Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Caelestia said:
ouch, Horseman. congrats on the game though. hope your wrist heals well and fast.

Thanks. I already missed on a chance to smite a stupid (female) football fan due to not being able to type fast enough (chat enviroment sucks) and having to concentrate on hitting the right keys.
NF: I feel good. I made some money today doing computer work and will continue doing that for the rest of the year.
@fourth: a friend of mine broke his wrist playing football in the same manner you describe. it took him around 20 days to recover after he had his arm put in a cast. he was happy for the first week since he could not work, but after a while he got bored.

@cael: i'm ever the optimist, now am i? :p i second mouse's recs, although maybe you need to go easy on the very proactive approach - i know that i tend to scare everyone off when i'm too active.

nf: everyone has left to go bu knows where, i'm leaving for the airport in one hour, i have a slight tummy ache due to more alcohol last night, and i can't wait to be in rome sleeping it all off. won't be home until 7pm tho due to connecting flights.

@rahvin: amy's going to be back in rome on the 11th. :ill: theoretically, she's just coming here for the wedding of her friend francesca, but i'm terrified at the thought. i am supposed to go pick her up at the airport: i need a new car and i need garlic to exorcize the memories of the past winter. ouch.
@ Horse: Owwww :/ Sounds..painful. What did the doctor do to it? You did go to the doctor, right? I broke my arm once and it SUCKED, and took ages to heal. I hope your case will be easier.

NF: Why won't this fucking half-flu go away already :mad: It's annoying. Looking forward to going out with a friend today :)
NF: Tired and annoyed from yesterday

It started out as my dad asking me to walk to walmart and buy some batteries because we didnt have any :bah: turned out to be a little worse than i thought, like to attack me (no joke, and i really dont know why) and this time was no exception. I got quite a work out too, i had 6 or 7 kids chasing me :err:, these kids were around 10 - 11, if the were any younger i probably wouldnt have ran.

They chased me for around 10 minutes, until i reached a decently busy road (i didnt know this at that time) and i rolled over some girls car going up the road (and she didnt even stop :cry: ) and i was completly beat out by now, the kids had stopped chasing me, and i had no idea where the fuck i was.....great. I couldn't retrace my steps either, i didnt pay any attention to where i was running :yell:. so i finnaly found walmart after 30 minutes of not knowing where i was going and bought some batteries and returned to my house. So when i came back my dad said since i took too long he drove up and bought some himself, and said the money he gave me to buy the batteries was my money anyways. I was fucking angry to say the least, couldnt sleep, blah blah..fuck it im tired of typing :bah:
@hyena: i don't want to scare anyone off with my weirdness either. but i think the right person for me would (and should) be able to handle (and like) my quirkiness. so maybe the people whom you scare off just aren't your type. or i watch too many unrealistic romantic films :lol:
idari said:
@ Horse: Owwww :/ Sounds..painful. What did the doctor do to it? You did go to the doctor, right? I broke my arm once and it SUCKED, and took ages to heal. I hope your case will be easier.

I just came back from the doctor. He just molested my wrist. :p Nah, the service was pretty good and quick. It's just that he was twisting my wrist everywhere and I'm just there squirming in pain while mom is doing her best not to burst laughing.
Didn't need a cast or anything like that, the doctor diagnosed that it wasn't fractured (which is a shame, DT connection and all :p), just twisted. Should take a few days to heal, which too is less than I thought at first.
Thanks to everyone who was generally nice about it. :)

Nf: More or less indifferent, even if still limited and annoyed by one-handedness. But it's getting much better and now this one-hand typing is starting to feel like dancing. Faulty dancing at that, judging by the amount of typos. Fits me like a glove.
Thinking a bit about a now deceased 'friend.' Sometimes I wonder if I'm just emotionless or logical about death, or maybe so afraid of it that I discard the feelings completely. Oh well, I'm willing to believe that I'm not just a cruel-hearted bastard. People much closer to him have moved on just fine too.
Does this even fit into the frames of 'now feeling'?

idari said:
NF: Annoyed at the fucking rain. Not going out after all, but we're getting drunk at my place instead :p

Only kiddos get drunk outdoors. ;)

:lol: It's the same fot everyone? Goddamn it.
i'm safely home and playing a song that's been playing in my head for days. happy happy. if only the cat on the patio didn't look about to die, everything would be just peachy.

the whole week was a success. i'm really happy.
NF: slightly murderous.
My head aches, i am sneezing all the time and my home is filled with little kids (three) who claim that they´re related to me. Unluckily (for them) they don´t know that, if they my relatives, their chance of getting killed by shotgun is 24 of 27 when with normal people it is just 5 of 45.
A note on the whole wrist thing, my left wrist has been both twisted and fractured, it hurt a lot more when it was twisted. It did need a cast when it was fractured, but the pain was far weaker, it only really hurt when you put pressure on the spot of the fracture, when it was twisted movement towards any direction was excrutiating
TheFourthHorseman said:
I just came back from the doctor. He just molested my wrist. :p Nah, the service was pretty good and quick. It's just that he was twisting my wrist everywhere and I'm just there squirming in pain while mom is doing her best not to burst laughing.
Didn't need a cast or anything like that, the doctor diagnosed that it wasn't fractured (which is a shame, DT connection and all :p), just twisted. Should take a few days to heal, which too is less than I thought at first.
Thanks to everyone who was generally nice about it. :)

Only kiddos get drunk outdoors. ;)
Ah, good good :) Fractured..isn't that Katatonia? *can't think atm*

Well, i am a kid :cool:

NF: Great, but a bit tired. Ended up at Juha's place last night, drank with him and Jenni and talked a lot. Had some great, deep conversations with Juha after Jenni fell asleep :) Went to the sauna with them and ran over to my place to swim in the middle of the night :lol: Haven't had that much fun in aaages, great night :D
Oops. Cornered was DT. Oh well.

NF: Pretty good. Tori Amos' music fits the mood pretty good. Not that all of it is that upbeat or happy, but soft and beautiful and stuff.
I'm still kind of bored though, but great news! My cousin bought Live Damage, so I'll go there in an hour or something to watch it.
NF: Stupid wind and rain and having-no-money. Now I might have to try borrowing even more money to go to meet someone in London if she isn't able to come to Nottingham. :erk:
NF: like that could grab a guitar and start composing an aggressive, analblasting and selfdestruktive blackmetal song on chromatic scale if just could breath right and wasn´t sweating and couching all the time. fucking summer. fucking little kids.
i am also bored.
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