Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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whatever was the cause, i hope rei shows up here again as well. would be sad if issues between you two would echo in the forum, forcing her to leave it. but i dunno, maybe it's too difficult.
anyways, from what you said it seems like a decision you both had well thought upon, so i wish you 2 all the best for the future.
thanks for the kind words everybody.
to answer a popular question, i'm sure rei's postings on this board are going to take place regardless of the situation between us. she's not much of a frequent poster anyway, so any occasional disappearance on her part is surely totally unrelated to the current, err, predicament, at least in the sense that we're not avoiding each other or separating our areas of interest. of course if as a consequence of our breaking up she's not in a mood for posting for a while that's another kettle of fish, but i'm sure you understand i can't answer to that.

@hyena: wanna talk jokes? just let me get down to that cipollone part of your heart of hearts. :p

@miolo: i enjoyed our meeting too, will provide you with cd-lists and happy links as soon as humanly possible. i'm especially glad my dark mood and darker clothes didn't scare the living shit out of you. :)

@rei/rahvin: damn, I'm sorry....i'm late and feeling like i've missed it all....well as you well know (you're older than me :p ) this things suck, but it might bring you to something better or as it happened to me (after a 5 year relationship) to something MUCH better ;)
I really hope the best for you, too...since you two are part of my little "hall of fame" from the DT forum...

*group hug in the most squeezingly way*

fathervic (hug)
I hope everyone feels healthy and happy or the closest possible to those utopic feelings. Me, im dreading single awareness day, aka VD.
Rei, rhavin@ it's sad,ending a relationship is always sad :cry: but i know you are both mature enough and if you think/feel you have taken the right decision then it is that way....
I want to hug you both and wish you all the best.....

*big warm group hug*

what a depressing fuckwit i am. i missed my 7.45 train and now I have to wait until 8.45. If the next Eurostar is late I am totally fucked up, given how I should be in Naples ready to give one of my usual brilliant motivation speeches at 11.00. If everything goes nice and smooth, I'll be in the station at 10.30 and on time for the briefing, but fuck knows if the train is running as appropriate. The other one sure was, I watched it depart when I was standing about 30 meters from it. All of this because of the SLOWEST cab driver in history. I told him I was in a hurry so my employer is going to pay urgency fares, but I would have been faster by walking, probably. Waking up at 6.30 without a reason is annoying.

coming back to the other issues at hand:

@VB: i strongly hope you did not get no VD. i don't even believe you are risking one. that's the kind of stuff people post to get attention, and you sound like the type who would try.

@rahvin: don't cipollone me :p crack any jokes you want, i'm not getting anywhere anyway, especially given my train-catching skills :)

off to read some more threads, seeing how i have plenty of time to kill before finally discovering how does a first class carriage on a eurostar look. :D

@hyena: 8.45 is just 20' away, and i wouldn't want you to miss that other train. see, if you just didn't wait till the last minute to get to the train station you'll arrive in time. heh. i'm just trying to cipollone you a bit, you know. ;)

if vd stands for valentine's day, how could violet or anybody else not get one? and if it stands for a valentine, why would she not be getting one, and how do we know? :confused:
i'm sorry if i'm dense, in addition to short.

i AM in the station, i didn't quite go anywhere after missing the first train. there's a chupi internet point with lots of cool goodies in it. my net time is running out in 4 minutes and then i'll proudly march to my train. (march as in "it will be the first of march when i finally board the damn thing"). i know you thought i went to my office for a tiny cipollone moment, but no i didn't. :)

in my book, VD stands for venereal disease. but you might even be right. :)


Edit: train's coming. Wow.
Originally posted by hyena
in my book, VD stands for venereal disease. but you might even be right. :)

so basically you're saying std's have some part in the process of being aware that you do not have a steady relationship?
well, yeah, i suppose they ought to be filed under the "fucking obvious reasons" tag. :rolleyes:

rahvin. (lady luck came along etc etc)
Why the hell didn't I study properly for the exam that's gonna start in 1 1/2 hours?!?

(And why the hell am I not studying now that I still have a little spare time to do so? :rolleyes: )

Wish me luck, I really need it... :(

wish you the best of luck, lamia. wondering why you didn't study properly is no use, unless you're about to take an exam in "psychology of the unconscious mind", so let go and give it your best shot. you'll have plenty of time asking yourself abstract questions afterwards. ;)

Originally posted by Lamia
This isn't an important exam though, there's a chance to try it again at February. Thank god for that.

lamia, and i thought i was kinda confused today... we are in february already. actually, we're gonna be halfway through the morrow. please treasure this piece of information while trying to asses when the exam is gonna take place next. :)

p.s. --- i'm warning you in case you have a bf: tomorrow is valentine's day. :p

it was worth to wait for that second train. the day was smashing, in that i never knew people from Naples were so funny. The working thing was alright, went alright as planned, but i was on the verge of going into mad laughter every six minutes. aside from the colourful dialect expressions that the interviewers were giving each other, and the very characters (i wonder why they all look like fortunetellers), i got a taste of the legends about this part of the country. at three different times of the day, i got dragged on the side by some lady asking me if i could do something to remove the director of their local bank, who had rationed their credit. like i am fuck knows who. that is what respectable institutions, a smart suit and my natural charisma (hahaha) do for you. i had the hardest time trying not to laugh in their face. :lol: to complete the happy scenario, i am being hosted in some place i could never afford, a hotel overlooking the sea with a beautiful terrace. this is not the final level of lavishness, wait some 20 years til i get the upper floor suite in a place far better than this, but hey, there`are worst places to have drinks. internet tv still sucks, but i am not responsible :)
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