'd struggle with a full album of this, but it really worked for me here and it's a perfect choice for the theme. 8.5/10
I wouldn't have expected you to like this, so this is a positive surprise. When you say you might struggle with a full album of this, do you mean the vocals? On the album "Contentum" which this song is from, there's one song titled "Lizard Dance" where the vocals go completely crazy at the end, in the first song "Sultry Air", they are perhaps about the same level as in "Letters to Earth", in "Panta Rei/Gather in Me No More" maybe a bit less "extreme" and in the other songs they are more moderate. The album finishes with a mellow instrumental piece. So considering your rating for "Letters to Earth", there is a chance you actually might like the entire album - perhaps except for the luckily rather short piece titled "Torture" which isn't even a song.

I'm not sure if I should recommend the follow-up "Terrestrials" to you, since both songs from previous rounds and thus also the one you "hated" are from that album. While the music on "Terrestrials" is overall heavier, the songs go into more different directions as do IMO the vocals which are less rollercoaster-like than in the most "extreme" songs on "Contentum". Still, even if you hated one of the songs from "Terrestrials", it doesn't necessarily mean you'd hate the entire album. In case you should be willing to give it a(nother) try, the vocal-wise most moderate songs on that album are IMO "Human Inventions", "Changeling" and "Translunaria".

The overall heaviest album is probably "Orgasm" - allegedly with strong Meshuggah-influences - and the vocals on that one might be more accessible than those on "Terrestrials" ("Orgasm" also features some additional clean male vocals on some of the songs). While I still like it, it's my least favourite out of these three, both music- and vocal-wise, but for others it might be the other way round.

I can't say anything about the two albums "Binocular" and "Monocle" which Atrox released after "Orgasm", because their female singer whose vocals had made this band so special for me had left by then and after that, I simply wasn't interested in the new stuff of this band any longer. I only know that both albums feature a male singer, but not the one who did the clean vocals on "Orgasm".

yes it's hard to tell with the endless legions of atrox fans here. ;)

i was referring to 'mental nomads' from terrestrials by the way, which was chosen by serjeant grumbles for the delusion playlist.

i think i heard orgasm a long time ago. i’ll check contentum out first and go from there, thanks.
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i was referring to 'mental nomads' from terrestrials by the way, which was chosen by serjeant grumbles for the delusion playlist.
Don't remember that one, but when checking the playlists I remembered I noticed that serjeant grumbles mentioned in his rating for "Ruin" that he had also thought about submitting the same song.

i think i heard orgasm a long time ago. i’ll check contentum out first and go from there, thanks.
If you should check out "Contentum" on youtube, better avoid the single uploads on Season of Mist's channel, because 7 out of 11 songs have got the wrong titles (though I think if you click on "show more", the correct titles are shown).

BTW, if you could also imagine listening to the singer (Monika Edvardsen) in a non-metal context, she did a one-off project called Tactile Gemma with (former) Atrox guitarist Rune Sørgård and her sister Ann-Mari Edvardsen (Ex-The 3rd and the Mortal). The music was refered to as electronica. One of my favourite songs is "Creepy-Crawlies" which would go perfectly with an animation-clip based on the lyrics:

For something straighter/less quirky, you might try "Serpentarium":

AFAIK, both of these songs only feature Monika on vocals.
Sorry for taking my time with this. :heh:

Havok - Time is Up 7.5/10
Heard these fools before but never a full album. Might have to take the dive cos this shreds. If you don't like gangshouts you're a fucking pussy.

Griffin - Traveling in Time 7/10
Huge fan of their second album, never really got too into this one. It's good shit though, classic squealing leads and vocals oozing with manic confidence. Like the production a lot too.

Godflesh - New Dark Ages 5/10
Maybe it's just been too long since I jammed Godflesh, but Broadrick's vocals sound like shit on this song. Everything else is more or less cool.

Atrox - Letters to Earth 7/10
Rarely listen to Atrox anymore but I'll always be a fan.

Obliveon - Chronocraze 7.5/10
Obviously awesome stuff.

Void Moon - Realm of Indigo 7/10
Love it, one of my fav more recent doom albums.

Destroyer 666 - Trialed by Fire 6.5/10
Good but needs more riffage.

Atheist - Piece of Time 8.5/10
Classic. No words needed.

Trivium - Of All These Yesterdays 1/10
Sounds like something drunk white chicks sing along to at the bar.

Catacomb - The Key 9/10
Crushing death metal. I'm obsessed with the drumming on this record.

Mortification - Ancient Prophecy 8.5/10
Jayson Sherlock is one of my fav drummers, it's a shame he didn't play on more albums. His stuff with Paramæcium fucking destroys too. Anyways yeah it's long and probably didn't need to be, but there are no boring moments anywhere on here. Amazing way to close out an album. Retardedly heavy.

Primordial - Stolen Years 5/10
Didn't really go anywhere interesting imo but not terrible by any means.

Danzig - End of Time 6.5/10
I love me some Danzig but is this even really metal? Seems like a stretch.