Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Congrats Northern lights. Thats an insane achievement. Proud you should be. Im doing English lit and lang at A level and I was totally top of the class but now I think I suck because My exam went terribly.

NF: My spine hurts again cos I just tried to skate and failed... now Im supposed to be meeting a friend to skate but it just started throwing it down... and its mega windy... I think some crazy hurricane has hit us.
congrats anna :wave:

NF: annoyed. we have a lot of wasps / bees / hornets around here this year, already had to kill two wasps in my apartment today. now they seemed to have a few comrades who are now constantly paroling in front of my window waiting for me to open it again, damn bastards.
Malaclypse said:
now they seemed to have a few comrades who are now constantly paroling in front of my window waiting for me to open it again, damn bastards.
Well of course, they ain't goin' down like dat!
They won't rest until they avenge their comrades and brand their names on your skin with their stingers :heh:

N L: Well done. Congratulations :)
Congratulations Anna. :)

NF: Urgh, in general. I've just committed myself to another year of college, albeit only 2 full days a week, so I can get my full A-levels in maths and chemistry. It's not something I particularly want to do, but oh well, at least it's something and it's free. My parents have generously said I don't have to start looking for a part-time job until tomorrow.
King Chaos said:
NF: My spine hurts again cos I just tried to skate and failed... now Im supposed to be meeting a friend to skate but it just started throwing it down... and its mega windy... I think some crazy hurricane has hit us.
You know I have a really effective cure for that... I call it NOT SKATING!!!1@2*

*if you suck

idari said:
NF: Overly annoyed at my mom for being behind my back talking shit again :bah:
You'd rather she do it to your face? :err: IF you don't agree with her (which I assume is the case) at least this way you can ignore her.
oh yeah.

nf: really shitty (still). should go to bed but have been staying up till 4am last few days, need to get up early tomorrow and put in a few job applications. I basically put all that off for a full week more than I should have since I got home. hell I'm not even looking forward to going back to work.... anywhere, but I am going to have some SERIOUS cash flow problems very soon if I don't do something about it. should I apply for the AutoCAD drafting positions I saw advertised Saturday's paper> It's basically the same line of work I was doing before I left on holidays, it's what got me so depressed that I thught I needed a change of scenery to readjust my priorities... I vowed to stay away from the industty once I got back home, but it's the only 'high paying' job I can most likely easily walk into.
For the record, uni is NOT free, but college is for under 20s. Since I was under 20 when I started my college courses, I can go back and finish them for free. If I was starting afresh at this age, I'd have to pay £1000 for each course, I think.
NF: glad that rahvin got rid of Spike's threads. thank you for that, you italian wise man. welcome back, you've been missed by many :)
also happy cause my room looks so gorgeous
i put candles all over it. they are all colourful and pretty :) the candles (there's over 30 of them, and the mirrors make it look like there's dozens) light the room so well, that eventhough i have no lights on it's really bright in here.
i love my room :)
rahvin said:
since someone was wondering: i'm here now. as to where i've been, your guess is as good as mine
As I don't keep up with things as I should - I thought You were in Sweden?
Great to have You back - You bring order to the chaos know as the UM,DT forum -
Cool that You listen to D12 , never thought I'd see a shout out to Them on this forum -
NF: A little agitated. My computer chair is an uncomfortable one. My brother is leaning over me reading every word I write and everyone is getting all bitchy on this forum (well not everyone... and it aint that bad compared all other forums but still). I guess it must be the hot summer months.
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