Themed Mixtape Game Mk. 2

totally out of my purview.

Allow me to pop a jaunty little bonnet on your purview and ram it up your shitter with a lubricated horse cock.

Exmortus - Foe Hammer - 7
some energetic riffs and melodies

Arghoslent - The Grenadier - 6
just ok did not grab me

Necrot - The Blade - 8
whoa this kicks ass

Smoulder - Bastard Steel - 9
fuckin nice

The Crown - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - 9
holy shit this rips

Amulet - Siege Machine - 3
no thanks

Wehrmacht - Napalm Shower - 3
all static and fuzz the fuck

The Accused - Bullet-Ridden Bodies - 3
annoying crap

Heathen - Goblin's Blade - 5
cool riffs but lame vocals

Shackles - Cat o' Nine Tails - 5
could be good but why does it sound like rusty cans

Avenger - Warrior Path - 4
too long and boring

Ice Nine Kills - Stabbing in the Dark - 10
what a dynamic, multi-faceted song constantly throwing new and interesting things at you

Razor - Brass Knuckles - 7
fine but kinda basic

Eternal Champion - I Am the Hammer - 3
what a fucking snoozefest

Bolt Thrower - The Killchain - 9
the gods of pelvic-thrustable death metal
Exmortus - Foe Hammer 7/10
Arghoslent - The Grenadier 6/10
Necrot - The Blade 6/10
Smoulder - Bastard Steel 6/10
The Crown - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft 9/10
Amulet - Siege Machine 5/10
Wehrmacht - Napalm Shower 5/10
The Accused - Bullet-Ridden Bodies 9/10
Heathen - Goblin's Blade 8/10
Shackles - Cat o' Nine Tails 9/10
Warrior Path - Avenger 6/10
Ice Nine Kills - Stabbing in the Dark 2/10
Razor - Brass Knuckles 5/10
Eternal Champion - I Am the Hammer 6/10
Bolt Thrower - The Killchain 7/10

Couldn't pick one standout this time.

Exmortus - Foe Hammer 6.5/10
Sick riffs and soloing, but I don't like the production nor the vocalist very much and the drums left no impression on me. I appreciate how metal it is though and the bass playing has some nice moments.

Arghoslent - The Grenadier 6.5/10
I've heard way better Arseholescent tracks than this one. It has some cool little moments here and there, but they're mostly wedged between a bunch of boring, bloated and flat parts. The vocalist rules though, and those traddy riffs and cymbal work kept my attention fine enuff.

Necrot - The Blade 5.5/10
These guys are cool in small doses, but any time I try to listen to the album I lose interest. I get why so many people wank this album off but it just bores me to death. Cool drumming though, if a tad buried in the mix.

Smoulder - Bastard Steel 5/10
Here I am still failing to get the hype/appeal of this band. It has a lot of elements I should like but to me it just sounds so mundane. It completely lacks any raw energy or ferocity or any of the craggy charm that most USPM/epic metal bands had, but it has its moments...

The Crown - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft 8/10
Absolute crusher bursting with rock & roll blackthrash piss and vinegar! Pure deathfuck!!!

Amulet - Siege Machine 7/10
Whew that opening fucking gallop! The singer badly wants to be Halford (and ends up sounding more like a scuffed Ian Gillan) but this rules. Their first album was pgood but I don't think I ever got around to this one. Need to change that asap! Hard rockin' shit!

Wehrmacht - Napalm Shower 7.5/10
Grim crossover thrashing annihilation. Second album is better but relentless raw shit like this separates the men from the boys.

The Accused - Bullet-Ridden Bodies 7/10
Love the noisy fucked up hardcore punk edge of The Accused's brand of crossover thrash. Not as familiar with their 90's shit though so this was some cool exposure.

Heathen - Goblin's Blade 9/10
Fuuuuuckckckckc love that opening riff and the MASSIVE drum sound, just smashing into your face like a fucking asteroid. The cymbal sounds like broken glass. Godly shit right here, and I'm proud to say my little brother got me into this album specifically through this song. I'LL SPLIT YOU IN HAFF!

Shackles - Cat o' Nine Tails 9/10
Very few beloved underground Aussie bands have a sound that I think represents Australia. For example D666 usually come with some cold ripping steel, the song from the last playlist was basically a Bathory tune. But Shackles sound like working in a hot fucking car-yard all day surrounded by rust and oily grime. That sleazy guitar solo around halfway through feels like it was melted by the sun! That big chuggy riff afterwards sounds like fucking Cali thrash! This is metal for sweaty cunts.

Avenger - Warrior Path 7/10
Nice and epic, lots of great melody. The final minute and a half was so killer.

Ice Nine Kills - Stabbing in the Dark 0.5/10

Razor - Brass Knuckles 8.5/10
Someone should take brass knuckles to the faggot that submitted that last song and all the retards who liked it. Anyways the main riff on this song literally puts you on edge lmao like a home invasion is about to go down. The kings of masculine thrash.

Eternal Champion - I Am the Hammer 8/10
Great fucking singer and the production is perfect for the genre. Drums are HUGE. The riffs sound like a fucking chainsaw to the guts! Makes me wish The Gates of Slumber were still around. Crumbles mountains man. For some reason I never really got around to absorbing this album, maybe it just came out at the wrong time for me. Need to make a list of shit to revisit...

Bolt Thrower - The Killchain 6.5/10
Not one of my favourite Bolt Thrower riffs, tracks, or even albums (I suppose that's blasphemous to say) but I love Bolt Thrower and even "meh" Bolt Thrower is better than 99% of metal out there. This death'n'roll-esque riff does bug me though, almost sounds like something a nu metal band would use. Has a jumpdafuccup vibe to it. Like the music video should feature green dreadlocked goth sluts on stripper poles.
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Exmortus - Foe Hammer 9/10

Great song from a great band. I considered submitting Slave to the Sword for this round. They are overdue to release a new album.

Arghoslent - The Grenadier 7/10

First time hearing this. Dig the music more than the vocals.

Necrot - The Blade 8/10
Love the heavy riffing. I should listen to this band more often. :headbang:

Smoulder - Bastard Steel 8/10
Good stuff. I will check out more songs by this band.

The Crown - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft 6/10
Not liking the vocals.

Amulet - Siege Machine 8/10
Cool riffs and I like the vocals - especially on the chorus. :lol::kickass:

Wehrmacht- Napalm Shower 7/10
Fast and agressive!

The Accused - Bullet Ridden Bodies 6/10
First time hearing this and I like the music more than the vocals.

Heathen - Goblin's Blade 7/10

Shackles - Cat O Nine Tails 8/10
:kickass: Another new band to look into. A cool song, but is a Cat O Nine Tail a weapon?

Warrior Path - Avenger 7/10
First time hearing this. Needs more spoken word parts, will check out their albums.

Ice Nine Kills - Stabbing in the Dark 4/10

Whenever I tell people not into metal that I like metal I sometimes worry that they think I like shit like this. :guh:

Razor - Brass Knuckles 8/10
Starts slow but finishes with fury!:headbang:

Eternal Champion - I am The Hammer 10/10
First time hearing this and I enjoyed this song the most out of any on the list. :kickass:

Bolt Thrower - The Killchain 8/10
Crushing Death Metal!:kickass:
Exmortus - Foe Hammer 9.4/10 Outstanding, these guys are carrying the torch for good metal bands to a new generation. For a weapon, can't go wrong with the sword of Gandalf. Sick riffs and melodic runs. -.1 for a minor bit of clunkiness but overall this is solid songwriting and fantastic guitar musicianship.

Arghoslent - The Grenadier 6.3/10 these riffs are kind of jam bandy. It sounds like a stoner rock guitar player wanted to be in a band, but they sped it up because the singer likes death metal. I don't really like how it fits together but I don't hate it either. The guitar parts where he tries to play death/black riffs just sound forced and uninspired. Dude should be in a stoner/psych band for sure that's where he's in his element. The vocals and drums are kind of generic, drums maybe above average.

Necrot - The Blade 7.7/10 intro is lackluster but I could see this breaking out later into something more explosive. Ok it picked up but it's just kind of galloping around. I guess it's decent mosh pit music, steady beat for awhile, brutal enough. I'd like to hear it rise above that at some point, listening for changes. They chose to switch to tremolo picking the same exact thing, not a fan. Then speeding up the same riff. Look it's a great riff, but cmon. This would be fun live how it keeps speeding up, but for listening at home it's kind of just ok to good.

Smoulder - Bastard Steel 8/10 For her voice, wish she got out of her comfort zone with it just a bit more. Maybe the style of riff is holding it back, it's very monotone guitar playing, it's a galloping drone essentially. She tries to modulate and then she just falls back to the same key because it's limited by the riff. Her voice would be great with like Michael Romeo of Symphony X on guitar, someone who understands composition. This started off really strong but in the end got a bit repetitive. I've heard bands with worse vocalists do more with the song.

The Crown - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft 5.5/10 these guys just seem like let's be shocking and edgy with every phrase. I guess it's cool if you have the right mental imagery. Blitzkrieg witchcraft, so like a line of tanks full of skeletons and witches riding on them, on the warpath. ok that makes this sound more badass. In the end I spent more time waiting for this to be over than listening to this.

Amulet - Siege Machine 9/10 From the album cover I was expecting something much more modern. This reminds me of 70's prog rock and metal in a lot of ways, blue oyster cult/led zep/deep purple/edgar winter type stuff. Sick solo at 2:45! Hearing some Randy Rhoads influences in that. Ends the solo in a modulation. Ok I actually dig this and will be listening to more by them. Discovering new music is the best reason to come here really.

Wehrmacht - Napalm Shower 9.2/10 hell yeah. just balls to the wall classic speed/thrash. Like a raging bull out of the gates. These guys still play around LA from time to time, have to go see them.

The Accused - Bullet-Ridden Bodies 8.8/10 I like the choice of this right after Wehrmacht, keep the crossover/thrash pit going. Same kind of boundless energy just not as interesting riffwise or quite as reckless. I'm awake.

Heathen - Goblin's Blade 9.3/10 This almost seems mid-paced after the previous two lol, it does pick up. I like the vocals for the most part, but at times felt they were almost "too clean". Excellent guitar wise of course. There's also the feeling that this song is sort of on rails. You know where it's going, it's driving forward in the same lane and staying there. They're obviously good though, and on a different day I might really dig this.

Shackles - Cat O' Nine Tails 5/10 This is a mess. Chaotic uneven guitar during the verses, and then long boring stretches of repetitive riffing. The vocalist fighting against the flow of the rest of the band created some interesting tension i guess. The breakdown just before 3 mins was unexpected and appreciated. After that, eh this one's not made for my tastes.

Warrior Path - Avenger 8.2/10 Dope intro. Is this from an RPG intro sequence or something? They could literally put this over some CGI and then be like chosen one! it's time to level up, gather the 4 stones of faith, and defeat the dragon! This music is not something I'll likely return to, but I enjoyed this for what it was. Not much a fan of the keys/synth usage in this, and the vocals are just ok imo. The solo around 4 mins just sounded like a Metallica rehash.

Ice Nine Kills - Stabbing In the Dark 8.3/10 Oh what, this came from this forum? It kind of reminds me of Leprous who i was big into for awhile but didn't see many other fans of it around here. I actually kind of like this haha. Ignoring some of the lyrics, the music keeps you on your toes and there are some interesting sections. It's musically theatrical which fits the lyrical theme. I like the inclusion of piano playing.

Razor - Brass Knuckles 9.5/10 I remember posting some Razor songs on an NFL forum and nearly getting banned for posting "gore" lol. This is classic late 80's/early 90's thrash. This is my favorite song on the playlist, but not by a whole lot (because this is a good playlist). This is the closest to what I really look for in a thrash band from that era. it's tight, it has good changes, it has that dark feel. It has those outside the box guitar and bass runs. Fully formed/developed thrash.

Eternal Champion - I am the Hammer 5.6/10 Yawn. Do something. This is like a boring interlude from an otherwise great play/symphony that you just want to fast forward through. "i am so great and im cool and i wil win at guarding stuff". The Warrior Path song above just did a lot more with the fantasy theme. The warrior goes on some sort of adventure musically and struggles. This sits on a cushion and proclaims they're the best for no reason at all. The art was the only cool thing about it.

Bolt Thrower - The Killchain 8.1/10 I know these guys are big around here, and they're not bad by any means. This rating is pretty much how I feel about it in relation to the other songs on the list. They just don't stand out much in terms of death metal when I think of other death bands I enjoy more. They're alright though, just not my first choice. They can be kinda repetitive, this song no exception.

Overall solid playlist this time.