Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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today it's been a painful day, for me. this morning i took my youngest kitten with me and i drove slowly all the way to his new home and family while he was sleeping on my lap. i had an hard time deciding to give him away but i had no choice: my house isn't big and keeping five adult cats, four of which males, would have meant lot of trouble for me and much discomfort for them. besides, his parents were becoming less caring with him and he was spending most of his time alone.
so when i found his new human dad i decided to let him go. i'm very happy with my choice: this person is very responsible and trustworthy, has got a nice house and, most of all, he really, deeply *loves* cats :)
it's a bittersweet sensation... i know i did the best choice possible for my little kitten, still, i know i'll be missing him :cry:

/rei (if you're not into cats, you're not my friend :devil: )
this forum seems to be a lot about cats.

i'm about to go out and buy a couple of christmas presents i couldn't get last monday. this is going to be long and painful, and although my life obviously revolves around individuals of the feline persuasion, i don't plan to take any with me in this circumstance. :D

@Rei: I gave away a little kitten when i couldn't keep it with me...i missed him a lot, but i'm sure i did the right thing :)

last night has been funny, first the birthday of a classmate, then me and other 2 friends of mine that were there met our friends and went in a pub with them, so i knew two nice guys :D
@rei: lovely... "michele"... appropriate for a small cat, yes. :lol:

the nuns i'm currently living with are going to kill me. as much as i try to show moderation, they keep on offering me delicious meals all the time - i know that tonight i'm having dinner with a friend so i wanted to skip lunch, but no, they have this wonderful rabbit dish that i can't pass on... of course i will not, given how rabbit is my fave food, but if this keeps going on for a while i will grow horribly fat!

aside from this, i feel quite good. i think i sorted out some priorities for the future and i'm in the mood for blood for blood songs... but rahvin has their best record and i have not, this is sad :cry:

i'm going to be real angry and real tough and real mean in the next six months, much as i did during the summer (apparently this system yields good results).

it's embarassing that the most appropriate word to describe my frame of mind now, and during the majority of the good times in my life, should be weaponized , but no matter how many times i try to escape the fray with the adoption of sensible attitudes it falls down on me again and again. apparently, i am not built to make sense, at least relationship-wise.

Every time I try to be decent, positive, leave the machine guns at home and behave differently from the way a destroyer ship would I invariably get
into trouble and ultimately suffer strong negative repercussions. Oh well (says, jumping into the mech armor), there's lots of things to do that do not involve anything but brain and maybe hands, skipping the heart part. Gotta take care of them now. Sort of gives me a conqueror's euphoria, and, as the song goes, "if you don't like you can suck my dick", which for the occasion I will switch to "if you don't like it, you can suck rahvin's dick", if only because I do not have a dick.

march or croak, march or croak
all your lives a bloody joke
fill your days with piss and smoke
the wolf waits at your door

@hyena: i still don't see your situation as so dramatic, although this is possibly because - as you conveniently pointed out - i do have a dick and get to decide whether any of those who "don't like it" (there's 1000 of them at the very least) are gonna mess with it in a sexual way or not.
you know, there is some thing as setting your mind straight on various issues and knowing when a weaponized situation turns out to be one where you actually get to make some use of said weapons. that you got your priorities right when it comes to your current social-professional situation is full of merit, and i never expected anything less, but not everything is so closely connected to the situation that you can't shift your stance. for instance, i'm unfazed by your "angry, tough and mean" plan, because i'm pretty sure i won't be subjected to such draconian measures, on account of far too many things to mention.
so why isn't this possible in a myriad - or at least a couple ;) - of other cases? as much as you define unfitting as the consequence of some recent and not-so-recent outcomes, i say of late you're being too hasty and actually gently pushing the situation in a direction you don't want it to go on account of some sort of fatalistic assumption or undermining (and i should know about undermining, of all ppl ;) ) doubt that you ought to at least dig up and look in the face.

@rahve: of course i have no intention of being evil to you, no matter who sucks your dick etc. :lol: this summer, if you remember, i was in that "tough" frame of mind, but i never did anything less than love you, Wolfy and the rest of the group thoroughly. There's a difference in treating people unfarily (which I won't do) and understanding that you really just have your small gang to rely upon and, unfortunately, the best things tend to come out of an aggressive drive. I try so hard to get over it and all I get is nothing.

as for not everything being strictly connected to my job etc, you tell me... that's exactly what I thought, but apparently this is not correct. i am being given the card on account of wanting to do something with my life what the deadly fuck is that? :yuk:

where i'm pushing the situation: i am pretty sure i do want it to blow up in tiny pieces, there's no other response i know in such a circumstance, and i also think i don't want to know any other response. if you don't like it, you can suck your own dick. :rolleyes:

seriously, leaving the fellatio references to their own devices, you're not the one who's feeling like he was taken for a total fool. i might cool down, of course i will cool down as i have with everyone who made me snap, and i won't hold grudges. after all, i'm almost satisfied of how everything turned out, better now than later, and of course i'll find someone else who possibly does not think i think stuff that i DO NOT think, or at least asks.

the undermining part: i am not sure i understand correctly what you mean. could you please be more explicit as to what i have to dig up? of course i'd want to do it as soon as possible, since i hate being unaware of things.

h (thanks for wasting your time on me)
@hyena: to wrap it up in one nice little christmas box, i'd say what you need to dig up is the feeling that everybody, regardless - except for the usual mob of two or three - gives you the card because you want to reach some plateau or takes you for a fool. dig it up and see it for what it seems to be: some sort of bias. there are ways ppl can react to your good intentions that do not really imply mean-mindedness on their part even if you don't happen to be comfortable with how things turn out. all the more, there might be ways to discuss matters that actually help clarify what are everybody's fears, complaints and shortcomings. for instance, i could point out that much to everyone's discomfort i will never be able to suck my own dick. other individuals might feel like letting you in on some altogether different revelation.
but you seem to give up easily and switch to: "i'm made for war and nobody wants me" mode as soon as the smallest piece of shit hits the most lazily waved fan.

on a different note, today i've heard a song that goes "you've got your father's eyes / but your dad was an alcoholic", and it sorta made me feel better for a while. now i need to go visit some relatives, which is guaranteed to drain all the good vibes away. :cry:

@rahve: i'm not saying "nobody wants me". i'm saying "i hear stupid things". and i don't want to always be the one who makes the effort to go back and reconsider. fuck that.

and the mere mention of "fears, complaints and shortcomings" makes me all the more angry. aside from the fact that eliciting fear and complaint on the part of someone i treat the best i can is plain offending, it's just so easy to tell me, you know i will listen. but, as it goes, i don't really get told.

h (run bubu run bubu run)
i'd like to increase everybody's good mood by posting this quote from an error message i got on emule (a p-2-p file sharing software for the few who don't know, and yes, i'm downloading copyrighted material and not paying for it, grab a ticket and sue me ;) ).

12/23/02 10:29:04: Error: Unable to hash downloaded part - hashset incomplete (Nero.Burning.ROM.v5.5.10.Plugins.and.Keygen.rar). This should never happen

remember: this should never happen! :lol:

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