Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Originally posted by Ormir

Yeah, good job with the thief. I would have shot him. But that was probably the better thing to do.

Would you have used the the gun in your pocket? :D
Even if i'm studying articulations for tomorrow's test i feel good, it's really easy stuff :)

:D Funny fact today: today we've seen our anatomy/decorative-illustration teacher for the first time after the holidays, we did pratically nothing and he gave us all a new year's greeting kiss
:D no, most of the teachers in this school are really "friendly", the drawing teacher often brings us chocolat (yes this sounds like we are 5years old :lol: ) and so on, it's quite a funny place

..i feel like the Pope right now, i continue to say "we are"
Originally posted by NicktheClayman
Sounds like a perwert to me :D.


you sound like a pervert to me

@rahvin: cheers dude, you had the courage to do the right thing, most people don't :)
Originally posted by NicktheClayman
@Hilj, Maybe its an Italian thing?

anatomy is the magic word there, nick. ;)
tomorrow in the morning when we wake up early and alone and crawl to our working/studying places, we'll have thoughts full of love for hiljainen and her friendly, chocolate-covered school. :p

Originally posted by rahvin
@wildfyr: ok, maybe i did mention it at some point, since it happened in november 1998, but i'm sure that if i did you replied in a very sensitive and caring way, ok? :)

ok. :)

as for my belongings, if i should die before my parents - my only immediate relatives since i have no brothers or sisters - i guess they'll be returned to them, down to the money on the bank account i remember having given you the number of in the not-so-recent past. ;)

:eek: i remember that now. not that i ever did anything with that information. *saint* ;-)

i'm ok with this solution since i'm pretty sure they'll be more than willing to give some of my stuff to the few close friends they know i love and care for.
in the future maybe i'll get to the point where i'll be ready to decide where i want my money to go - hoping there'll be enough to matter :)

when that's the case, that's where even more planning comes in handy.

- but it's the sort of solution tailor-made for those who expect they're going to die, while i fervently hope when i go i go down fighting. :p


with all your dwarven might :)
Originally posted by xenophobe
I lived in a situation like this. It's confusing and screws up your sense of relationships in a few ways.

I don't know if it would be better to have had them seperate before I was 18, but at least you had the chance to have both of them around.

I know I felt sorry for my mother, because she was never happy in this situation. :(

i know what you mean. unfortunately some people experience first-hand (parental) male-female relationship woes long before they themselves are even old enough to experience such for themselves. i suppose it can somehow factor in on how they conduct themselves in relationships later on in life, but i'm no psychiatrist or anything. it just seems to make sense. i could be talking out my rear, so maybe you should consult the psycho-babble experts. ;)

perhaps turning this to a music-related discussion might add something more useful (or maybe even therapeutic in a way)?

i've been on a TON kick lately. (i see someone else has been too.)

track #1 from SDaH: unsuccessfully coping with the natural beauty of infidelity :heh:

i should sooo write alternate 'female perspective' lyrics for this song. it should pretty easy, just substitute a counter gender insult in the appropriate places.

for instance,

lech pig prick i know you're fucking someone else


although i think a male-appropriate alternate for "fucking" is in order though. hmm... dicking? sticking? i got it: porking? :p yeah, that's the one. :D

lech pig prick i know you're porking someone else. ...

:lol: i think i could handle the rhythm guitar parts after i learned 'em, too. :D

where there's a womb there's a way could stay static.

and these...

done it before / time after time / refused to learn your lesson / gave til it hurt / thought it was right / only fools make mistakes twice

:erk: true for any gender really.

i kid, yes. but i don't hate the male gender, despite some of their...err...shall we say, shortcomings? ;)

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It's a sad thing, but it's just a part of life... Close to three years ago I found my father shortly after he passed. Now my mother is in failing health, so I know how you feel. I had to take care of funeral arraingements and such. Not a fun thing. I'm the only child, and most of our relatives are on the east coast or abroad. I had to deal with this all myself and will have to some time again in the future. :cry:

i know, Everything Dies, right? oh man, handling stuff like that alone must be harder than ever. :cry:

I want to be cremated, and have my remains put into keychains, and given to my closest friends... with the remaining remains spread out in the Pacific.

that's an interesting take. thanks for sharing!
@wildfyr: :) after your almost-feminist tirade one would get the impression i'm either gay or belonging to the female persuasion, for being deemed your hero. ;)

@nick: happy to hear that... maybe the thought of the test also made you a bit more tense than usual during the other night's discussion?

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