Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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and now here it suddenly stopped being sunny. everything turned dark and a cold wind rose from the mountains. i can see weird little dots in the sky, tentatively yellow-ish in colour. the temperature dropped and a lot of human activities have ceased.

ah, wait...
i think that's because it's night. :p

I just met the prettiest girl in town tonight, her family knows my family, tonight we were invited to dinner at their house. Goddammit, I just couldn't help but look at her all the time, she really is something special.......why god why, must she have a boyfriend ? :mad:

Conclusion: Life isn't fair.

oh well, fuck boyfriends...I'm gonna try to hit on her friends girlfriend is the key....they kinda know I could tell her to tell this girl how nice and cute I am too put me in good perspective :)

disclaimer: I normally don't hit on girls with boyfriends - it usually doesn't lead anywhere (obviously), but this girl kept saying how she doesn't have any luck in love (why would anyone say that if they .really liked their present boyfriend?)

well, that meeting was pretty much the only good thing happening to me lately...the winter makes me depressed; I can't stand the cold and the dark, plus I always get rashes in winter, my skin can't handle the cold too good.

anyway I'll try to make an expectations '03 list.

good things:

Opeth - Damnation
next LOTR movie
next George RR Martin book (A Feast For Crows)
new Robert Jordan book (Crossroads of Twilight)
Hultsfred and Roskilde festival in the summer (highlight)
France (I always go there in the summer with my family, love it there)

bad things:

Getting sick of my town and the people in it, and I won't move until after the summer :(
I don't think I'll ever find love in this town.
These rashes are probably going to bug me the rest of the winter.
Originally posted by poldarn
but this girl kept saying how she doesn't have any luck in love (why would anyone say that if they .really liked their present boyfriend?)

starting from january 2002 and eventually coming to a dreadful conclusion in april of the same year, i also fell for the prettiest girl i had seen - which, i suppose, was not your same gal ;) - and she also had a boyfriend whose shadow was so thin and pale that i almost came to think she had made it up.
although she wasn't as blatantly explicit as your target is, a fair deal of puzzling statements and weird behaviour took place on her part while i acted the "friendship" act and didn't try to hit on her at all. she used to spent huge amounts of time with me without as much as receiving a phone call from her bf - whom of course i never met - and this guy's features or thoughts or actions never made an appearance in the conversation: she seemed to ignore him altogether, and he seemed to ignore her.
my efforts - and at one point hyena's - to get closer to the core of what the girl was thinking/feeling and her real stance towards the phantom boyfriend didn't net up any sensible result, except for one night when she burst into tears in my car claiming she was so very happy in her relationship (yes, i know it doesn't make any sense).

to cut a long story short, she left for germany for a period of five months on a university project. a week before her departure i made the greatest effort to have her have a good time and forget her current predicament - namely having to face the loss of a relative - while all the time i was being treated as a ghost myself, since she spent no empathy on me, nor she tried to get closer in any kind of way.

a month or so after her departure, she decided to let me in to the precious information that she and her bf had split - as i was later to understand, simply because of total mutual indifference, surprise surprise - and after that i only hear from her every once in a while, when she decides she feels like seeing or talking to me. as far as i reckon, she's still a single.

why do i write all this now to you, poldarn?
because i think you shouldn't trust her, and my experience proves it.
her feelings are numb, or watered-down, or introvert, and there's nothing that says this is specifically directed to her bf only. she's in a relationship, and yet she seems to ignore it: is she prepared to notice anybody else? is she interested in noticing anybody else?
chances are she's just way too deep in her own fantasy world where bf's are disposable and friends are a silly purple haze. you might be making the way too understandable mistake of assuming you are going to make all the difference for her: beware.

as an afterthought, it is possible that the girl i mentioned scans through the pages of this board every once in a while. this is a very good reason to keep on debating her lack of sensitivity and social skills, don't you think so? hyena? :)

rahvin. (a red letter day for our nowhere industrial town)
Originally posted by rahvin

to cut a long story short,
Hmmmm..? :p

Yep. Winter.. Makes you kinda down.. Or depressed, even.
Tis not the dark that makes me down, just.. Soooo cooooold all the time.. Need at least three tshirts to stay warm.. :( (Or one sweater, if I wouldve been smart :rolleyes: )
:D almost---> it was sunny hours ago, now it's only cloudy and cold ;)

edit to avoid doble post: now that i think about it....:eek: tomorrow i have school......i will be free only after 5pm.....*shivers* i want to be ill. right now.
Originally posted by rahvin
why do i write all this now to you, poldarn?
because i think you shouldn't trust her, and my experience proves it.
her feelings are numb, or watered-down, or introvert, and there's nothing that says this is specifically directed to her bf only. she's in a relationship, and yet she seems to ignore it: is she prepared to notice anybody else? is she interested in noticing anybody else?
chances are she's just way too deep in her own fantasy world where bf's are disposable and friends are a silly purple haze. you might be making the way too understandable mistake of assuming you are going to make all the difference for her: beware.

Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate it.

You really seem to have a grip of relationships and girls. Your description of her feelings and such are right on the spot, the thing is she is moving to the states for a year in August and I think her mind is pretty set on that. Is she interested to notice anybody else? I don't know...chances are slim...but I'm going to find out, I'm too miserable not to. My longing for love is at it's peak....sorry if that sounded cheesy but I just couldn't think of any other line to express how I feel.

I am going to make all the difference for her? I sure hope so, but if I'm being realistic, with her going to the states and such, probably not. Then why do I even bother?......Because that's who I am. I just can't let it go.
it's raining like there's no tomorrow here.
the problem is, alas, that there is a tomorrow, and that on that specific tomorrow i have to go to work, some residual flu notwithstanding. i really hope that the weather gets better.

this said, i saw "god's bankers" today. nice movie, even though i would have made it a bit cheesier to suit my personal preferences :D

@poldarn: if she had a structured, organized system of emotions she could be reachable by you or somebody else. judging from what i've read, however, she's as responsive to the outside world's stimuli as a hearing-impaired lobster. of course i hope i'm wrong but your honourable efforts might be totally lost on her, i'd just want you to be prepared to face this in case it happens because it's hardly easy to accept that while you expose your inner organs to someone he/she doesn't even know how to reach his/her own.

as for my having a grip on relationships, err... :s you probably ought to ask rei, i'm sure she'll tell a different story altogether.

@hyena: same here, and willing to deny the existence of tomorrow until it smacks me in the face. we are born to suffer.

@realhazard: :eek: you joking? she's in charge of, i don't know, what was that again...? oh, yeah: the universe. :)

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