Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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tomorrow i'm gonna join rei toei at her place in the mountains, where we'll spend a few days. i'll be checking the board nonetheless, but likely posting a wee bit less.

i'm feeling ok, i want to forget about the crap outside my door for a while, getting back to it with a flamethrower later on.

i'm going to be out of touch tomorrow and this weekend. i learned that my mother is dying so i'll be flying to Texas to say my last goodbyes. it will probably be the last time i see her alive. :cry: she's bed-ridden and not really coherent. it's gonna be tough. i've already shed a shitload of tears but i'm trying to be just a tough as the situation. i'm finding it quite difficult though. haven't cried like this since a very heartbreaking break-up of a 2-year relationship i had with someone who was very special to me about 4 years ago. not crying is good. actually, i take that back. two years ago i lost my beloved cat, Mojo. that was a tearfest, too.

crying sucks. :(

-rh *adds another brick in the wall*

np: The Byrds, Turn! Turn! Turn!
@wildfyr: :cry: I guess that hate is not going to help you with this :rolleyes: , she'll get rid of all the suffering...that's about the best I can think to say :(
@wildfyr: :( I hate crying too, but I believe there are times when it is very appropriate... My sympathies, and I am sorry. :(
To Louis and Iris:

Thank you both for your kind words of sympathy. They really mean a lot to me right now, and they will not be forgotten.

My mother has not been in good health in recent years. This is something that has been expected and I told myself I'd be strong when the time came. Well, that time is here now and I feel like a totally helpless puny weakling. :cry:

Iris, I'm afraid that tears I've shed so far have only been a precursor to the flood that will surely come when I walk into that hospital room later today. :(
I wanted to walk in and say how i'm pissed at smt, but after seeing wildfyr's post it's pretty pointless...
@wildfyr: Hang on in there. :cry: There's not much i can say, i know, but a little part of our thoughts will be with you, i'm pretty sure about it... Crying is nothing to be ashamed or feel bad about, it helps let out the pain and not burst, imo... Just a warm hug from me.. :(
thank you, ladies. your thoughts mean so much right at this moment. i couldn't sleep at all last night. i'm sitting here waiting for my ride to the airport and i just got the call from my brother in Houston. my mom has passed. :cry: i didn't get to say goodbye but i guess i'm spared from seeing her hooked up to a bunch of machines, struggling to hang on.

i'm sorry for the unloading all this on everyone here. again, i really really appreciate all the caring thoughts. you folks are great.

wildfyr@ this is very sad :cry: you have my warmest condolences...
it's good that you could share it sure that we will listen to you again and again if you need it.....
All the best,
Well, I just had a rather harrowing experience that has taught me not to dabble in things I don't understand. I'm rather relieved right now though. :)
merry christmas:
dunno quite where to start. worst news first?

first: my ex-girlfriend seems to be pregnant (me being the father of course), for she didn't have her period although it should have been due three or four days ago, and she claims she could set her alarm clock according to this.

second: my parents split up. yeah, quite usual these days, and i should be old enough to handle this, but it still is a pain in the ass. i cannot really comprehend how this could all happen. and christmas was just horrible.

third: i passed only one of the three exams i had to take before christmas, and the one i passed was close to the edge.

that's how i feel. if there only was a little light at the end of the tunnel. but everything is so fucked up right now.
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