Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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My mother thinks I'm depressed so she's hanging out in my room and trying to 'console' me. The thing is, she seriously lacks social skills and is incapable of picking up on subtleties. I am not depressed and I don't want to talk about anything with her. I've told her I'm fine. Wish she would stop treating me like an invalid.
well, i'm driving my mom back at the airport in 30 minutes. very good. on the one hand, the weekend wasn't too bad; on the other hand, i'm sad to say that she is a bit on the common side - the tv has been on and blaring more in the past 2 days than the past year, she makes me buy sparkling wine, she loves motorcycle racing and pizza joints... *oooof*
Heyy..See how wretched I look?
I am not able to sleep properly at nights! You see the redness under my eyes? I look like an addict!

@Li: my mother goes into "console" mode sometimes too, and it's very hard to convince her that it's ok

@hyena: i never make people proud but i'll try very hard :p and i'll sure tell you if i go there and when/if i'll also go to live there :)

@Mal: thank you :) i'd have no choices if there is a test, and i'm not being negative. but for what i know now there shouldnt' be one *hopes*

NF: tired, my mother should also pay me for helping her at her autogrill, damn it's heavy work o_O i also talked to a girl that works there who is very down cause she just broke up with his boyfriend (heh, different situation but it reminds me of someone), for what i know he is a true jerk and i honestly think she did the right choice.

I also have definitely to go get glasses, the eye doctor said i could not wear them if i didn't get worse but it's getting worse than worse
@CoT: good, good. we'll meet in the EU parliament in a few years.

my mum did the most hilarious thing at the airport. i accompanied her up to the point where she needed to put her bag in the x-ray machine. a second before doing just that, she had second thoughts and took her mobile phone out. i asked her what was the point, and she said "everyone puts their mobiles in the little plastic boxes, so i thought i'd do the same". i tried to no avail to tell her that the plastic boxes were used by people who had phones in pockets, being that pockets cannot be put into the x-ray machine. she has the ability of confusing me in the utmost.

nf: spent. i've had dinner with my friend francesca on a splendid terrace overlooking a lake. during the dinner, a prospective romantic partner (no, not li) called, and i had to call him back when home, then spend about one hour trying to reassure him about the fact that his new flat, although horrid now, will look just peachy once we clean it thoroughly in the weekend.

@rahvin: tonight, someone told me for what possibly was the fifth time in a week that he's eagerly looking forward to the conclave (of all things) in lipari. you've got your work cut out for you, mate. :p
NF: Rather tired. Have been very busy with my summer job Just sorting other thing out right now. I've missed all of you terribly.
welcome back Incendiare! :) :wave:

nice pic, Necromancy! you look about as wretched as i do. *high five*

NF: pissed off by the fact that i just typed a rather long reply to this thread, and now it's gone.
i'm also really really really tired. i slept about 50 minutes last night, and now i'm at work.

Tuska went well, and cause of that i am happy. thank you forum members for being so nice to me! you're great people :) Dark Tranquillity, In Flames (THANK YOU SO MUCH RAHVIN!! [i will keep thanking you 'til i die] and Sami and Anja too), Soilwork, Swallow the Sun and Twilightning played sooo well, and meeting the DT guys was a lot of fun! :D what amazes me is that (unlike Stanne) i wasn't drunk at all during the festival. not ever. (if you're thinking "omglolwtf is she like that sober?!?!?!!11one" the answer is yes) i was supposed to get drunk, but i never did.

ps. i am an idiot. i haven't had a crush on a person for months, and now that i do, it's a big one and on some guy i have never even talked to and who i'll never see again. i am obsessed with him. yes, i am pathetic, and i should forget about him NOW.
nf: recovering from tuska.
I woke up about 2 hours ago, and i haven been able to do anything except make coffee, take a shower and put my pc on.
I am feeling much better than i was last night when i got home, which is really nice. :)
btw.. it took me 20-30 mins to write this reply, so i guess i am not on my best shape today.
ouagadougou said:
ps. i am an idiot. i haven't had a crush on a person for months, and now that i do, it's a big one and on some guy i have never even talked to and who i'll never see again. i am obsessed with him. yes, i am pathetic, and i should forget about him NOW.
*steps in his place* ^_^

there there. *hugs* if you had SMS'd me earlier I would 'ave at least been able to leave you a memento... oh well. *sigh* :( oh, and you forgot to add Fear Factory to your list! :p Then again, you didn't get to see 'em. :( they. went. off! my thank you list is teh same as Ulla's ....+ FF.

Oh, and don't worry Hanu, you will feel MUCH better by tomorrow (if you don't die between now and then :eek: ) How's the coffee?
nf: STILL slightly hung over. :s I had a nice big lunch though, so things should come good soon... I hope. :erk:
Spike said:
*steps in his place* ^_^

there there. *hugs* if you had SMS'd me earlier I would 'ave at least been able to leave you a memento... oh well. *sigh* :( oh, and you forgot to add Fear Factory to your list! :p Then again, you didn't get to see 'em. :( they. went. off! my thank you list is teh same as Ulla's ....+ FF.

Joni saw him yesterday at the park, but he didn't tell me :(

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