Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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ok. i didn't spill a drink. but i come pretty close to it.

scenario: one of the main halls of the marvelous palace where i work. a crowd of about 100 people, the research department staff, gathers round to hear short speeches by two people. the situation is quite impressive: everyone looks real smart (as in well-dressed, not as in intellectually brilliant: ca va sans dire :lol: ), the marble halls are intimidating, and of course we're in the presence of both the dept head and mr 24k, the almighty funzionario generale.

story: the dept head gives a very short speech. the funzionario generale repeats the somersault trick i've already witnessed once (lucky me): if you look at him and keep in mind the first impression while listening to what he says, you sort of think "how come this nondescript little guy (be happy, rahvin! the gang's got beef!) can totally enchant about anyone just 30 seconds into a speech?". while i was entertaining such thoughts, i became entertainment myself.

at a point, he unconspicuously said: "at christmas it's customary for the youngest kid in the family to stand up and recite poetry". so the dept head says something like "we have a new kid, just in yesterday, and the youngest in the dept too" and invites me to the central spot where they were in order to show me to the world, business as usual as newborns go. i was assured i didn't have to recite poetry, and that's the only reason why i managed to get there, of course looking beet red and TOTALLY awkward.

this was sort of practical, since i couldn't meet everyone personally in a reasonable span of time, but of course i was frozen and totally unable to speak. i can't remember what was said except from some details. on second thought i think i was sort of staring, since i noticed that mr 24k had no gold tie pin today (just a v. common one), but there were some very nice and opulent cufflinks with nautical themes (a sextant engraved on them, which reminded me of a VERY silly thing i've done last christmas). finally, i reflected that he looks better in a dark suit than the light grey one he had today, but couldn't voice my opinion.

then another next-to-new kid was called to stand right besides me, and i was relieved because i wasn't the only one looking like a total fool. the speech went on and i lost track of what was said, i just can remember a couple of good jokes.

epilogue: the funzionario generale proceeded to pour drinks to me and the other new kid to initiate the proper party. my comment on this: "thanks. you're very kind. i think i really need it."

i only open my mouth to point out, with fact and words, that i'm an alcoholic :lol:

h (e-motion)
hyena's tale reminded me of something out of the lord of the rings. the marble halls and little ppl making speeches fitted perfectly, and poetry did abound. unfortunately, i seem to recall only the faintest references to alcoholic drinks and their consequences.

@hilj: thank you, thank you. i'm everyone's favorite cartoon :lol:

@rahve: you must be joking... hehe
general experience has brought me to the conclussion that, in such events, if you spill your drink, spontaneously there appears a new one for you...some call it magic, some call it waiter... ;)

fathervic (I call it chupi)
what a blessed world you live in, fv ;)

to be honest, i feel real shit. i have slept very little for a saturday, and it's about the first time in several weeks that i wake up with depressing thoughts. i have the impression that a sign is flashing over my head, spelling "you really are that bad" or something like that.

but then again, a relationship i was starting to believe in was ended last night with a good reason , which under a certain perspective is even worse than the regular "absurd blabber". theoretically i should be happy, but i'm mildly lost. ah, i'm weak at heart.

maybe if i shut my eyes real tight I will go away (and bump into objects).

Last night, I went out to a school gig, got bruised, created bruises, have my hair pulled by I've no idea who (except it was a female, as whenever I looked around there was no males standing there and they were looking kinda guilty) and generally had fun, before going round to crash on my mate's floor.

Hilights - me and most of the rest of my year (the sick members anyway) found some we all found to be a prick, then caned him. After warning him he was going down I might add (he did. spiky wristbands are good.)
The best bit of this was when the dumb f*cker put a traffic cone on his head... and we started banging it. he went down, so we jumped on it.

Very, very, very lowlight - A boy in my year decided to strip when his band were on stage. He has not been known as Monkey man or the Bastard son of Satan for nothing. I didn't turn around quite quickly enough.
The Filth.

So, I'm good. For once :)
are kittie cats your friends, Nick? ;)

"In today's lesson, boys and girls (from our super-secret book of things we don't always tell our mommies and daddies), we are going to learn about all the wonderful, fun things you can make with a combination of feather dusters, English peas, and your next-door neighbor's kitty cat."

- C.A. Webb
Atlanta, GA
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