
thats a fairly standard dream. But I rarely remember them as well as I did that one.

Normally Ijust remember:

shooting shit
humping shit
kick in skulls
lots of mud.
Dreamed that I went to an orgy, found out I contracted AIDS from it, went apeshit and killed everyone there at a later date.
I also have lots of dreams about being like an assasin... but more like one of the ones in Forgotten Realms (fantasy books) with like.. magical gear and knives and shit. That'd be fun.
had a dream i was having an affair with The Queen. no i don't know of what province or anything, all i know is that i would only get to be around her right before she banged The King. then one of my know-it-all friends was being a dick so i told him he was a dumbass, and i think afterwards i had a magic carpet.

that sounds cool, but it was a pretty shitty dream and i woke up feeling like arse.
Had a dream at school yesterday... some sort of demon portal thing opened in canada and hordes of like... mutant demon men came pouring out. But somehow we knew this would happen ahead of time so shitloads of people were there.

We knew we couldn't hold out much longer (after fighting for days) so we charged? Anyway, fight our way into the portal thing and shit and the force slowly dwindles to just me. Then I run into like the boss demon. He transforms into a clone of me, but with demonic strength and shit and challenges me to a fight. Somehow I start whupping his ass with a knife, so he makes me a deal to make me his 2nd in command and help him take over the world. And temporarily transforms me into some sort of mega-mutant soldier.

So we took over the world. It was a bloody battle. Next things next i'm leading a force to storm the gates of heaven and then I get:

" TO BE CONTINUED "... even the good shit in my dreams can't go on forever :(
Thanatopsis123 said:
I have a shitload of dreams that revolve around school. They're usually about me remembering some class I'm signed up for but had forgotten about and now I have a test I'm completely unprepared for because I haven't shown up to class for months.


I had one of those last night goddammit

I hate those!
had a dream i was on some cool nature mission/hike with a bunch of ill shit happening but i totally superheroed my way through it. i have a lot of dreams like that, they remind me of when i used to offroad. i need to start offroading again i guess.

then i was shopping at target for a slinky, which took me like 2 hours to pick out.

then i met some chick at my guitarist's house and she was telling me about her boyfriend and husband (while i was reading a book while sitting on top of a trash can). then she turned into a dude and my guitarist came out of his house and gave her a few slugs from both barrels, barely missing.
god damn nad said:

Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
Had a dream at school yesterday... some sort of demon portal thing opened in canada and hordes of like... mutant demon men came pouring out. But somehow we knew this would happen ahead of time so shitloads of people were there.

We knew we couldn't hold out much longer (after fighting for days) so we charged? Anyway, fight our way into the portal thing and shit and the force slowly dwindles to just me. Then I run into like the boss demon. He transforms into a clone of me, but with demonic strength and shit and challenges me to a fight. Somehow I start whupping his ass with a knife, so he makes me a deal to make me his 2nd in command and help him take over the world. And temporarily transforms me into some sort of mega-mutant soldier.

So we took over the world. It was a bloody battle. Next things next i'm leading a force to storm the gates of heaven and then I get:

" TO BE CONTINUED "... even the good shit in my dreams can't go on forever :(
:guh: sweet jesus, you play too many video games

or maybe i don't play enough video games...i want dreams like that...
I do play too many video games. But I have nothing else to do. my friends are 6 hours away. Leaving me with nothing else to do. Though I've had dreams like these for ages.
i had an odd dream this morning. well first i woke up around 9 and thought i'd sleep for a bit longer, but NOT past 10. so i went back to sleep and the next thing i know i'm dreaming that i'm walking around outside my old house in texas, and there was a big white hearse in our driveway. then all of a sudden my left elbow started hurting. i mean REALLY bad, i was nearly keeling over in my dream. whether it was real pain or not it was PAIN and it hurt sooo bad haha, so bad that i woke up. it was gone when i woke up. i looked at the clock and it was 10:20. i thought "aww crap" but started to drift off again, and right as i was drifting off my elbow started hurting again. so i HAD to get up to be spared the pain haha.