Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Miolo@ Conratulations!!
hopes her exams will be sucessfull,too :cry:

Dark_Jester@ best wishes to you...i hope it is nothing serious....

Rahvin@ :cry:
i'd like to know,too....what's wrong?? Everytime you seem to feel well,i get worried,cause it somehow doesn't correspond to the imagine of the strong rahvin i have in my mind :( I hope you are already feeling better.....

as for me,zzzzz... i need a good long sleep.....
but it seems this PC is magic and doesn't let me go to bed ;)

Originally posted by Melancholia
Everytime you seem to feel well,i get worried,cause it somehow doesn't correspond to the imagine of the strong rahvin i have in my mind :( I hope you are already feeling better.....


then I don't wonder what would happen if he seemed to feel down ;) :p
I don't think rahvin is too bad, it seems to be a cyclical thing...but since everybody wants to know about it, I'll add my voice to those ones already claiming to know about our moderators issues...seriously, anyhting wrong pal ?
i appreciate your concern over the very few times when i might be feeling allright. ;)
i'm inclined to believe the image of the strong rahvin and the image of the happy rahvin do not agree with each other, and as entombed now wold put it, "at my worst i'm at my best". however, i'd like to put you out of your misery right here and now, yet i'm forced to wait for a couple of events to take place before i talk freely. sorry for having stirred the waters before time: i should have waited a few days more but - as i said - i was mighty tired last night.
there is anyway no major breakdown ahead, i'm sure i can take it all.

NF: Too confused and frustrated...the only thing that is certain is that I will be like this for quite some time :erk:
@you little motherfucker (lol, sorry, i don't mean it but it just sounded too damn nice not to say): you're a bubu, leaving me hanging on like this.

here's the deal: rei toei and i broke up today.

on the one hand, i know it sounds like the epitome of geekness running to tell an online board about my most intimate experiences, as if i were trying to live it out in the false reality of the forum instead of coming to terms with it in real life. on the other, there is just too much of my real life involved in my activities here that it would just be stupid to not relate to this place and what the people here know, and what the people here think. with that out of the way, try to forgive my abuse of this medium and please cope with the rest of this post.

the breaking up was consensual and it was based on reasons that were no cause for any argument. rei and i are (and plan to stay) in fairly good terms, that may or may not be labeled as "friendship", but are surely not going to be labeled as "being together" anymore. there are no hard feelings between us and we parted in the smoothest way possible.
quite obviously, we have no interest in public discussions concerning our relationship: aside from being in bad taste, they'd put a lot of people (us included) in an uncomfortable situation and they would be well beside the point. to avoid soliciting any such discussion, i will refrain from opening my heart in a way that might be traced back to our relationship on this board, at least for a while, which in turn does mean that i'll be keeping a fairly low profile - that's the spot for a joke about "low" and "dwarves", but i'm not in the right mood i guess - when it comes to my personal life as long as the inevitable wounds are still fresh.

there is no other taboo on the subject or concerning me, her, me & her: you don't have to act oversensitive or anything. friends who'd like to know my/her side of the story - and don't already - are welcome to ask questions in private. all the others are just morbid freaks without a life of their own. that was a joke.

rahvin. (feels sorry his life is a mess)
I suck at giving advice or writing long answers, so I'll just tell you this Rahvin...

Most peoples lives are a mess, in fact, mine is in the shitter and has been so for the past few whenever you feel down just think of how, errmmm, other people feel shit too.

Now the moral of my post is...ummm...well, gotta go!

*runs out of thread*
@Rahvin: It would be stupid by my side to start arguing about your personal life, making personal judgements or taking place by your side as an over-protective (robotic) mother. If you've decided to split, there should be solid reasons to. In any case, my interest about you both remains. It would be also stupid to try to take the weight off your shoulder through sweet words, but if I can do something for you or Rei, I will.

|ngenius (Specially in those moments of sickness aforementioned we all use to suffer too)

Edit: I've lost my job today.
@|ngenius: sorry about your job. I hope you can find another one soon, and better, at that.

h (black hawk down below)
@rahve: i know i am not supposed to be cracking silly jokes now, but this was too much:

Originally posted by rahvin
try to forgive my abuse of this medium

i just imagined you beating to a bloody pulp some tv fortuneteller and then politely saying "try to forgive my abuse of this medium".

h (world domination tour)
I'm very sorry to hear that Rahvin. As I posted on the U.S. tour thread, the same thing happened to me 2 weeks ago. I'm glad you two are still on good terms. From personal experience, thats what's needed in times like these. (On a semi-related note, I've found that when someone breaks up with you, and after two weeks, you still can't hate each other, even if you try to in order to make the parting easier, it means there really is something there). I understand that you don't want people talking too much about it, so I'll end my post here. But I just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone. Best of luck to both of you, and I hoep things turn out for the best.


P.S. Hope things look up for you soon |ng.
@Rahvin: My condolences, man. Those are sad news. I hope things will get better for both you and Rei, respectively. Better to be alone than to be in a relationship that doesn't work. Don't really know what to say. Just felt I had to say something...
@rahvin: i have nothing really intelligent to say about your break up, so i'll just shut my mouth. i'm sorry for you two, anyway. :cry:
i just wanted to say that i enjoyed our little today's meeting. :)

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