Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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I'm definetly happy today... Just wanted to let you know... The weather here is absolutely cold (hope it will snow), and that's enough for making me feeling fine! Now University will steal the rest of my day... :( but no matter for that!!
Originally posted by lethedon
I'm definetly happy today... Just wanted to let you know... The weather here is absolutely cold (hope it will snow), and that's enough for making me feeling fine! Now University will steal the rest of my day... :( but no matter for that!!

here be snows already, but happiness doth not abound. university already booked for stealing my day until 2041, unless i find a different job first. ;)

Originally posted by Hiljainen
I feel weird, i survived to the sort of men explaining architecture and later i'll go with my mother at school for udiences :s

are they going to speak highly of you on account of your constant participation in forum activities? and will i have any say in it since i'm the moderator? ;)

rahvin. [histrionic: sky-rocketing]
@hiljainen: in order to properly celebrate, can you answer a question that's been bugging me for god knows how long (like, thirty seconds)? do you pronounce your nick "iliainen" o "ilgiainen"? or "bubububu"?

i always pronounced it "iliainen" since "ilgiainen" sounds too strange to me; when i see a "j" i tend to pronounce it as a "i" unless it's in an english word that i already know. but, wait a moment... who cares of how i pronounce Hiljainen's nick? :D

of course, "bubububu" is the nicest way. ;)

Miolo (the useless)
today i'm a goldmine (heh) of feelings: i just cut myself with paper. the pain is exquisite, but i'm spending precious moments most goths would relish sucking my finger and making idiotic jokes with my co-workers. "i've-got-stockings-on-today" is nowhere in sight, otherwise i'd have blamed the accident on her.

Well, that's it, I've now COMPLETELY lost my I can manage is a rasp like a dying cobra...
I feel sick and bored and very very room, and indeed this house, suddenly feels like a prison...
Maybe if they would stop locking me in it wouldn't be as bad :D
Paper cuts are bad :( , but some days ago i cut (badly) my finger with the thing to lock the door of the bathroom, cause it was broken like if it has been cut with pincers

Edit: the metal lock of school's bathroom, i don't wander in my home cutting away pieces of it
uhm... i'm having a chemistry exam tomorrow which i'll probably fail if i do not start learning NOW :)
the day after, there's programming exam, and in a week, math. i hate it. wish me luck...

good luck Vulture!! :)

no exams for me,at least not yet.......but i have to prepare some crap for a class and the worst is presenting them in class....Hope the majority of the students will be away on the 18th :D but even if i don't skip the laughter hehe i'll reward myself with Lord of the rings the very same day :) a few hours later.....
I'll probably watch it at 15.30 in a little cinema...hope it won't be so crowded!

EDIT: I pronounce Hiljanen in the following way:
Hil like "hill"
Jan in the swedish know like Yudgement ;)
and the rest anen....
Good luck on your exams, Vulture. :)

I finished my last final just under an hour ago. I'm so sick and worried over my exam mark in Hardware. Exams and assignments are weighed seperately there. In short, if I didn't do good on the exam, I'll fail the course and will have to fork over another $500 CDN to retake it. Also my parents will be angry and snarl at me for going on the computer too much. The marks will be posted up by Saturday, but honestly, I'm afraid to look. :(

Speaking of cuts, I remember once cutting my leg on a car door and also cutting my hand on a pen. I have a charmed life (as someone once said).
curious, I always pronounced it (to myself :err: ) as Hiljanen like Hill, January, Nen, well...

good luck vulture....what are you studying by the way?

for me...three practices swept just two to go...One to be given the 16th, and another one the 18th...If I pass them I will be skipping the huge massive final exams, and I'll have to face a 30 minute test about my skills acquire during the term :loco:

fathervic (who needs to finish his degree in order to become a bit more...sane)
oh thx @ all :)
@fv: it's called bioinformatics, which is, basically, calculate molecule structures, analyze dna, designing medicaments (no, not drugs :) ) or writing programs which are able to identify a person according to his fingerprints, face, etc. and not so basically it includes weird stuff with neurobiology, transplants and things like that.
but in this very first semester it's just boring math and fundamental programming techniques (which is not easy but needless :) )
what were you studying again?
well good luck anyway to all of you :D
Economics but I think the that whole technical name of the degree is "Welcome to the interesting world of Economics" or smth like that ;)

fathervic (which after some time in the university asked the name to be changed since it wasn't that interesting, and nobody welcomed me in the first place!!!)

and yes, there's maths, statistics, economy, law, sociology, accountancy, human resources, and how to sleep under some cardboard boxes for when you finish your degree :p
economics --------> Reflected-sound-of-underground-spirits

"and how to sleep under some cardboard boxes for when you finish your degree " :lol: don't worry,there will always be a psychologist to help you :p
Out of curiousity, how many people on this board DON'T read Pratchett?
Oh, and if anyone's read Nightwatch, the latest book, is it any good? Don't tell me anything story-wise, but is it a Guards Guards of the series, or more of a Fifth Elephant (the worst book ever written) :D
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