Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Dude that is one of the shittiest things I've heard in awhile.

Your g/f could just be off on her period. They dont have to come every time at every month. I had that scare afew days ago actually. So my advice is buy two pregnancy tests and have her take them both.

Parents splitting up is never easy. It doesnt matter how old you are, its a hard thing to go through. Im sorry man.

Dont worry, your life will get better soon. I believe that life works in cycles, sometimes there are cycles of pain and shit, and other are pleasure and happiness. You'll get out of this soon enough VC.

Nick(feels bad)
Originally posted by NicktheClayman

Your g/f could just be off on her period. They dont have to come every time at every month. I had that scare afew days ago actually. So my advice is buy two pregnancy tests and have her take them both.
That could also be it. As a female perspective: my periods are always off (sometimes stopping for a month), especially during stressful times. I don't even keep track since I don't need to.

VC, I agree with what Nick says, and hopefully things will get better...
thank you two... i am really itchy these days
@wildfyr.. sorry i didn't catch up with the previous posts... my condolences as well :-/
@VC: Yeah, it sucks, but happy moments will come, i'm sure they will. :(

As for the pregnancy thing, the pregnancy tests that ppl can buy at drug-stores, are not always reliable, but for starters they're good. Then i think there are reliable blood tests also, measuring the concentration of an hormon in the blood.
@wildfyr: sorry i'm late: my most heartfelt condolences, really. i'm still hoping all tears are not in vain. :cry:

@vultureculture: i'm really sorry man; it lust be pretty tough. the guys' advices are very sound tho, and possibly everything will lighten up a lot shortly. :(

@VC: holy bubu. best of luck (although i have no real idea of what good luck would be in this situation: maybe having the kid is not as bad as it seems?). as for your parents - of course it doesnt matter how old you are, i often reflected on the pointless question "is it better when you're young or when you're a bit older"? i concluded that maybe when you are a kid the trauma is worse, but if it happens when you are able to understand what kinds of dynamics move the relationship it's tough in multiple ways. at least, that's my experience. let us know what happens.

My sympathies for both Wildfyr and VultureCulture - hope you will survive these times. :(

Isn't it ironic, how these kind of things happen so damn often around Christmas? Not that I would have gone through similar things myself, but many of my friends have really had horrible Christmases (spelling?) in the past...

I've been away for a while (blame it on Denmark first then Suskind//The Perfume) and the news I've been reading here so far are everything but encouraging-

That's not more to say maybe but I'm sending my sympathies over to you all (wildfyr, and v/c)- I was just feeling kind of sad for the sudden death of my cat, today, in a car accident, but I should admit it's nothing in comparison.

I'm close to you, if it can help in some ways, I was about to wish you all a pleasant New Year, I feel armless and at loss for words- and so useless and stupid.

lotsa hugs, at least,

you cannot compare these things... i'm sure the death of a cat can even be worse. it just depends... and who are we to complain? there are millions and millions who suffer a lot more. but still - a loss is a loss, and you can only measure yours by the ones you endured before. this one is my hardest yet, but i think there's always something worse to come around.

vc (dark and not so tranquil)
@atlantis: sorry for your cat, being myself a lover of cats and having lost some in time i feel your pain :cry:

About me, i have a good program for tomorrow night (new year's night) i'm going with some friends to milan...we will take the train tomorrow at 7pm :)loco: ) and come home about 8/9am of the 1st usual we decided all the last day :)
Originally posted by VultureCulture
... this one is my hardest yet, but i think there's always something worse to come around.

i have to quote myself today... it always comes worse.

my grandmother died a few hours ago. may she rest in peace.

i can't take much more
What can I say? It's undoubtably a complex situation, Vulture, nobody will deny that fact. Certain things depend on you, some others don't. And I can feel the pain you're surely suffering these days, so I will avoid words of pity in order to honour your intelligence. No sweet thoughts will drive you to better days, almost they won't just by themselves.

Just take your personal ring to Mordor, if you know what I mean. That's a dark period in life, but I don't doubt about one thing in my life, in my subjective world: there's always a (perhaps tiny and still invisible) light of hope. It's always there. So is my will of do whatever in my hands not to leave my wishes speak in soliloquy, my efforts will compose a duet this time. If you need me...

|ngenius (Alone in his own darkness)


Not sure what to say again... I know anything I do say will not help to solve your problems.

I agree with |ngenius, there is always hope in any situtation, no matter how little. Do your best to find it and try to be strong.

mouse (whose words are always falling short...)
@atlantis: Sorry to hear about your cat. :(

@VC: Hang in there, man. Some ten years ago, I was in a similar situation. I survived. (Cliche coming up.. -->) What doesn't kill you will make you stronger. Worked in my case so it'll work in yours...
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