Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@yayo: i doubt ppl can get insane just by reading your thoughts and feelings, or that the negativity (you say) comes from them could be such a big burden for anyone, but you.. :p i think the fact that it helps you in some way is reason enough for you to continue posting like this. at least i like reading what you have to say, it makes me feel like i know you a bit. :)

NF: ok this isn't how i'm feeling exactly, more like an update on what happened today. i got myself out, bought two tickets for the olympic football games, bought a cd, got my stitches removed and witnessed the funniest incident in a long long time, at the doctor's waiting room:
a girl before me was asked to go in to have her wisdom teeth removed (i guess). so her sister, who couldn't have been more than 18, got up with an attitude and told the nurse: "can i get in too and watch? i'm a doctor".
"almost" she adds.
"i'm studying medicine" she continues.
by that point i had almost bursted into a mocking laughter.. and i'm still laughing a lot whenever i bring it to mind. :lol:
NF: pretty bad. i sprained my ankle last night and now i can't walk. it hurts pretty bad :erk: i'm supposed to just lie in bed so it doesn't swell more, but i can't, lying in bed doing nothing is not my thing. luckily my friend is coming over soon and he's gonna bring some movies.

YaYo said:
the satisfaction from doing those is huge, i'm considering starting to properly perform my acoustic works, i could play in cafes or restaurants and it'd be great.. need confidence, but i think that comes from doing it.
@Ulla: Well i said 'yes' to my friend's offer to play at a guitarists night he's organising (or thinking about organising, more to the point), so we'll see how that goes.. but being in front of everyone on my own and having to introduce myself and speak is daunting..

NF: empty. Had my birthday yesterday.. didnt tell anyone at work so it was mostly just like any other day, got a few calls from friends and a thread or two on UM. And a block of chocolate was the best present. Rathing disinteresting all up and quite a few people forgot.. but that was to be expected and doesnt really matter. I wish i could get something off my mind...
NF: Tired and sorry for dave having chocolate as his best present :(. I got up pretty early and went to bed pretty late last night. I intend to do some homework today, but I dont want to.

Nail Within is cheering me up.
that piece of rotten walking shit of the mechanic took away the left indicator(??) of the car, but of course since the car has a bump there he says it came off before arriving to him, and another person was with the car between the last time we saw it and when it got to the mechanic, so he says he doesn't know. well, i spot the sign of a screwdriver where the indicator was.
well, we're going to buy it and he's going to pay it, he looks just like the kind of shit who gets scared easily, especially by a policeman, and i happen to have that kind of help if i need it.

it's not for the price of the thing itself, that's nothing, it's for being treated as if i was a dumb 3 years old kid, looked at like if i were a pair of breasts with no brain. he made me wait until today to say that the car was ready, i had to wait half hour when i went to pick up the car cause he had to chat with a friend.

all this will sound silly to everyone here, but these are the little things that piss me off.
heh, it's just the kind of behaviour, you do your job and you treat your clients like shit, trying to fool them for what? 10euros more?
that's what make that huge amount of nervousness i carry around explode. sometimes i'm glad i'm not a man and/or very muscular or i'd put myself in trouble every 2 seconds. :p
i'm more calm now, still i hate that shit :bah:
NF: finally my foot doesn´t sport the same colour as the firecar anymore. I had an adventurous odyssey to Finnish terveyskeskus & hospital. Now at least I know how everything works *grins* I felt so bad at the weekend that I went to emergency, but now finally it is developing to a healthy state again and I can walk better. Still no-one actually knows the reason. There must be great insects here in Finland, you should consider their use for the army :D

Also I am homesick, but anyway, I return in a bit more than two weeks and then we see what´s next. It´s not so bad, and I consider problems in a foreign country and homesickness and all that as part of the learning process. :loco:

btw I miss rahvin´s posts :(
NF: calmed down.
About half an hour ago i was ready to start 'smashin´ things' [like Sami described his feelings yesterday] but then i took a cold shower and started listening Horna. It made me feel a lot better,though whining to Siren helped also. The reason why i got into this situation was that i strained my back today kind of badly, and i´ve felt like being strangled whole day, after and before the accident. And yes, my school started today.
Hiljainen said:
all this will sound silly to everyone here, but these are the little things that piss me off.
Trust me, you are well within reason to be pissed off at that.
And I'll tell you that I myself do have little things, and I mean little things, that just get on my tits.

Naku: Cheer up, bro. You'll be fine. And you can tackle down school again, you've done it before
@siren: (})

NF: a lot better. and spamming :evil:

I am curretly looking at shitty comps that i might be able to enslave without paying my ass off.
I am also a bit pissed at the finnish Idols, cause they just raped 5 excellent songs from the eighties, and after all, pop music of 80´s is the best there is.
NF: Funnily enough, Hil and Mags, today has been one of those days where lots of those little things that annoy me have happened too. The stupidest things, like dropping something into the bin only for it to hit the rim and bounce out; getting a packet of sugar that refused to open easily; having my guitar go out of tune a lot more quickly and more often than normal. And so on. Add in some other slightly bigger things, like people thinking I can read their minds, having network problems. If these things had've happened independently it would've been fine (well, almost), but they all just happened to occur in one day. It's left me feeling severely pissed off and acting hostile towards my old man, though I did manage to control it somewhat (and he was the one assuming I could read his mind, so at least it wasn't unjustified). Cue much pacing the room and clenching of fists and jaw.
You people have amazingly much pent up anger...or maybe you have trouble keeping it on the inside. All this clenching body parts and running amok, ready to smash things...ah well, we're all different.

Today has been good, although I was really tired. I did nothing except was on the computer and read Pratchett, and didn't really want to do more either.
It's a bit disappointing that I won't be seeing Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds unless I pay a ridiculous amount of money for a ticket (at our eBay thingy, and of course train tickets cost money too) or I won't be seeing other words, I won't be seeing them. Still wondering if I'll go see Nightwish either...if I manage to get a returned ticket at some point of course, since they were all pre-ordered today. I wouldn't mind living in Helsinki if I could only think about gigs.

There's something Deron needs to look into. BBcode for the NP feature.
TheFourthHorseman said:
You people have amazingly much pent up anger...or maybe you have trouble keeping it on the inside. All this clenching body parts and running amok, ready to smash things...ah well, we're all different.
Hey, that is me keeping it inside. Anyway, today was the exception rather than the rule.
Well, in spite of what it may seem (apart from my last post here) i get angry easily, and for small things, for some reason i rarely manage to get angry with people that matter a lot to me, i rather get angry with myself in those cases, which doesn't bring to a happy mood, definitely.
Doing all these things i build a lot of anger inside and then i explode for little things. i deserve a big pfff
Everyone: All you need to do is find a healthy outlet for your anger, like killing or smth :Spin:.

I feel ok, Im going to go with my father to Home Depot in a moment to get top soil for the flower box we built. The shitty part is that it's very large and we need to get fourty 40 lbs. bags of soil :hypno: .

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