Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Originally posted by poldarn

eternal tears of sorrow, a melodic death metal band with a good singing and quite interesting music. as their name suggests and the title of their latest album ("a virgin and a whore") confirms, they weren't exactly brilliant at coming up with cool concepts, though. :p

Originally posted by rahvin
eternal tears of sorrow, a melodic death metal band with a good singing and quite interesting music. as their name suggests and the title of their latest album ("a virgin and a whore") confirms, they weren't exactly brilliant at coming up with cool concepts, though. :p


"a virgin and a whore"..:lol:

Other than that it sounds good, I'll check it out :)
Originally posted by rahvin
wildfyr, i think your post was quite moving. this forum might be full of petty topics and arguments, but every time a grown human being trusts it with so many personal feelings i realize it actually means something and i would like to honour its significance somehow. i'm afraid my saying i feel for the stress you have faced since i have been similarly touched when my grandmother died isn't worth a thing... :(

oh dear. i'm sorry i let that get by me. of course your own sorrows count. don't think for a second that they don't.

since a lot of ppl will soon ask for your cd collection to be passed onto them, i shall focus on how to dispose of my body. ;)

*gasp* :err: i guess alone might have some other benefits after all. ;)

i'd like to be cremated, and i wouldn't want anyone to keep the ashes. this is both a matter of civic conscience (burials are both time and space-consuming) and a sort of neatness of the mind. gods and other supernatural beings are gonna find me anyway, so i see no purpose for my mortal body to be preserved other than give those who love me a physical place to mourn. i hope when i die i'll be surrounded by ppl smart enough to be able to think of me in the very comfort of their rooms.
however, i do not have strong feelings about post-mortem events: i do not have faith in an afterlife, so i basically think whatever happens after i die is hardly my concern anymore, unless i choose to worry before. :)


worry? perhaps.
prepare? probably a good idea, don't you think?

Originally posted by wildfyr
oh dear. i'm sorry i let that get by me. of course your own sorrows count. don't think for a second that they don't.

i didn't mention this before. i just feel it's a small and inane thing to say compared to the openness you faced your distress with.

Originally posted by wildfyr

worry? perhaps.
prepare? probably a good idea, don't you think?

i might get prepared for what happens to others after i died, but i have no children as of now, so those that are left ought to just party on... ehm, take care of themselves as best as they can, i'm sure. ;)
i have no worries about what happens to me after i die. i'd say the worse is already behind at that point. :)

Originally posted by rahvin
i didn't mention this before. i just feel it's a small and inane thing to say compared to the openness you faced your distress with.

ok. i wasn't sure. i thought perhaps you may have mentioned it in an email back when we were still communicating via that route. if you did tell me at one point, i did not recall it.

i might get prepared for what happens to others after i died, but i have no children as of now, so those that are left ought to just party on... ehm, take care of themselves as best as they can, i'm sure. ;)
i have no worries about what happens to me after i die. i'd say the worse is already behind at that point. :)


well, i don't have any heirs to leave my meager earthly goods to either, but in this country if you don't specify someone to get your stuff then it just gets possessed by the government (i think that's how it goes anyway). plus, i need to make it clear that i don't want to be buried. therefore, preparations should to made and paid for in advance.
@wildfyr: ok, maybe i did mention it at some point, since it happened in november 1998, but i'm sure that if i did you replied in a very sensitive and caring way, ok? :)
as for my belongings, if i should die before my parents - my only immediate relatives since i have no brothers or sisters - i guess they'll be returned to them, down to the money on the bank account i remember having given you the number of in the not-so-recent past. ;) i'm ok with this solution since i'm pretty sure they'll be more than willing to give some of my stuff to the few close friends they know i love and care for.
in the future maybe i'll get to the point where i'll be ready to decide where i want my money to go - hoping there'll be enough to matter :) - but it's the sort of solution tailor-made for those who expect they're going to die, while i fervently hope when i go i go down fighting. :p

rahve: you want your money to go to hyena. write it a hundred times and believe it.

Originally posted by Hiljainen
@xeno: :) it's always an help to talk and hear views. anyway, i know that maybe sometimes someone doesn't want to say the real reason to not hurt you, but 'd suffer anyway, i'm the kind of person that always "wonders" least if i had a valid reason i'd have been more "in peace"and i'd have been less dangerous with myself, even if suffering anyway :(

How i feel now: tired, hungry and my feet are ice

*offers you a pillow, a bowl of soup and a pair of warm socks* ;)

Yeah, I'm just like that too. I'd rather hear a reason, an explanation, or just have some simple questions answered. I've just found that you're not likely to ever get answers when you want them.

I think one of the reasons is because the other person doesn't want to get into any negative conversation with you, listing what they just couldn't stand, or what they didn't like about you.

It always seems if there's another person involved, you'll never hear that directly from them, but you'll find out about it... that hurts a lot more too.

What do you mean "less dangerous with myself"? I hope that's not meaning what I think. :(
Originally posted by wildfyr
i don't know if it would be better to live with one parent or two parents who hate each other. it's a lose-lose situation i guess.

I lived in a situation like this. It's confusing and screws up your sense of relationships in a few ways.

I don't know if it would be better to have had them seperate before I was 18, but at least you had the chance to have both of them around.

I know I felt sorry for my mother, because she was never happy in this situation. :(

my mom's (Carol's) passing has been one big reality check for me. she would have been 64 in a couple of weeks.

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It's a sad thing, but it's just a part of life... Close to three years ago I found my father shortly after he passed. Now my mother is in failing health, so I know how you feel. I had to take care of funeral arraingements and such. Not a fun thing. I'm the only child, and most of our relatives are on the east coast or abroad. I had to deal with this all myself and will have to some time again in the future. :cry:

i don't want to be overly morbid here, but does anyone else here have strong feelings about the final disposition of their mortal remains after death?

I want to be cremated, and have my remains put into keychains, and given to my closest friends... with the remaining remains spread out in the Pacific.
Originally posted by xenophobe
What do you mean "less dangerous with myself"? I hope that's not meaning what I think. :(

I don't know what you are thinking, but anyway nothing really serious, nothing with permanent effects and nothing more now...don't worry :) the worst pain that i "caused" to myself was psychological...i'm very good about getting sadder when i'm already sad.

NF: i must elaborate a painting for tomorrow..:loco:
yesterday afternoon i saw a guy smashing the window of a parked car and stealing the bag inside.
of almost ten people watching, i was the only one that decided to do something. since he was going to go away undisturbed, i started following the thief and at the same time i called the police on my cellphone.
the police officer i spoke to, who was considerably less of an expert than me when it came to stalking criminals, kept giving me directions throught priceless mono-syllabic utterances, such as "yeah" and "fuck". he also wanted me to stop a police car nearly 5 miles away from me with my supernatural psychic powers, and that's the point when i was put in such confusion that i lost the man i was following. luckily enough, i managed to get to another police car idly sitting in a traffic jam and direct them to the last place i had seen the thief.
a third police car - or possibly the first one, as my not-really-field-agent buddy suggested - then pulled up nearby and the officers asked me inane questions while making no effort whatsoever to at least approach the crime scene, which was still no more than three blocks away. after dragging them there by the sheer force of my civic persona, i was profusely thanked by the car's owner while cop number 2 told me they'd "keep in touch". possibly they wanted some training. :rolleyes:

however, what saddens me more is that out of all the people i told these events in the following hours, nobody said to me i did the right thing.
that's why right now i feel pretty desolate.

Originally posted by Hiljainen
I don't know what you are thinking, but anyway nothing really serious, nothing with permanent effects and nothing more now...don't worry :) the worst pain that i "caused" to myself was psychological...i'm very good about getting sadder when i'm already sad.

NF: i must elaborate a painting for tomorrow..:loco:

Okay, I was thinking you'd be careless and wreckless or something worse! Yeah, I seem to psych myself up to be sad... Don't know quite how to describe it... for some reason, I can't even cry if I wanted to, even though I can be in physical and emotional pain. I wish I could just release the pain sometimes....

NF: Pretty comfortable and decently happy. :)
@rahvin: i think you did the right thing. in these cases indifference is the worst thing. but did you (or the police) actually manage to stop the thief? and, if i may ask, where did it happen? :)

@miolo: thank you. :) i'm fairly certain the police managed to get to that guy in the evening since he seemed in no hurry and they eventually followed the lead in the right direction. it happened near the center of town, around 6:45pm.

thanks nick. :) i know a lot of people would agree that this was the right thing, it just feels good to hear it sometimes. perhaps i'm fueled by approval. :eek:


ps - @ormir: see? i used that smiley. ;)
*chants* hero, hero, hero, hero...
good job mate. and let those cops know about some style, eh? ;)

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