Themed Mixtape Game Mk. 2

The dude is in Sturmgewehr, which is even more explicit.

Well that swastika on his arm in Slayed's photo is the Aztec symbol for the four seasons. A lot of this imagery is a cover for fascism, masquerading as ethnic spirituality or ancestor worship.
It's common to see that kind of idealised ancestor worship in European right wingers (particularly in black metal and neofolk). I guess it's conceptually possible for it to exist in the context of indigenous minorities, but also fucking stupid because the nazis would've been the first to find a reason to exterminate those cultures if they'd had the opportunity.
I think they probably identify more broadly with fascism rather than Nazism in particular.

But also, the dude does look kinda light-skinned.
you guys should read the thread about them on the black vault sometime, it is truly an educational experience. you’ll learn an awful lot about the criteria you need to meet in order to make authentic NSBM.

edit: here it is. may need to register to view alas.
Imagine not knowing that Wainds is a ex-KKK uber-Hitler fanboy, and is the reason the mod was done in the first place. He used to say the N-word daily. Just for no reason.
Imagine not knowing that Wainds is a ex-KKK uber-Hitler fanboy, and is the reason the mod was done in the first place. He used to say the N-word daily. Just for no reason.

:lol: our paths rarely crossed.

The founder of RC apparently abandoned the whole project because "it got to the point where you could Google certain racist topics and wind up with links to Royal Carnage threads."

Ah, the good ole days.