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This doesn't contribute to the argument, but I agree with AstrumInifinito, Through Glass and Bother were pretty cool. They didn't try to be all metal there.
Well, this is funny because I just listened to death today. They were a great band. Anyways, how and why do you know how much chuck used his left pinky finger? Are you some kind of stalker?
Based on what i see in Both Death dvds and videos around the net of course.
He does the power chords with the pinky and when it's really needed he uses in the leads, but in a lot of situations where normaly in a solo a guitarrist would use the pinky he didn't, it's kinda weird.
Watch some videos of him and you will notice it...
Based on what i see in Both Death dvds and videos around the net of course.
He does the power chords with the pinky and when it's really needed he uses in the leads, but in a lot of situations where normaly in a solo a guitarrist would use the pinky he didn't, it's kinda weird.
Watch some videos of him and you will notice it...

Well, I wouldn't notice it because I suck at guitar, and sax is my buisness, but I guess someone more familiar with the guitar would notice that. I'll try to see a movie of him one of these days. I usually just listen on my ipod (non-video) or cd player.
I know alot ppl say that Slipknot sucks, but there was a time in your life that you listened to them, before you grew onto the heavyer and more melodic stuff right?

No. I got into metal years before Slipknot were ever around and hence got into "heavier" stuff way before ever hearing them. They just seem like a very "meh" group to me. I could care less if they are real metal or not, they aren't good.
stone sour is great. They arnt slipknot so i think everyone here will liek them.

n teh other hand. if u listion to them talk they all know there metal. Joey does. Corey knows his etc.

in fact listion to an interview with corey on the website toazted
You should learn that you need to stop telling people what they "should learn" when you quite obviously aren't very bright yourself.
"Slipknot" made me sick, I don't know "Iowa", but some people told me that "Vol 3" is very good and much more technical than the first two albums, so I decided to buy it. When it arrives me I will listen to it then post my comments.
Anyway, Nu Metal is commercial, it's a genre for teens, I think that's why people (and I) consider it false Metal.
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