Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@hyena: i saw you look smart and brilliant when drunk, so maybe you shouldn't get any sleep and keep on drinking until the morning - which has already begun, btw - so as to impress the visitors with inhebriated cunnings?

@wildfyr: i think i'll pass on the gender change for now. i'm starting to like this one. :p

@vultureculture: gotcha! wrong thread! :D

It's a tipical food in northern Italy, you can eat it alone, with various kinds of meat (especially bunny), cooked with tomatoes sauce and so on....
done with yellow flour and milk
@Mel: Thanks!! :) Yeah, we started and we still have lessons and we'll keep writing for more than a month. *snif* When will you start? Good luck to you too! :)

@melonaki, nick, miolo, hilj: thank you a lot :)
Originally posted by rahvin
[B@vultureculture: gotcha! wrong thread! :D

rahvin. [/B]

just a test if our moderator goes after his duties :D
well, he certainly does. but wtf did i post that here? i must have been drunk :eek:
*bows to everyone*
rahvin, hiljainen, your words fill me of pride and joy... alas (pronounce that with a strong piedmontese accent for extra effect), i'm working 9 to 9 therefore not much time to spend on the internet. but the forum holds a special place in my heart.
i did decently well in my briefing, except i wanted to smash a person's head (not one of my colleagues, one person from the company that is materially carrying out the survey for us). tomorrow is a quiet day, all programming and spending money as i have to buy upper tier clothes for the upcoming tour of briefings all around italy. thursday is a field day since we're supposed to meet the actual interviewers for the first time. i'm going to shut the fuck up and listen to two other people in my team brief them on the survey, but then i'm going to be dispatched for two weeks in some still unknown part of the country to do that on my own. scary.

:hotjump: field agent hyena, i'm sure you'll do exceptionally well. :)
i hope you'll be there when i plan to visit you, otherwise it's going to turn out like a fairly useless trip. :D

rahvin. (smash the head that doesn't mesh)
Not giving details, but I have a feeling my life is going to get probably worse and more... demanding. I can hope for something, but it may all turn out bad in the end, for me and... . I can still hope though...
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