Why do Opeth Fans get a bad rap?

He generalized as well, but since he's kissing Opeth's ass, you both don't have a problem with that, do you? Try again.
Umm from his post, I can only see him explicitly stating that he likes PT and Camel and knew about them before he did about Opeth. I believe that was a rebuttal to your incinuation that the Opeth fans are the ones who branch out and listen to band influences. Where you fit the 'kissing Opeth's ass' into that, you'll need to explain to me.
buchkoba00 said:
That is the single dumbest thing I've *EVER* read in my 4 years reading internet music forums.


First of all you have to understand that a TON of newer Opeth fans came from the PROG community and not the metal community. I was one of these people. I was a fan of PT long before I'd even heard of Opeth.

As Opeth's music evolved and became more popular, many prog fans were introduced to it (including myself) and became fans. Many PT fans were also introduced to the music through SW's work with Opeth.

Like many others, one of the first non commercial bands I got into was Dream Theater. Through their drummer Mike Portnoy's website I was turned onto other prog bands (THAT MP LIKED AND RECOMMENDED ON HIS SITE, as well as other fans) such as Spock's Beard. I did not like all of them, but many I did.

Am I a sheep because I ended up liking a band that an artist "recommended" to me? Is it wrong for me to like them simply because MP likes them?

There is so much great music out there that many people have never heard of, who cares where you hear about it?

Camel and PT are two incredible bands (again I'd heard of both long before Opeth), so what the hell is wrong with them getting more exposure? OF course, it is more COOL and TROO to find some obscure band on your own then talk shit about people who listen to a band that more than 19 people have heard of.

Perhaps many Opeth fans really enjoyed what Wilson did with Opeth? Could that be the reason they want to see what his own band is like? How shocking.

Get over yourself, you are not better than everyone else here. Who gives a shit what and why people like the music they do. Go play outside.

Sheep... God I hate that word. Yeah I checked out a band someone else liked, and liked it myself. Holy crap I must be a sheep. There is no way I would have liked it if BON JOVI hadn't mentioned them first.

Aside from his first sentence, he made an excellent point.
LordHypnos said:
complex in the sense that their structures/time signatures/arrangements and overall compositions surpass the typical pop or rock format and such. i dont mean theyre impossible to understand or enjoy. i think youre taking the statement too severely.

Kinda funny. If that's your definition of complex, why do you say: "Don't say Dream Theater or Tool" then? That's exactly what they do. Very many odd time signatures and funny arrangements.
Anyway: I just gotta get this off my chest:

LordHypnos: Please stop acting like your better than all of us other people here on the forum. Take a look in the mirror. Reconsider your cruel exterior.
J. said:
Go back and read your post, and hopefully you'll realize you know shit. If you do realize it, let me know and I'll congratulate you.
I guess I get no congrats. Woe is me.

J. said:
He generalized as well, but since he's kissing Opeth's ass, you both don't have a problem with that, do you? Try again.
Please tell me where I did that, I'd seriously love to know.

*** oh, and sure I was exagerating a little with my first sentence. I've read dumber things online, just nothing that dumb that was actually thought out and serious.
I saw the band in New Orleans last year (incredible show, BTW). Anyway, in between songs, Mikael usually had a few words to say before moving onto the next song. Everytime he started talking, I hear this asshole behind me keep yealling the word "PLAY!" over and over again. I keep thinking "Damn, this band has come from halfway across the world to play their unblelievable music, and you want to give shit to the vision behind that music?" This jackass had some nerve. After he saw me turn my head towards him a couple of times, he actually went so far as to threaten me. I guess the $15 he spent on the show was the weekly salary of this fuck and he felt he had the right to keep yelling at Mikael. If you act like that at a show and the wrong person remembers it, is could be a contributing factor to why Opeth fans get a bad rap. If, by some stretch of the imagination, the idiot that was threatening me at that show actually has enough intelligence to access the internet and this forum and is reading, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!
Well its unfortunate but at gigs it's usually the negative incidents that are the most persistent and have the longest lasting effect on both the band and fans. I mean, how many times have we all heard a band saying a gig went badly, just because of 3 assholes in the back shouting abuse? It ruins it for everyone, but regardless I feel it is no reason to generalize against the majority of legitimate Opeth fans.
All the opeth fans I seen at the Anaheim gig last tour were fucking awesome. During demon of the fall I high-fived the dude behind me as we headbanged into the 4th dimension. And before opeth even got on stage I was chatting with about 8 opeth fans as if they were long lost relatives. I havent met an opeth fan I haven't liked yet. (This board excluded ofcourse) :p

And to that guy who threatened you after you stared at him a couple times for telling Mikael to play. You should've popped him one.
not to get too off topic, but i love his style...hes got some very tasteful stuff

although i wont disagree with anyone who says the last two dream theater albums are mindnumbing overtechnical masturbations
oOhopeleavesOo said:
not to get too off topic, but i love his style...hes got some very tasteful stuff

although i wont disagree with anyone who says the last two dream theater albums are mindnumbing overtechnical masturbations

Sometimes Masterbation...Is a good thing!