Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@dark_jester: good as in well written, but not particularly funny. as i said elsewhere, terry loves his vimes too much to ever dare ridicule him for more than a paragraph. aside from the usual cameo appearances of death and the wizards at uu, it's a very sombre novel without much room for easy laughs. it's not as if it's boring, anyway.

@FV: the interesting world of economics is interesting indeed, trust me, and there are no cardboard boxes at the end of the tunnel :D just apply for an economist position in your country's central bank (i think it's banco de espana for you), get it, and be happy for the rest of your days ;)

i don't read Pratchett. well, i read one of his books in italian some years ago and i enjoyed it quite much, but for some strange reason i never bought anything else written by him and i kinda forgot him. now it's been a while since i want to read his books, but i wanna read them in english, so i guess the next time i go in the uk, i'll be doing some shopping. ;)

back on topic with this thread :)
i am feeling quite good. i found a transitory place to live for the next two months. on the happy side, it's in a very quiet zone, fairly close to the center (20 mins bus ride, which for a city this big is practically nothing; i have to drive 5 mins to the bus stop and work another 5-10 to work, but it's still a decent deal) and it is surprisingly cheap. i also get dinner cooked for a ridiculous price and my stuff washed for free. on the flip side, it's owned by nuns therefore i have a 11.30 pm curfew, which is not a problem during the week seeing how i will possibly be dead at that time anyway, but it's a bit of a hassle on weekends. i've been suggested by one very distinguished fellow board member an interesting way to pass the time at night, but still not going out is a bit... bubu. expect lots of saturday night postings :)
i am going to spend time free from work to look for a central flat to buy, and once i've found one, i'll be a happy homeowner able to go out at night (wow, this sounds very ridiculous).
now i am forced to spend at least 30 more minutes in this internet point, since i paid for one hour thinking i had to wait for a friend, but he cancelled our meeting for the night and i have nothing to do in the area... pretty silly if you ask me :)

I'm feeling sick.

High fever and humongous headache. Immediately as my holidays started. :( Probably some kind of after-stress sickness...

I have missed most of the discussions going in here for the last two days, but I'll try to catch up as soon as I feel more healthy.

hyena@ well,have a good staying at that special place.....this curfew sounds scary though :yow:

Villain@ hope you'll get well soon :) Happy holidays!
I want holidays,too :cry:

Right now,i feel exhausted,but very pleased cause i had a good & productive day... In the morning i spent a bit of time on my studies and actually felt satisfied about in the end :)
In the afternoon i went to the Lucia gudtjänst in the scandinavian church near my place... it was very very nice :) spoke some swedish (embarassing moments :p) and tralala köpte julmust, marsipan och godis !!! : yummy :

~mel~ (stor julegris)
well I'm massively addicted to Pratchett who has already taken the throne of best author from the hands of Tolkien himself...I suppose poor JRR couldn't hold it for so long, you know, being dead doesn't give you a lot of strengh to fight for thrones and stuff...
But you people SHOULD read Eric, which is a really short Pratchett book, and it's simply wonderful :)
now I've discovered Douglas Adams who is giving me great laughs with his trilogy of five "The Hitchhikers Guide To The Universe" :D

@hyena: well I think the guys at Banco de España wouldn't find it nice if I told them that I want to work at home ;) I don't think it's the sort of life I want. I think I'm quite good in some aspects of my degree (especially macroeconomics) but I find it quite boring when you finally come to know that 50% is cyclic and the other 50% is out of your hands :p

fathervic (hating accountancy for the rest of his life)
Yes, Good Omens should be compulsory to everybody...
be born, grow, read good omens, breed, die

fathervic (been born, grown, read good omens)
well robots can have half a million of different sort of senses, but the humour one is the not their best one :p

fathervic ( senseless robot)
I feel ok. My g/f is sick, so I brought her tea, soup (that I made from scratch :D ), and some flowers. I think she has the flu or something.

Nick(take in all the dark light, turn the night time into day)
@FV: of course accountancy sucks and of course macroecon is the one of the few worthy things in life. but i beg to differ on the "out of your hands" thing: soon enough it won't be anymore :heh:

i tend to agree on the working at home thing though... i suggest you get a job in university then, you have pompeu fabra which is supercool for economics and of course i'd go around boasting to all my friends that i know someone who is a researcher there ;)

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