Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Naku ist krig said:
nf: recovering from tuska.
I woke up about 2 hours ago, and i haven been able to do anything except make coffee, take a shower and put my pc on.
I am feeling much better than i was last night when i got home, which is really nice. :)
btw.. it took me 20-30 mins to write this reply, so i guess i am not on my best shape today.
Aww. Too bad we didn't see at Tuska.. :/
So many people to meet, so little time.
I noticed that you had called me yesterday at some point. When I noticed it, it was too late already.

NF: :zzz:
ouagadougou said:

Joni saw him yesterday at the park, but he didn't tell me :(

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someone's having a hissyfit :rolleyes:
Ahh... I'm quite good, recovering from Tuska and all.. :Smokedev:

It was nice to meet all of you, but if I had to rate how cool most of you were in person on a scale from 1 - 10 I'd say ..mmm...meh!




Incendiare said:
I've missed all of you terribly.
No you haven't :cry:

Wolfman: What's the matter, man?

Siren said:
Other than that, i feel a bit nervous cause i still haven't packed for my trip tonight.
Don't you just hate getting distracted when you have to pack and don't have much time?

Hiljie: Go on, make us all proud

(you too, CoT)

lumi: I'm sorry to hear that. Don't give up.
:bah: - my dt pin somehow managed to fall off my bag the other day and is now lost among the streets of stockholm. and as I´m quite sure you´ve all noticed it´s more or less impossible to find any dt merch besides shirts.

:err: - it seems I have "metalhead" written on my forehead. if not, people for some reason find it perfectly logical to think "hey, there´s a complete stranger with a the smiths t-shirt, let´s spontaneously start talking with him about the metal television show the other night". it really doesn´t matter, of course, but it kind of annoys me anyway. I´ve just grown tired of the whole labelling thing, I guess.

:dopey: - vnv nation (and others) are playing here in november, and the risk of having to go to those kind of shows alone has decreased dramatically since one of my metalhead(ish) friends has begun getting into synth/goth music a little.
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Aww. Too bad we didn't see at Tuska.. :/
So many people to meet, so little time.
I noticed that you had called me yesterday at some point. When I noticed it, it was too late already.
Jepujee, kakkaa käy aina välistä.

NF: kinda sleepy but good. :)
I spent my day lazying around, and singing finnish evergreens, all by myself.
I am not a good singer at all but i think i am getting better, at least i hope so. :p
I read today a poemlike text that i wrote when i got home from tuska last night,i was obviously being sleepy and "a bit" down that time. I tried copying it to pc today for using the text as a lyrics of a song, but i dont know if i ever want to do a song like that, and handwriting was too messy at some points.
Little bit scary that all, especially the fact that i had forgot at least half of that i wrote. :loco:

@lumitalvi: I am sorry to hear that. :/
What subject were you planning to study in the uni?

@spike: Coffee was kinda good. It´s already tuesday today and I am still alive and definately not about to die anytime too soon.

NF(also):extremely stupid. Because some of your latest replies dont make sense at all to me. :)
@Rustydear: *hugback* yeeeeah... we´ll see what happens now. I´ll try to get to MSN some day this week, maybe Wednesday or Thursday.

@Naku: Oh, the subject was social psychology. Tell me, why there are other people interested in the same thing?? I should be the only one ;) :yell:
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