Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: tired and confused. I spent thursday and friday looking for apartments in the city where Im gonna study soon. The thought of moving 350Km to a new city with only 2 people out of 500k that I know makes me feel nervous.
And I miss Gaby :(

I should go to bed, usually things look better in the light of a new day :)
@viking: well, i would be extremely excited, new life and all... for a moment, try to imagine being me and everything will work out fine.

note: being me implies that you've never leaving anything behind really, in the sense that you are positive that the place you're leaving has nothing to offer. bleak, but it does wonders when one is moving.

@rahve: whatever is that you did with all these cops and assorted people? i've got a sticky suspicion, but i'd like to hear the true version before i go insan... ehm, no, before i make wild assumptions.
hyena said:
@viking: well, i would be extremely excited, new life and all... for a moment, try to imagine being me and everything will work out fine.

note: being me implies that you've never leaving anything behind really, in the sense that you are positive that the place you're leaving has nothing to offer. bleak, but it does wonders when one is moving.
I know.. and Im very glad to leave certain things behind this way. And Im curious as to what it will be like.. I know it's a move I have to make but I cant help to be afraid. Im a wuss :erk:
NF: *sneezes* Still a bit sick, but probably by tomorrow morning i'll be well enough for work. I certainly hope not..

Weekend was spent being sick, sleeping in till early afternoon, having numerous relatives around, and doing some re-recording of guitar tracks for the never eventuating Album 1 thing..

mental state: Half alright, but it's resting on a knife's edge.. i should be in bed, but my thoughts started going in the wrong direction so i got up again to stop myself ending up feeling bad.
Rusty said:
NF: Bitter. I'll soon say something really bastardy and offensive to someone. I can't wait.
Rusty said:
With that in mind: Spike, sometimes your hair can be a bit iffy.
Shit mate, I hope that wasn't it. :err: You gotta pur some EFFORT in and say it with some gusto.
Also, sometimes, you know at Provinssirock and stuff, your feet didn't smell like roses!

Ah who am I kidding, the feeling passed. :/
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Profane Omen did a kickass gig once again, I enjoyed it very much! Williami said he had some problems with his guitar and stuff but I didn't notice, I think everyone liked them a lot! However I didn't like Spearhead much, the vocals sucked though the guys played well.. Violet Halo I have never liked for some reason.

Hmm I was there, I wore white sleeveless shirt and black latex pants. I was going to talk to you after the P.O. show but you had disappeared already. :( I was also hanging out with my friends I haven't seen in many weeks so... Afterwards I talked with Williami and Jules of course and found out that you'd talked to Jules about my wedding and he congratulated me. :p Heh, that was a funny incident. What a great evening it was, now feeling a bit tired.

I went straight home after PO-gig because of.. hm, everything and the world in general. I just wanted to see that gig and I had lots to do for the saturday as my last day. I think I downloaded samples of Spearhead and it is not my kind of music though the persons of the band looked nice (I saw some walking around). If I had have time I would have wanted to see Violent Halo though, but I just was not in the mood for nothing. The PO-gig mattered most to me and that was all perfect. I got all I wanted =)

Opacity: which parts of Finland did you travel then?

NF: HOME SWEET HOME!! A stereo. Computer. TV. My own stuff around. MY bed. Everything is nice. :loco:
@Incendiare: i'm sorry :( i think i know the feeling. a 14-year-old local girl got killed or murdered a few years ago. i live in a small town, many of my friends knew the girl, i kinda knew the guy who killed her and his dad is one of my favourite teachers. shocking it was. right after that a local man killed his wife. and a year after it another man killed his wife and himself. they had 2 children and i know the older one. also, a year ago 3 local boys drowned. some girls have been raped too, of course. all in my small quiet nice hometown. and Finland is supposed to be one of the safest places on earth, pfft. :erk: :cry: :(

@Anja: aaww yeah. next time we most definitely must exchange numbers :p

NF: alright i guess, but restless. a bit sick. nose runs and all that stuff.
nf: slight headache setting in, again. i had a nice chat with my dad today, rearranged all my cd's, hung out some laundry. a friend of mine broke up with her bf. i didn't particularly like him so there was no reason really. :rolleyes: i'm seeing her tomorrow to know the details. she sounded fine on the phone so i'm not worrying. tomorrow i'm also seeing former soulmate and current friend, and that is good because i need a shoulder to cry on (even if he hung the phone up on me without answering today, the bastard).

anastacia sounds good on commercials, but she really has a transexual's voice on the record. too bad, i liked the parts of the single that i knew. i'm rambling now. and i wish i had spent more time with tim last week instead of worrying over my health. one can't just ignore tim, it's stupid. i was stupid. i pretended not to notice him while we were in a very small computer room, but he didn't reciprocate, so i was mildly embarassed and feigned surprise. aw.
NF: Almost well now, head is still clogged up though.

I'm wondering whether i download the now leaked Pain of Salvation - BE, or whether i wait till i buy it (27th Sep is the official release i believe). I'll be buying it anyway, and i suspect there's slightly more enjoyment to be gained from waiting for it.. but i'm not sure i can wait. And i could do with a musical lift..

Mental state is still teetering around alright with hints of bad and good..

For no real reason, here are my short-term 'wants', in no particular order.
I want:
- My book on mixing to arrive
- My cold to be completely gone
- POS - BE
- A resolution to last year's events
- A resolution to this year's events
- To finish recording distorted guitars for Album 1
- To read more of "How the mind works" by Steven Pinker
fireangel said:
NF: HOME SWEET HOME!! A stereo. Computer. TV. My own stuff around. MY bed. Everything is nice. :loco:
So good to hear that you got home safely. Home sweet home. :)

NF: Tired, couldn't sleep well because I knew I have to wake up early and hit the office.. Mondays suck. I wanna sleep. :zzz:
nf: like someone who needs to play rammstein at exceptionally high voloume in order to wake up.
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