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MURAI said:
According to this logic, Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit are heavy metal. They clearly are not. Most nu-"metal" shouldn't be even considered metal at all but they should be classed along the lines of alternative, rap or just pop. Slipknot are metal in comparison to the 2 other bands I brought up. Yes, they are metal but they do play pretty simple songs.

Yeah, I have better logic somewhere in this thread. You do have a good point though. Nu-metal, according to the good ol wiki, is an offshoot of alternative metal, which in turn is a fusion of alternative rock and metal. So, some of it is closer to metal, and some of it is closer to "alternative rock" and hip-hop. I think slipknot is on the metal end of the spectrum.
i agree. thus they should be considered metal.

i dont get all this crap. they are not rap metal, because they do not rap, with the exeption of a few songs. they have all the elements of metal in their instuments (whether they suck or not). i just think they are metal. dont get me wrong, they are not my favorite band ever, but i think this genre shit is over the top.
Vacant_Planets said:
Yes, actually I know they are. lol Just like I would consider Joan Sutherland (Opera singer) a good deal better than Corey from Slipknot. :)
So, you are officially proclaiming that an Opera singer is better than a singer in a rock/metal band?
ivry91 said:
Are you fucking kidding me? you actually think a bunch of high morons playing with the help of elecronics who couldn't riff half as good as any Death Metal Riffer are as good as Death?! oh god...look how far we have gone....
Simmer down and re-read my post. It was a question. Your dislike of Slipknot seems almost on a personal level. How do you know that they are "high morons"? In regards to the guitarists in Slipknots (whatever their names are) ability to "riff" as you say. The complexity of the arrangement is rarely the main ingredient for a great song. What electronics are Slipknot using that Death does not? -That is a serious question.
fah-q said:
Simmer down and re-read my post. It was a question. Your dislike of Slipknot seems almost on a personal level. How do you know that they are "high morons"? In regards to the guitarists in Slipknots (whatever their names are) ability to "riff" as you say. The complexity of the arrangement is rarely the main ingredient for a great song. What electronics are Slipknot using that Death does not? -That is a serious question.

Nah nah i just like bashing music i hate. i have more respect for rappers then people who take an element from music just to make they're name in the mainstream. they're not Metal but CLOSE to Metal. Slipknot use Turntables in they're songs and it sounds to me like theres no rock left. the hole thing is a mix of electronic music and decent riffs. they go around saying " we wanna be metal like Pantera" we'll they better start laying off the electronic and actually do some work. vocals sound like my high school band. Jordison is a good drummer but i lost all respect for him when he started using electronic drums. why? cant he do double base all by himself?. i just hate elecronics in a song.

If you dont believe me just watch Jordison filling in for Ulrich and you'll see how bad he is when he has to do it oldschool style.
I like Slipknot.

I will not enter a debate into what genre they fall into, or if they are metal or not, because frankly I don't care, Slipknot - Slipknot is a solid CD with excellent songs, as is Mate Feed Kill Repeat.
I didn't like Mate Feed Kill Repeat when I was in the nu metal stuff. But I do agree that the self titled CD was amazing.
Linkin Park is a rock band not a metal band and Slipknot is a metal band. Linkin Park does not do growls or screams of any form of metal. Most definitly rock. Plus they aren't even heavy. So yea Slipknot is nu metal and is in a metal genre cause they do screams and have heavy instrumentation, end of arguement.
Blue_Jay said:
I didn't like Mate Feed Kill Repeat when I was in the nu metal stuff. But I do agree that the self titled CD was amazing.
Linkin Park is a rock band not a metal band and Slipknot is a metal band. Linkin Park does not do growls or screams of any form of metal. Most definitly rock. Plus they aren't even heavy. So yea Slipknot is nu metal and is in a metal genre cause they do screams and have heavy instrumentation, end of arguement.

Iron Maiden does not do growls or screams so they're not metal.(Yeah, the metalic riffs being there has nothing to do att all. just all stupid people thinking backwords.):rock:
slipknot has a lot of metal in them. I was driving with a friend in a car and the only decent CD he had was slipknots s/t, so we put it in. It sounded pretty much like metal. Now, I also heard duality on the radio. that wasn't metal. I don't know how you define metal, but some early slipknot certainly fits my definition.
How a band that rips off Morbid Angel and Slayer riffs and uses blast beats from time to time is not considered at least partly metal is beyond me. Even if you hate 'em, how can you deny that Slipknot utilizes metal influences and song structures on a regular basis? That's like insisting that Charlie Pride wasn't a country singer because he was black.
ivry91 said:
Fine. i don't know what they would be but metal it sure as hell wont be. infact it ain't now anyway. they're voice is like alot of bands, yes. alot of NU Metal bands. man you need to start listening to real metal. Do you even know what a Metalic riff is? :lol:

I know what real metal is. I've been listening to it all my life, literally. So I wouldn't question my allegence to metal, because I would burn you. And because of the fact that you don't like them, they aren't metal? I don't like Slipknot, but I consider them to be metal. Am I saying that they are metal gods that everyone should model themselves after? No. And what, in your opinion, is a metallic riff? Give me a sound link of a song, and I guarentee I can find a band whose riffs cannot be categorized with that riff, and are still considered metal.

The point of my arguement was, I HATE when people over-analyze music. Accept the music for what it is. Listen to it. If you enjoy it, good. If you don't, that's your choice. But don't be all "well, this band doesn't play heavy enough riffs" or "people consider them death metal, but obviously they are black metal." Leave all that bullshit for everyone else.

Judge Dred said:
I know what real metal is. I've been listening to it all my life, literally. So I wouldn't question my allegence to metal, because I would burn you. And because of the fact that you don't like them, they aren't metal? I don't like Slipknot, but I consider them to be metal. Am I saying that they are metal gods that everyone should model themselves after? No. And what, in your opinion, is a metallic riff? Give me a sound link of a song, and I guarentee I can find a band whose riffs cannot be categorized with that riff, and are still considered metal.

The point of my arguement was, I HATE when people over-analyze music. Accept the music for what it is. Listen to it. If you enjoy it, good. If you don't, that's your choice. But don't be all "well, this band doesn't play heavy enough riffs" or "people consider them death metal, but obviously they are black metal." Leave all that bullshit for everyone else.


I questuon you're allegence to metal music, now burn me.

Any Priest, Maiden and Sabbath is a Metallic riff. some Slipknot has been lacking latly.

Like i said They're NU Metal but they are closer to Metal than other NU Metal bands.
ivry91 said:
I questuon you're allegence to metal music, now burn me.

Any Priest, Maiden and Sabbath is a Metallic riff. some Slipknot has been lacking latly.

Like i said They're NU Metal but they are closer to Metal than other NU Metal bands.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Keep going though. It only further removes any doubt about it.
fah-q said:
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Keep going though. It only further removes any doubt about it.

Oh well, go ahead and enjoy you're Slipknot. i prefer Thrash and Death Metal. hell i'll even take Dragoneforce over Slipknot.
yeah, blue jay, that was a pretty stupid thing to say.

Doesn't seem stupid to me. Linkin Park = Rock Slipknot = Metal. Musical tastes tells us so. Linkin Park's vocalist and instrumentists don't have the power to turn their music into metal together. Slipknot does even if I don't like them anymore.

And comparing Slipknot to Death omg lol. To whoever did that I only have one thing to say "I'm gonna slit your throat and fuck the wound".
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