Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@Hilj: I'm really sorry for what happened. :cry: I know i'm late, but i wasn't online so i just read. I hope you feel better soon. :( *hugs*
As for that couple, you should just throw some evil jokes back at them..
Anyways, if you wanna hear some really pessimistic views on relationships, you can email me anytime, i'm a bit slow in replying, but very pessimistic. ;)

NF: moved, i just received a mail from an old friend whom i miss very much.
Other than that, i'm a bit confused. A friend of mine has asked me to go on vacation with him, and he doesn't want any other people with us, so he's got me wondering what his intentions are.. Usually we do spend a lot of time alone and it seems just friendly, but some times like this one he really has me wondering..
On the other hand my ex bf doesn't have me wondering. :p He's taking part in a photo competition and he asked me to be his model, while making a lot of compliments to me. He's a hard man to say "no" to. :lol:

edit: congrats Sun. :) Hope it lasts long, you certainly deserve it. :)
NF: Like I will be tired this weekend. Tomorrow (thursday) I'll start working at 2 pm. Then I work for ten hours. I'll be home at 12.30 am. Then I'm going to bed. At 5 am, after a maximum of four hours of sleep, the alarm clock goes off. I'll have one hour before I must be at the factory again. Probably, 25 minutes of that hour will be spent biking. Eight more lovely hours at work follows.

And at 9 pm that evening, the Swedish Television starts broadcasting a heavy metal night. It goes on for twelve hours. I'm going to watch it all with a few friends.

On Saturday, my sis is having her 15th birthday, with singing for her in the morning and all what it includes. In the evening we're having a birthday party, and later I'm going out with three friends.

Whew, it became quite a rant.
NF: headache but nevermind that. i am feeling great. :)
Got myself a new mobilephone today, meaning that i can call you guys without worrying if it will stop working. I asked herr Lasse to get me a ticket to Stella (for friday), just that i can try to get in.
I also observed that "Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread" is winning its´ idol in amount of replies with numbers:
Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread 9,956
Good old "NP" thread 9,700
Competition? :loco:
the happy couple wasnt there :)
i'm still feeling like shit, and i know i will for a long time, i had luck once when i got better pretty soon thanks to a mix of lucky happenings, but this time is different.
anyway this was a nice sort-of-misanthropic evening, with also some alcohol, since i can't say "now i'll start to drink" cause i drank much also in the last months, now i'll just drink more.
i'm also planning some sort of vacation with these friends, like going somewhere around here but not exactly knowing where.

@siren: thanks, i doubt i need more pessimistic views anyway, i'm already feeling sad sad sad and physically bad only because of all this situation and general lack of hope ;)
NF: Ignorant. This is a bad thing, i should be running around checking i've got everything but instead im just sitting around doing nothing. In 4 hours time i get on the first plane, 33 hours later i finally arrive at my destination, 8 of those hours spent in airports and the rest flying. Guess i won't be posting much for the next 2 weeks...

Tuska will be great, and i hope the rest of my trip goes nicely as well..
@the happy campers: have great fun in tuska. i'd come if i didn't have my mom visiting this weekend.

nf: like tomorrow in the morn i'm going to be tired.
hyena said:
@the happy campers: have great fun in tuska. i'd come if i didn't have my mom visiting this weekend.

You haven't listened to much Devin have you?

NF: Goddamn Tuska. Goddamn summer. Except I'm not feeling like that, I'm just thinking that. I'm feeling more like: whee this is some great music and so's lots of the other stuff I've been listening to lately. The other thought might be that I'm a bit tired, and definitely will be tomorrow morning.
I guess anything will beat last night's 4am bedtime. Woke up at 2pm too, which is a bit unsettling...
@|ngenius: Gotta love your posts. They always seem to put a smile on my face, man. :)

@MagSec: :)

@Siren: Thank you! And I, too, hope it'll last... and I do deserve it. Everyone does. Well, not everyone, but let's not get into that discussion now, shall we? ;)
NF: OHH! Just so tired and exhausted. It´s fun to have visitors but somehow hosting takes a LOT of energy. And talking with another language than your own for 3 days is very stressful kinda. Now they left for Helsinki and we´ll see them again tomorrow so I have to get some rest so I´m in good shape to speak tons of new people at Tuska :)
I´m so tired...
NF: I've just realised I really hate travelling. I've got another huge headache from some kind of deep down stress, even though I feel fine about it and I'm not worried like I was last time. Of course I've already packed the painkillers, and they're right at the bottom of the bag.
NF: Like I'm home again. Well, at least temporarily home. In my temporary home. Or something like that.
Anyway, I'm sure I'll make many a poster sigh with relief when I announce that there will be no more bitching about my hopeless hometown due to the fact that my parents and I will move away from here within a couple of months.
We'll be relocating to teh South, not too far away from my absolute favourite city of this country, so I can visit it more frequently without having to pay a small fortune for plain tickets (instead I'll be spending a small fortune on either bus fares or petrol for the car, if I ever get my license, but that's a different matter)
Oh well.
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