Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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next week:
tuesday: molecular microbiology exam
thursday: molecular biology exam (that's a different one)
friday: programming exam

the week after: advanced maths exam

and besides, it also felt a bit uncomfortable to meet a load of strangers without backup :D
@mal: well, i hope you ace all of your exams. i know how you feel, i missed rancid (one of my favorite bands) several times because of similar engagements.

nf: a bit tired, but ok. i need to go pick my mother up from the airport in one hour or so, then i'll drive her home, and we'll both go to sleep. tomorrow i have to go to work, which is not bad considering that the alternative is playing tourist with her all day. on sunday we'll slack around the house, then i'll drive her back to the airport and i'll see a friend. i'm a bit worried about two very tight deadlines that i have at work (july 26th and 31st) and very worried about my father's therapy, which seems to be taking a very heavy toll on him, but i'm still doing alright, all things considered.
thanks to you both, i might need it... it's just a little too much at once. i really need to pass the programming stuff, so you could light a candle or whatever on friday ;)
@Mal: good luck :)

NF: still down, but today is better, i really didn't have time to think, so while yesterday was the worst day of all these, today was ok, even if tonight i did one of those too-good-to-be-true dreams :bah:

i'm watching at another university's website, i'm not deciding anything yet, just looking, but i really like the program, the problem is that i can't find on the site if there's an admission test, cause i doubt i'd pass it, since i haven't the scientific knowledge that would be required in the test. i know i'll have to put double effort in the beginning since i'll have half the preparation of the other students, but once i'm in i can make it. so i'll call or write for info.
a minor problem would be trains: from my town to milan or parma(where i thought to go before) there are a lot of trains, but my town->pavia(the university i'm looking) doesn't have a good train service
NF: I like to walk, do about 3,4,5 miles a day for years - if I'm going somewhere and can do it without my ride, I walk - take the stairs never the elevator - don't know what happened other than much pain in my leg - long story but my doctor says no walking other than normal everyday movement -
I can still do as I please but feel like I'm being confined, under house arrest or something -
NF: Apathetic. I don't care much about anything or anyone right now. I did have a lot of fun last night, though. That probably killed my euphoric mood for today.

Who's going to be post #10,000 of this thread? :err:
Reading always helps. I had a huge headache all morning, but now I've been reading Pratchett for at least the last hour and it's been nice...
Haha that Li Boat song in your signature is awesome.

NF: Ah well, good enough. The good weather turned to grey wheather, so I'm definitely not going outside. Probably wouldn't have gone anyway. :p I just have the urge to go buy some un-healthy food (sweets, in other words) again. Also have an urge to play with myself, and am trying to dismiss the feeling. Oh actually, I'm starting to think it was just my bladder all along.

No one's on MSN. People having lives is not very good, and it's Saturday for heaven's sake. Isn't everyone supposed to be hungover or something?
I had a lot of fun last night, i watched the Swan Lake. :)
There was a magical atmosphere all over, as if you were in a fairy tale. :)
It was amazing, the costumes were magnificent, and the prima ballerina was stunning.
The lights were extremely good. Even though i had seen that the curtains were real, i could have sworn that they were a painting. :eek: It's the first time i see something like that.. Of course i have no words for the music, it's my favourite classical piece ever..

Other than that, i feel a bit nervous cause i still haven't packed for my trip tonight.
people having lives is gooood. i have a life. i'm so happy being on msn, reading forums on a saturday, consuming a loooot of unhealthy food. what's out there anyway? it's just people and people and some more people... enough already! ;)

#1: don't worry about being out of step with the other students at first. i went from liceo classico to a maths-intensive branch of economics, having some trouble in years 1 and 2 but going on smoothly afterwards. catching up is always possible if one wants to.

#2: the university of pavia is teh cool. really. the town is incredible, nice people, fun yet quiet environment, tons of art, lovely pubs. go. there. now. move there, if possible. i had the time of my life in pavia. feel free to write if you want more info, as always i'm slow to reply but i get there.

btw, what kind of subjects are you looking into?
I'm going for biology ("biologia umana e scienze biomediche" or something similar), what scares me is if there's an admission test, i know for sure that they didn't have a test some years ago, nor they have a test in milan and parma's university (biology always) so i'm hoping, but i can't find that info for this year on the site :s

I'll probably travel in the beginning and if i find someone to share an apartment with i'll move there, also because it's a 1 hour trip to there if the train is fast and there aren't many trains, so i'd have to wake up very early and come home late
Liceo classico is a very good school though, mine was shit :p the only subject i know well that could be useful is anatomy, but not the way they want for biology
sounds good though, moving away from home will also get you ahead... good luck, at least try the test, and if you have some questions, i should be able to help you out on biology topics a bit.
i have friends in pavia who no doubt know of people renting flats. if you decide to go there, by all means give me a bell and we'll have you settled down nicely in a matter of weeks. only condition is: study very hard, pass your exams, and make me proud. :p
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