Why do Opeth Fans get a bad rap?

AllWithinMyMonster - "The one thing I have concluded from this thread is. Lordhypnos is a close-minded asshole."

Im closeminded now?


i have more diverse taste in my pinky than you have in your whole pathetic body.

Well... I've never heard of Astriaal but the closest I've gotten to be impressed by a metal band when compared to Opeth is Enslaved and at times Novembre.
I mean I listen lots of bands now as I've always have(while rarely listening to Opeth) but I still consider them to be the best around at the time. I don't know how that makes me close-minded.
The obvious answer is:

The people giving the bad rap (ie: other internet nerds) read the responses here in this very forum and come to this conclusion.

That, and you are all fucking gay.
Opeth is intelligent music and it's not accessible
Then why does it seem that if any, Opeth is the only metal band most of the non-metal crowd likes?
That is exactly correct. Opeth fans (Opethians? are you all really that stupid? That's as bad as Bodomites) like to think that Opeth create this arcane music that only they can comprehend or understand, and by believing this nonsense, these same fans adopt the attitude of "If you don't understand Opeth, you're inferior and so is your music." Don't deny it, fanboys. You know I'm right.

Opeth's music is not complex. Opeth's music is not hard to comprehend. You have all deluded yourselves. So they combine softer passages with death metal, big deal. So they combine cleanly sung vocals with death vocals, big deal. A lot of bands do this.

Like that other individual said, if Opeth is so hard to comprehend and they are so complex, then why is the band basically a stepping stone for newbies? You would think that metal newbies would not be able to understand, much less appreciate, a vastly complex (yeah, right) band like Opeth. Yet, in this forum alone, more than half the posters are admittedly newbies and started listening to Opeth in their later (less exciting) years.

my 2 cents...
I always heard alot about Opeth, and never really bothered to check them out until about the time Deliverance came out, and even then i sort of just forgot about the mp3's i had and never listened.

I downloaded Damnation for something to listen to, and was blown away. Picked up every Opeth cd since then. Just because i'm a new fan doesn't mean I have any less credibility, but I must admit that over my Opeth fan experience, i've met more than my fair share of fanboys. It's ok though, because at least they're listening to something decent, they're just assholes about it.

I mean, in the end, i'm sure we've all had that one time we've completey pissed ourselves over one band right? It's just something you get over when you realize there's a ton of good music out there. Just give 'em time.

EDIT: "I hope that Ulver and Darkthrone and Cryptopsy and Krisiun and Demilich all end up on TRL some day. I hope that teenyboppers sing along to Suffocation and Kalmah songs and hold up signs saying, "Marry Me, Glen!" or "Shagrath...I'm Pregnant!" just so this fucking idiotic underground metal ideology goes all to hell once and for all."

That was awesome.
J. said:
Opeth's music is not complex. Opeth's music is not hard to comprehend.
although i definately agree with this, ill also add that there is no such thing as a complex band that makes good music - and im betting that you cannot give such an example as well.

J. said:
Like that other individual said, if Opeth is so hard to comprehend and they are so complex, then why is the band basically a stepping stone for newbies? You would think that metal newbies would not be able to understand, much less appreciate, a vastly complex (yeah, right) band like Opeth.
im not sure what you mean by stepping stone... do you mean that opeth is a band that gets people into "heavier" metal? for me it was the other way around; after listening to opeth i started getting into a wide range of music (from rock to folk) and i realized that most of the death/black metal bands are childish and, for the most part, silly/ridiculous - especially the trends/fashions/tastes of their fans.

J. said:
Yet, in this forum alone, more than half the posters are admittedly newbies and started listening to Opeth in their later (less exciting) years.
where exactly do you live? opeth did not start their world tours until 2001. also, although their earlier albums are my favorite, i wouldn't say that they were more exciting than their recent albums. the most exciting opeth album would have to be still life, imo.
Complex bands that make good music:

King Crimson
many more...

not complex to the point of insanity, but certainly plenty of complex and obscure arangements and time signatures to keep any musician entertained in my opinion. All have also done very well with record sales and critic aclaim. do the math chief.
Portal. Now there's a band thats extremely complex, though I dont doubt they'd be very difficult to comprehend. Its not what most would consider 'good music' though I get right into it because of the imagery and insanity portrayed in the music. Its just so different from everything else out there.
All cynicism aside, I agree with some of the points J. makes. It's quite obvious that he has something implanted in his anus and is not willing to give Opeth the least bit of credibility. Yet, he IS right about the fanboy mentality and the complexity/obscurity of the music.

It generally isn't hard to get... yet for a few people I know, Slayer, Megadeth and Pantera are still the topic of the day, without them having even tried to appreciate more broad styles of music. Those people are an exception, with most people being able to digest Opeth quite easily.

However, alot of bands may mix the acoustic and the heavy as Opeth does, but Opeth manages to do it WELL. The transitions were integral to their style in the early years, and that's the cliche that's been built up now. Obviously the fact that they mix the acoustic guitars with the distorted ones isn't what is unique about them. It's their ability to create long songs that are composed well, and manage to draw people in. Alot of fanboys lose themselves in this and develop an elitist attitude, but that's on the same end of the scale as J. here has demonstrated... An ignorant love of the band is just as bad as ignorant hatred of it.
Opeth are not really complex, there's much more complex stuff out there. But not many bands can create such an atmosphere.
im sorry, opeth is NOT the only metal band to mix clean with distorted stuff WELL. many bands have done it before or at the same time as opeth.

in flames, dark tranquility, borknagar, abigor, and of course...Ulver.
Miller High Death said:
I had no idea about the Opeth fan bashing. I propose a theory on it though. Perhaps Opeth is the band that gets non-metal fans into extreme metal. So, long time metal heads are irratated at these new fans who have no real background (knowledge) about the scene, and who make statements about metal that sound retarded to us veterans who know better. Also, maybe some of us don't feel these newbies deserve to enjoy and participate in our scene that we like to be kept underground. Am I close here?

Bullshit. Opeth fanboys get a bad rap almost as bad as CoB fanboys do because they're fanboys, plain and simple.