Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@rahvin: thanks a lot 4 the horoscope, it is very useful :D
regarding explanations that you gave to poldarn: u talk about that girl as somebody that is still making you suffer a lot.. I'm really sorry about that :(
<anyway>, it's curious that you keep talking about her as "the prettiest girl you had seen", of course she could be, but .. hun, imho.. you should speak in that way when you talk about your *new* gf (rei, isn't it?), cuz if u don't think that she is pretty, sweet and *whatever* u make me really hard to understand the reason of your relationship :err:
Honestly, if my bf tells me that his ex gf was the prettiest girl he had seen, this means that:
1. he don't care about me
2. he is tired to be alone, this is the reason why he spend his time with me

think about your (past) bad experiences *only* if you can use them to improve yourself 2 be a better man :dopey:

even men are tricky, it is hard to understand why they decide to destroy beautiful relationships using phrases like "i'm really sorry but we are totally incompatible" or "you deserve better than me" or "i woke up and understood that i don't love u anymore" or "I asked you to marry me and you replied me that u need to think about that, sorry hun, i was drunk" (i better stop or i'll go ahead till Easter) :rolleyes:
this kinda behaviour makes me believe *strongly* that some guys are either quite insane or maybe a bit too shallow and selfish

@poldarn: I hope that you will meet a good girl to start a "sane" relationship very soon
Quite correlated with last part of witch's post:

:( I really hate when somebody (a bf) says something like "you know, it's not you, it's me, so don't feel liable..i need to stay alone now"<--this has happened to me twice, even if one was my bf only for some days ( :cry: ), when it was obviously fake...well, i prefer if someone give me a good reason, a real reason...i've never experimented the "you deserve better than me" but i always thought it was the same kind of thing like that one before.

sorry, i needed to write down what i was thinking :s
See how in the hell do you wake up and decide that you dont love some one anymore? This makes no sense to me, obviously you didnt love them to begin with, b/c when ever I've been in love, and fallen out of love it has taken time for me and the other person to grow apart, its not something I could jsut do over night.

@witch: my comment about that girl (she's not my ex at all, anyway) was limited to her appearance. rei - aside from being much sweeter, and smarter, and balanced, and i don't know what else - is very pretty, and i don't really rate females of the species starting from the prettiest and going down because i'd find it a bit degrading both for myself and those i'm judging, but the girl we mentioned is the prettiest i've seen so far. i'm not building my relationships on dishonesty, so i'm not going around telling comfortable little white lies.
you should also consider that if your bf does tell you that you're the prettiest girl he's seen, either (a) you are, or (b) he's prone to say this same thing to any other girl he might be interested in. at least when i tell rei she's the most caring girl i've ever seen she has no reason to suspect i'm playing the clown just to compliment her.

men are of course as tricky as women, none of my remarks was gender-based in any way.

"@witch: .... i'm not building my relationships on dishonesty, so i'm not going around telling comfortable little white lies.
you should also consider that if your bf does tell you that you're the prettiest girl he's seen, either (a) you are, or (b) he's prone to say this same thing to any other girl he might be interested in. ......she has no reason to suspect i'm playing the clown just to compliment her"

@rahvin: nobody tells u that u're a liar :err:
unless i've suddenly become blind, i can't find written in my post that you are a man that likes to build his relationships on dishonesty
I don't believe that:
1. if my bf does tell me that I'm pretty, he's prone to say the *same* thing to everyone
2. you'd look smart in a clown suit :Smug:

I just told you to think about bad experiences only if you can use them to improve yourself to be a better man

It is sweet to think that your gf look at you as the most special man she's ever meet.. don't you think? There must be a reason if she choose you :)
Originally posted by Hiljainen
Quite correlated with last part of witch's post:

:( I really hate when somebody (a bf) says something like "you know, it's not you, it's me, so don't feel liable..i need to stay alone now"<--this has happened to me twice, even if one was my bf only for some days ( :cry: ), when it was obviously fake...well, i prefer if someone give me a good reason, a real reason...i've never experimented the "you deserve better than me" but i always thought it was the same kind of thing like that one before.

sorry, i needed to write down what i was thinking :s

Well, that's usually how it is. You want, even need a reason, but you'll never get the real one... just excuses or some made up story. I've been on both sides of that fence, and sometimes when you really want to give a reason, it's either not significant enough, or you don't want to hurt someone's feelings more than they might be. Sorry... that's probably no help. :(
Originally posted by witch
1. if my bf does tell me that I'm pretty, he's prone to say the *same* thing to everyone
2. you'd look smart in a clown suit :Smug:

there must have been some misunderstanding, basically involving pretty and prettiest, or possibly only the latter.
i do tell rei she's pretty/very pretty/whatever. and i do tell her about what i think are the qualities that make her special to me. i just don't tell her she's the prettiest girl in the world, or the tallest, or the most dark-skinned. :) and i wasn't assuming you told me i lied, i was explaining why i didn't boombastically compliment my gf, since i thought you said i should have told her she's the prettiest of them all (mirror, mirror...) or that i should have thought that in order to meet the requirements for choosing her.

as for using past experiences as a means of self-improvement, i think in the case mentioned i very much did so: i stopped falling from delusion to delusion searching for some weird charmer and consciously looked around for the most caring, sensible and dedicated woman. :)

Originally posted by DeepInMisery

if you're wondering why I'm posting this crap :D
it's about failing to function as a "normal" human being.. I suck..
self-pity is my motto :p
hey, this applies to me as well, so there are already two of us on this forum ;)
I'm feelin' good for the first time in about a month.
In fact, not good, but GREAT.
Yeah, I'm tired from the revision, I'm sick of the revision, I've been sick because of the revision (;) ), but what the hell...I'm on the up, in more ways than one...and besides, I have a new coat, what could be better?
@xeno: :) it's always an help to talk and hear views. anyway, i know that maybe sometimes someone doesn't want to say the real reason to not hurt you, but 'd suffer anyway, i'm the kind of person that always "wonders" least if i had a valid reason i'd have been more "in peace"and i'd have been less dangerous with myself, even if suffering anyway :(

How i feel now: tired, hungry and my feet are ice
@rahve: i noticed the RV post just now, and i recommend that you go back in time (.) and remember when you told me i shouldn't mention her on this board. d'oh. :D

btw, it seems we are not able to see each other on irc tonight for massive coms disorganization... i hope we can meet one of these days cos i'd love to talk to you and anyway i really need to hear that song :)

@realhazard: yeah, i do have a job. i'm not dwelling on the subject here because it's bound to make me slightly unpopular with some people, but rest assured i do have one. why does it surprise you so much? i'm 24 after all, time to earn my keep. that's what you learn hanging round with dwarves: gold, gold, gold.

@hyena: i do remember that episode. let's just say that while i once thought it best to let sleeping dogs lie, now i just don't give a fuck about dogs anymore (no offense to thanatos' pet :p ).
besides, this is not about making fun of her, this is about telling it like it was. :)

EToS has called it quits :eek:
Other than that I am pretty ok, tho busy as hell at work, so not much time to write anything.
thanks to all: hyena, Mel, Sunjammer, VultureCulture, Nick, rahvin, Villain, atlantis, Wanderingblade. your thoughts have been very uplifting at a time when i really needed it.

VC: i was saddened to learn about all the troubles you've had to endure this past holiday season. sorry to hear that you lost your grandmother. :( also, i've been through a parental split as well. my parents hated each other since i was 7 but they stayed together for us (the kids) until my youngest brother turned
18 and then they split. i don't know if it would be better to live with one parent or two parents who hate each other. it's a lose-lose situation i guess. anyway, i hope life is treating you better these days.

Mel: i remember reading that you lost your grandfather within the last year also. i want to extend my very belated condolences to you even at this late, late hour anyway. sorry if i've opened an old wound by doing so but i want you to know i do remember your sorrow at that time, and i apologize for not c/sharing with you then.

atlantis: thank you for your kind words. kitty and other companion animal loss is, to many, the same as the loss of a family member. i'm sorry you lost your beloved companion, your familiar. it's very difficult to have that bond broken. :(

as The Grand Wazoo mentioned before, we don't always know everyone that we chat and discuss with online but i think it's good that we have this medium to reach out to others and express our thoughts. thanks again, all.

my mom's (Carol's) passing has been one big reality check for me. she would have been 64 in a couple of weeks.

she had been a kidney dialysis patient for many years - more than is expected, or so i've been informed. she was only working with one remaining kidney and when that one was starting to fail, the dialysis became her lifeline. occasional hospital stays were common as new vein grafts were often necessary. i learned that she was in the hospital right before Christmas and i didn't go down there then (regret). when i learned that the situation was becoming grave. i made arrangements to get down there the next day, and as you already know, i didn't quite make it. :( the last time i saw my mother alive was in May of 2001 when i went down for a visit over Mother's Day weekend. i've pretty much been a wuss about flying since 9/11 and have avoided air travel since then, but that doesn't excuse not driving down there...or calling more often (guilt).

both my brothers were there with her every day at the hospital up until the end. i arrived later in the afternoon on the day of her passing. my sister, who came in from Minneapolis, arrived later that evening. so there we were, the 4 of us, at the funeral home the next day - Saturday morning - getting ready to make mom's funeral arrangements. my parents were divorced/remarried and dad elected not to be involved in the process. my mom's second husband passed several years ago, so it was up to us.

i was doing alright trying to hold back the tears again until the actual discussion with the funeral director began. for being the eldest of the 4 and supposedly the strong one, man I was losing it, sobbing like a baby when all of a sudden i interrupted by brother and the director and asked my sibs if they recalled my mom saying how she really didn't care to live in the State of Texas but she did so because most of her children, and ALL 3 of her grandchildren were there (none of them being mine, btw. regret? :err: ). my sister had lived there for quite a while but had moved to Minnesota in 2000. she shares custody of her boy with her ex who still lives in TX. she has him on holidays and during the summer. he had just gotten up to MN a few days before they both had to fly down.

after i posed my question there was a brief awkward silence except for my sobbing, and then i said do we really want to stick her body in the ground here? Carol did not have a preference regarding burial or cremation, but i'm pretty sure my brother was ready to have my mom's remains stuck in the ground in Texas.

then, like a flood the ideas poured into my head and i blurted out that i think we should cremate her remains and on Mother's Day 2003 we should all reconvene in Winnimac, Indiana, (her birthplace) and spread some of her ashes there. the rest of the ashes will be divided amongst the 4 of us and will be kept in keepsake urns that my sister will craft...because she's the crafty type and she is very good at it. ;-)

yep, big sis, the strong one, coming to the fore with some tough decisions in a moment of desperation and despair...pffff...all the while filling up the trash basket with used Kleenex tissues. :rolleyes:

there was another short pause and then i think what i said to them made sense. at least it did to me at the time. i did have some passing doubts about the decision shortly after i returned home but i think we did the right thing. we did have a nice open casket wake/memorial service with flowers, etc, for Carol at my brothers church. i didn't oppose that. she would have liked that, so it was done. and then she was burned the next day. ashes to ashes...

like i said, 'reality check'! i'm almost 41 years old and this is the first time i've ever had to deal directly with funeral matters/arrangements. it's made me realize that i have made no provisions for my own thus far, but i know for sure that after my death i want my decaying carcass to be torched in the hottest oven or other funeral pyre in town. i do not want to be laid to rest six feet under. also, i really don't really have that many worldly possessions but damn, i now wonder to whom shall leave my massive(?) CD collection after i shuffle off. :p

i don't want to be overly morbid here, but does anyone else here have strong feelings about the final disposition of their mortal remains after death? i know you're mostly younger people, who may or may not have thoughts on this, but if you do, i'd be interested in reading your perspectives on this issue. i've been reading up on what positions and policies the various religions of the world embrace on cremation vs burial and i'm finding it to be quite interesting.

still more to know of course...

wildfyr, i think your post was quite moving. this forum might be full of petty topics and arguments, but every time a grown human being trusts it with so many personal feelings i realize it actually means something and i would like to honour its significance somehow. i'm afraid my saying i feel for the stress you have faced since i have been similarly touched when my grandmother died isn't worth a thing... :(

since a lot of ppl will soon ask for your cd collection to be passed onto them, i shall focus on how to dispose of my body. ;)
i'd like to be cremated, and i wouldn't want anyone to keep the ashes. this is both a matter of civic conscience (burials are both time and space-consuming) and a sort of neatness of the mind. gods and other supernatural beings are gonna find me anyway, so i see no purpose for my mortal body to be preserved other than give those who love me a physical place to mourn. i hope when i die i'll be surrounded by ppl smart enough to be able to think of me in the very comfort of their rooms.
however, i do not have strong feelings about post-mortem events: i do not have faith in an afterlife, so i basically think whatever happens after i die is hardly my concern anymore, unless i choose to worry before. :)

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