What band(s) has/have, IYO, a perfect discography?

Symphony X
Theory in Practice

Fuck, this is hard to come up with anything too valuable... There are definitely some holes there.
id like to add KASTIGATION- solitas votum lvlz

ok, im done being a whore. seriously, emperor's work is perfect.


edit: i could probably ad blind guardian too. i love every album of theirs. even a night at the symphony
All of the official Leviathan releases are wins.

Drudkh comes close, but that acoustic album is crap.

I would say Agalloch, but I don't think there's much merit in their non-album releases.

It's really hard to think of bands with at least three releases that were all 9/10 or better. Even if you lower your standards to 8/10s, that's still tough. A lot of bands leave you with a real clunker before they call it quits.
edit: i could probably ad blind guardian too. i love every album of theirs. even a night at the symphony

I completely forgot to mention BG in my previous post. I absolutely worship everything that band has ever done.


Helloween? Really? I'll admit that I'm a total fanboy when it comes to their first three albums (and the EP), but c'mon! Pink Bubbles Go Ape? I doubt it...
I wouldn't call Summoning consistent, they are simply never changing. That's not exactly the same thing. Everything after Dol Guldur is pretty boring.
Boring in the sense that "well, I've heard this before done better".