Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: I'm all tired and stuff, but today I finish off my shopping (travel insurance, money) for the return to Finland and then I'm all set, and that's getting me more excited about it. Not before time.
NF: Generally alright but tired. A little pissed off, my internet connection keeps completely cutting out every couple of minutes or so.. i also havent packed yet, which is a little worrying. And i'd rather just go sleep. I tried to get some euros today and they'd sold out.. hopefully tomorrow. I wonder how i'll feel when i'm finally leaving.. maybe excitement might come then. I'm still not quite 'aware' of things yet, guess that will change once i'm there!

I got a new computer at work today, which happens to now be the best one in our company.. which is kind of amusing to me.

And something at the moment is making it obvious just how far some things have changed recently... it's so... something.
hyena said:
@santtu: my understanding is clouded by the utmost confusion. is juha your boyfriend? your ex? you make it sound like things are happening that are beyond your control - is he going to study abroad? to work very far from you? to prison? what lies behind you and the triumph of the will? (too much manowar for me, sorry).
He's my cousin who's lived next door since we were born, and whom i've spent my whole life with. He taught me how to survive, taught me how to protect myself and he made me who i am. He's the most important person in the world to me, and we've been friends since i was born (he's a year older than me).
We went through some shit last fall, when he was in trouble and could've died, and i was totally freaked out and tried to help him, but he shut me out :/ (though he did it to protect me). And now we're back on track, have had some great deep conversations lately and now we're more aware than ever of how much we care about each other. Heh, it's not as tragic as it sounded in that post, but it does feel horrible.
He went to the army, and i'll barely get to see him anymore :/ Just when i had a great time with him and his girlfriend, now we can't anymore because he's gone. I just wish i could hang out with him all the time, but i'll probably see him like every 3 months or something :(

NF: A bit tired and weird. Had a good time last night though. And at least Lasse's coming over soon, he'll cheer me up :p
@idari: thanks for the explanation. now, who's allu? and what does your nick mean?

nf: i just realized that i'm wearing shorts with the iron maiden logo/mascot that i bought in 1992. this makes me feel quite stupid.
hyena said:
nf: temperature drop -> pffff. i love the liquid sense of heat one gets when it's 35° C or more. summer exists for that feeling exactly, being enveloped by heat. but no, we're having mild, sweet springtime with no passion at all.
but cold is cool, at least i'm not dying for the heat, even if maybe i don't need it, i'm really feeling cold in this period, last night i woke up with numb hands and violet/grey nails, someday i'll go to sleep and my blood will just leave me a message saying that from now on it refuses to flow

Edit: oh, i'm also feeling not sure about what to do tomorrow night, technically i should go out and i'd like to, but there's going to be quite a lot of people, including a jerk (with his even more hateful girlfriend) who is always able to say the wrong comment in the wrong moment. and this is definitely not the moment when i'd like to be asked 10001 times in a joking/jerk way why i don't talk much/how is my love life
NF: I've slowly been developing a headache all day, now it's quite painful. Eyes hurt too, as do my ankles for some strange reason. This had better be gone tomorrow. :p Apart from that I'm mainly looking forward to Friday and, more than that, Saturday night.
idari said:
NF: Eurgh :ill: Worried about Allu and pissed at her family. She's almost got through this all, and now she did this again :/ *sigh* :(
Sounds bad, hope she'll be okay. :erk:
NF: Bleh. Been through some meeting all morning, then just when i was heading out to lunch i had some other urgent work thrown upon me. So now i've just raced into town and managed to get a few euros though probably not enough. I'm stressed and underprepared, i still haven't packed. And fucking hell...

I'll be leaving my workmates with some nice completely unfinished work, sure they'll appreciate it.. im looking forward to being ignorant of it all for a couple of weeks.. i should be running around trying to get something at least underway now, but i can't be bothered, my boss will soon come and ask what i've done i guess..


I'm so disappointed in this last few weeks
NF: great :D omg i love my friends <3

Naku ist krig said:
nf: BACK at home :(

I had EXCELLENT time at Imatra, visiting Ulahs og Spaas. They´re were both soooooooooooooooooooooooo great! [keeping it short]
I saw also Twilighting, Scent of flesh and Finntroll [and lots of other too..] saturday/today, even though Ftroll and SoF were playing at the club where i should have been 18 to enter.
My first bar expericence.
<3 <3 <3
As per the request of Siren, I've decided on telling you folks why I'm happy. Several reasons, but one is far greater than the others. I'll tell you about that one last. (Cliffhanger mode on. :p)

My current project is almost over (for now), id est I see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm satisfied with the result. I've broken new personal ground as this project is (and has been) my most advanced yet on my own. I've also begun an education which, hopefully, will end in me opening up my own business. Things are looking brighter...

...but the main reason for me being happy is that I'm no longer single. (Yeah, right. None of those unhappy faces, please. It's not like any of you ladies has had your sights set on me... ;) :p) Never thought it'd happen, but apparently it has and I almost don't fully believe it. Anyways, she loves me, I love her and we make each other happy.. :)
aaw that's great, Sunjammer :D i don't know you (only seen you around), but i'm still really happy for you. good luck to you two! :)

NF: still great. waiting for Eeva-Liina (a 2-year-old girl i'm looking after) to wake up and her parents to come home so i can leave. it's nice being here, though. this is probably the best job i've ever had :)
after i leave i'm gonna meet Spike, eat something, go to my brother's place and then leave to Helsinki for a gig. should be fun :)
hyena said:
@idari: thanks for the explanation. now, who's allu? and what does your nick mean?
Allu is one of my best friends. Hehe, idari means idiot..Ouagadougou and another friend of mine made the word up and started calling me that :p

NF: A bit tired, and a bit confused about tomorrow, and a bit confused about all my male friends being in love with me :ill:
Sunjammer said:
...but the main reason for me being happy is that I'm no longer single.
Good for you. I don't wish anybody this state of degradation that being single is. That sound of the door when you come home and there's nobody there, that sound of the door like *shriiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeiiiiiink*, that you keep repeating in order to have something living with you. That compulsive way of spanking the monkey to get rid of the symptom of abstinence: "where is |ngenius?" --> "There he is, sitting under the trees, spanking the monkey again". Please, run off this perillous way of life that makes you wake up in the morning and think: "What for?!".

So please, ladies and gentlemen, I beg you, don't ever be single. Enjoy of the benefits of being married: having sex all day long, living permanently in a bed, in an unstoppable orgy. We, single people, always are happy when one of us leave the group to be engaged, because that means leaving behind a life of deep sorrow and regretful solitude.

Our life is so difficult, forced to have sex with 20 y-o girls all the time, without bounds, travelling around the world living wild adventures, living in places so big that one gets lost and never finds one self again, and praying for our lives to become complete. We miss a life surrounded by screaming children, we earnestly implore for two jobs at a time to reach the end of the month...

So, all the couples out there, please: have sex. Have sex because otherwise you force us, single people, to get involved, and we don't like the role of extra marital lovers. Don't even fall into this state of desecration that being single is.

|ngenius (Single)
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