Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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delirious said:
do we really live in the same country? I´ve hardly seen a mosquito this summer. wasps, at the other hand...
Try travelling outside Stockholm and you will be drained on blood in a minute. There're shitloads of them, not only in the morning and the evening and at shady places near water (as it usually is), but everywhere everytime at the day.
NF: One big fat "meh" sums up pretty much everything at the moment. Complete disinterest with a slightly negative feeling, applied to basically everything.

nf: my shoulders +neck hurt - they do that from time to time. my tongue hurts - layer of skin from the middle are has somehow got peeled off and it feels like that, and no, i havent burnt it. i am having a headache.
My day has sucked, i´ve just been at home, doing nothing, if being aggressive zombie doesnt count. I´ve tried playing Adom ( but my state has got even worse. Guitar molesting doesnt help either cause I suck at that, my throat is sore so that i cant practise singing.
Now my plans are either to go and see my friends and semi-burden them shit, or start drinking and reading finnish poetry and geography. I dont know which destroys other people more.
NF. good but at the same time wondering how i can always manage to put myself up for disappointment and how i can be so self-destructive
NF: excited :D :D :D :D a REALLY nice woman just sent me an e-mail asking me to be their au pair! OMG SHE'S SO NICE AND I AM SO GOING! they live in Switzerland, she's finnish and married to a swiss (if that's what you call the switzerlandish people) man and they have 3 kids :) EEKK SHE'S SO NICE :D the mail was really long nice and OMG i wanna go to their place AND I WILL WHEEE

i'm leaving in the end of september :Spin:
@violet: i'm in the band of people who ask themselves the very same question. and the answer is: you'd get bored otherwise, and anyway it's basically means to an end... in some corner of our minds, we truly believe that if we don't suffer through horrible circumstances we're not earning our inner keep. :grin:
fireangel said:
He is on holidays, I heard. Well deserved, I suppose. ;)
oh, that´s good to hear :)

Child of Time said:
Try travelling outside Stockholm and you will be drained on blood in a minute. There're shitloads of them, not only in the morning and the evening and at shady places near water (as it usually is), but everywhere everytime at the day.
well, I actually spent last week on gotland, which included all-evening/night barbecue sessions by the water - with no bloodsucking intruders of any kind. but no complaints, mind you, do feel free to keep them for yourself. :grin:
since someone was wondering: i'm here now. as to where i've been, your guess is as good as mine.

i wanna thank caelestia for the countless hours of sleep she's lost talking to me: such patience shall not remain unrewarded.

i'm going to reply to ppl's mails and pms in a while. if you were missing my posts you are silly, but know that there is something in store for you. there is something in store for everyone, to be sure.
there's two more issues i better express my views on. and since this is by far the most checked-out thread on this forum, and the one where the majority of the drama takes place, i'll post it here where all will read it.

- about caelestia's thread with my phone number and a request to send love: it wasn't removed because i don't want my cellphone # to be public, and it wasn't removed because i wanted to be left alone. i had no idea what i wanted, just like now, so i wasn't opposed to anything in particular. i took it off because i preferred possible specific information about my state not to be on the front page of a public board which is still about a metal band, and not me. li couldn't have known that in advance, and she acted out of caring and love. it was quite unnecessary to fight over ownership of my dead body (so medieval! should my bones also be delivered envelopped in my house's banner?), but you've all been very kind just the same. as for my infamous number, it's true that it's not the wisest thing to post it on a public board, but i'm not concerned with that - or anything else, to be honest - so here it comes: +393391363253. you can contact me whenever you like, for any reason. i never turn it off and i never sleep. i'm also not really afraid of sworn enemies to grab hold of it and abuse it, because my enemies already have it.

- the way you guys interact with n00bs such as dreamcell. here again i understand that some of you do what they do out of loyalty and care, and i also understand that not everybody here shares the same mental age, but i suggest you take a look at yourself before raising your head above sea level. this board is full of - technically - old users who chat for pages about things nobody else can understand or cares about, winking as if they had a very bad nervous twitch and flirting like elks during mating season. if any n00b doesn't instantly get that it's better not to post 5 messages in a row because we're all old people and scrolling makes our poor wrists tired, try to suggest or tolerate before you get all smug. all it took for you to be regulars here was a working computer, a working internet connection, and the patience to tell us daily that you were depressed while eating two pomegranates. this doesn't make you better or wiser people. the mastery of this board's few simple rules doesn't either.

@li: you've been more than patient, you've stopped my hand before it did some very stupid things.
Oh yes, sorry about that thread fiasco :$

You're more than welcome. I must thank you for your support as well, and nudging me back on track. Was nice to know I had someone to listen to me ANYtime. Things aren't so bad when you have a good friend around :)
Caelestia said:
You're more than welcome. I must thank you for your support as well, and nudging me back on track. Was nice to know I had someone to listen to me ANYtime. Things aren't so bad when you have a good friend around :)
i maintain that the turning point in our downfall was your assignment concerning essence of chicken. such a defining turn of phrase.
NF: I just abruptly ended an agrument (note I didn't say resolved) with yet another person I care about and have since spent the last half hour staring blankly at the monitor thinking about how what we were both saying to each other was 'wrong' on so many different levels, how do you think I fucking feel? :err:

p.s. I'm going to make an assumption and say it's nice to have your refreshing perspective back michele. ;)
NF: Very pleased :) Got the results for my Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English exam, and I got an A, which was what I was aiming for. The only thing that bugs me slightly is that the one part of the test that it appears I didn't get the highest grade on was speaking... listening wasn't up to the same level as the rest either... this is something that would only bug me, of course, being a manical perfectionist when it comes to (more or less) academic results. Everybody else I know would just be happy for the A :p
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