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constant usage of blast beats or double bass, guitar solos, death or thrash metal riffing, grunting vocals.

hey what do you know, everything slipknot does.

nu-metal is metal. nu-METAL. it falls under the metal umbrella. it stemmed from metal. I asked you that question for a reason you fucking moron

if nu-metal isn't metal, then neither is death metal, or black metal. common sense goes a long way. just because you think nu-metal blows doesn't mean it isn't metal. you still haven't proved it isn't. listen to 1 minute of almost any of their songs, there's my proof that it is
AgoliantLives if doing comercial sucessful was so easy everybody that wants to make good money would do it.
lots and lots of band's can't achieve success even playing pop.
of course sucessful pop artists have composers who write the tunes for them but that's another story.

you said their solos suck, well that's not the point, yes they do suck. but there's lots of metal bands that suck. don't tell me all metal is good.
you can call them a disney type metal band but it's still metal.

there's lots of bands in metal that get influences outside metal. now cynic is a fusion band because they have that influence in their sound? they are metal.

the problem is slipknot takes influence from crappy stuff.

manowar look like retards as well, have lots of crappy simple songs, crappy lyrics and are metal.

"Did you mean elitism? Elitism comes along with the territory of listening to music that requires more thinking and analysis. This is due to the standards we form as we become more familiar with our favorite music."

man i am a die hard classical music fan but that doesn't have nothing to do with accepting that there are crappy metal bands like there is crappy classical, etc etc

you said classical music can be heavy, sure it can, heavier than metal, but there's no distorted guitar's.
if you play for instance those heavy parts of the rite of spring in a guitar it would be metal, no doubt.

i understand that people may be ashamed of calling slikpnot metal but there's many gimmicks in real metal bands like you call it.
swords and ? isn't that childish?
eddie is not a gimmick? a mascot? i mean metal is full of gimmicks...
You're an idiot. Perhaps I should also prove to you why Judas Priest is metal? Do you seriously not see the difference between a nu-metal band and a real metal band?

Anyway: constant usage of blast beats or double bass, guitar solos, death or thrash metal riffing, grunting vocals. If you don't know what some of these are, then tough luck, you don't know enough about metal to make any judgements about it, and thus should shut the fuck up.

You're either a complete and utter fuckhead or you're a troll having a lend of us all. If you're the latter I applaud you, but I've got my money on the former.
Great, more posers.

Slipknot doesn't use grunting vocals and rarely blast beats. They also don't use thrash or death metal riffs. Good job there you ignorant fuckface.

Nu-metal isn't metal because they're not metal. I don't judge genres based on if I like them or not. Power metal is utterly crap in my opinion but I would never question them not being metal. You fail at logic.

Stanstoenail, what the fuck? A troll? Why, because I know a shitload more about metal than you or your fucking idiot friends? Go fuck yourself, retard, and stop coming to a metalboard when you clearly don't know shit about it.
power metal doesn't use death metal riffs, don't have grunting and are metal.

slipknot has riffs that could be in many metal bands. (pantera for instance, and they are metal last time i checked.) doublebass, the ocasional blastbeat, screams....
they even have some songs with tremolo picking.

you guys get all touchy, we all know that slipknot sucks, that's not the point.
but just because they suck doens't mean they are not metal.
i don't know what slipknot is up to these days(they might be playing pop as far as i know), but the albuns i've heard(the first, self title and iowa) had plenty of metal riffs to be called metal.

maybe there's no space in metal for different influences(in your opinion), all bands should be playing like iron maiden.

well i think it's the i'm so underground mentality. that is what i call a poser. everytime a band gets popular they start to get bashed (pantera, opeth, meshuggah, etc etc). get over's just music.
Slipknot doesn't use grunting vocals
neither does Judas Priest. but metal vocals nonetheless. with ears that work you can hear this clearly

and rarely blast beats.
they do occasionally, which by your logic makes them "more metal" than Metallica and Megadeth, or any doom metal bands

They also don't use thrash or death metal riffs.
yes, yes they do.

You fail at logic.
I'm the only one out of both of us that's actually USING logic. you're apparently fucking def and/or ignorant

Stanstoenail, what the fuck? A troll? Why, because I know a shitload more about metal than you or your fucking idiot friends? Go fuck yourself, retard, and stop coming to a metalboard when you clearly don't know shit about it.

take your own advice, since it clearly applies more to you than anyone else that's posted in this thread. you don't know shit and frankly if I were you I'd just stop before you embarass yourself further
Uhm I think Slipknot have used death vocals (if thats what you mean by 'grunting vocals') but only once, and it was in the intro to uhm People = Shit, where he's just screaming. I'm not completely sure though, I haven't heard it for a long time.
And can someone PLEASE tell me what blast beats are, I've read them in reviews, and I have no idea.
power metal doesn't use death metal riffs, don't have grunting and are metal.

slipknot has riffs that could be in many metal bands. (pantera for instance, and they are metal last time i checked.) doublebass, the ocasional blastbeat, screams....
they even have some songs with tremolo picking.

you guys get all touchy, we all know that slipknot sucks, that's not the point.
but just because they suck doens't mean they are not metal.
i don't know what slipknot is up to these days(they might be playing pop as far as i know), but the albuns i've heard(the first, self title and iowa) had plenty of metal riffs to be called metal.

maybe there's no space in metal for different influences(in your opinion), all bands should be playing like iron maiden.

well i think it's the i'm so underground mentality. that is what i call a poser. everytime a band gets popular they start to get bashed (pantera, opeth, meshuggah, etc etc). get over's just music.

Uhh, so what? The question was of death metal.

Pantera is hardly even Metal. Guess what other genre uses screams, double bass and heavy riffs, that's right, core bands. Yet, they're not metal.

I couldn't care less if I don't like a band. I don't judge genres based on it. Someone mentioned Opeth, I don't like them while many people do, yet I do consider them metal. Same goes for Meshuggah. You're just too close-minded to realize that people don't consider Slipknot metal, because they're not, instead of some petty taste differences.

That's just stupid. That's why I love Judas Priest and Pavor?


"neither does Judas Priest. but metal vocals nonetheless. with ears that work you can hear this clearly"

Once again, irrelevant. Question was of death metal.

"they do occasionally, which by your logic makes them "more metal" than Metallica and Megadeth, or any doom metal bands"

No. The difference is, you don't have any logic. But yes, those would make them more metal than Metallica.

"yes, yes they do."

No, no they don't. Point me where they do, and do write them here.

"I'm the only one out of both of us that's actually USING logic. you're apparently fucking def and/or ignorant"

The irony...

"take your own advice, since it clearly applies more to you than anyone else that's posted in this thread. you don't know shit and frankly if I were you I'd just stop before you embarass yourself further"

That's funny. I've yet to see anyone knowledgeable about metal here. You guys think Slipknot is metal because they sound hard, without doing any deeper research. In conclusion: you don't know shit about metal; you think you do, which just makes it sad.
dude you keep saying no one knows nothing about metal, thats so fucking cliche. and pantera is hardly metal? give me a fucking break. cemetary gates is not a metal song? gimme a break....
go pick a guitar and learn some songs....

i never said slipknot was death metal, but metal which is different.

if you know so much about metal maybe you can tell us your definition of metal.:rolleyes:

tell me this, why is Meshuggah metal? they base their sound on heavy downtuned riffs(and odd times signatures but that doens't make anyone metal), screams, dissonances, all elementes slipknot uses as well.
Meshuggah does have solos(catch33 doesnt), but they are jazz influenced solos (allan holdsworth style)so that isn't why they are metal. they don't use death or thrash metal riffs.
so why is meshuggah metal and slipknot isn't? tell us oh great one!
dude you keep saying no one knows nothing about metal, thats so fucking cliche. and pantera is hardly metal? give me a fucking break. cemetary gates is not a metal song? gimme a break....
go pick a guitar and learn some songs....

i never said slipknot was death metal, but metal which is different.

if you know so much about metal maybe you can tell us your definition of metal.:rolleyes:

tell me this, why is Meshuggah metal? they base their sound on heavy downtuned riffs(and odd times signatures but that doens't make anyone metal), screams, dissonances, all elementes slipknot uses as well.
Meshuggah does have solos(catch33 doesnt), but they are jazz influenced solos (allan holdsworth style)so that isn't why they are metal. they don't use death or thrash metal riffs.
so why is meshuggah metal and slipknot isn't? tell us oh great one!

Cliche or not, it seems true.

The fact that Pantera has played metal songs, doesn't mean they've always been metal. I still said that they are, but they have drifter quite far.

Yeah, you're the man to talk about guitar when you can play Pantera. Good job there.

And I never claimed you did. One of the guys basically said that Slipknot is death metal, I said it's not. Then you say that power metal isn't metal because they don't play death metal. What the fuck were you thinking?

Yeah, sure, I'll write you a essay several pages long. Not.

Because the characteristics of their music are those that fit into a specific metal genre. When you simplify something that much you could also say that doom metal and black metal are the same thing and sound same. That is obviously not the case.

Yes, one of their CD's doesn't have solos, that makes them not metal? I haven't heard the CD myself, so it's very much possible that the CD isn't metal.

Death metal is very much jazz influenced anyway, so that was just stupid.

Actually, they do heavily technical such.

Slipknot isn't metal, although they've been influenced by it.
there's lots of death metal that are not jazz influenced. saying that you can say that most metal is influenced by blues since rock and jazz both have their origins in blues.

about meshuggah not having solos on the last album is inrelevant, it was just an example, there's lots of metal bands without solos, you don't have to have solos to be metal. i'm listening to crowbar right now for instance and it's as metal as you can get.

i can play much more than pantera thank god. again just an example and they are a metal band, aside from the ocasional ballad they were allways metal.

by your logic it seems you were saying that slipknot to be metal had to had thrash or death metal riffs, i just pointed out that power metal doesn't have death metal riffs, for instance. guess i didn't see the beginning of the discussion.

well to me, the interesting thing is when bands don't seem to fit into a genre, like meshuggah for instance, what are they? tech metal? not really, they don't sound anything like spiral architect nor are as tech as them for instance.
it's called originality. anybody can write a generic death metal song and be labeled death metal, thats boring.

Slipknot does fit into the nu metal genre although they are heavier than most on that genre.(the ones i know obviously, i dont care for the genre)
to me it's metal, they have plenty of elements in their sound and i think metal shouldn't be confined to strict subgenres and must be open for inovation. (i'm not saying slipknot were inovators!)

what to call a band like Godflesh? they have plenty of metal riffs and on the other hand lots of industrial in their sound, thus the industrial metal label. but are they metal or industrial? well to me both.

damn even Kerry King calls slipknot metal and he should know what metal is. shame he likes them though.
there's lots of death metal that are not jazz influenced. saying that you can say that most metal is influenced by blues since rock and jazz both have their origins in blues.

about meshuggah not having solos on the last album is inrelevant, it was just an example, there's lots of metal bands without solos, you don't have to have solos to be metal. i'm listening to crowbar right now for instance and it's as metal as you can get.

i can play much more than pantera thank god. again just an example and they are a metal band, aside from the ocasional ballad they were allways metal.

by your logic it seems you were saying that slipknot to be metal had to had thrash or death metal riffs, i just pointed out that power metal doesn't have death metal riffs, for instance. guess i didn't see the beginning of the discussion.

well to me, the interesting thing is when bands don't seem to fit into a genre, like meshuggah for instance, what are they? tech metal? not really, they don't sound anything like spiral architect nor are as tech as them for instance.
it's called originality. anybody can write a generic death metal song and be labeled death metal, thats boring.

Slipknot does fit into the nu metal genre although they are heavier than most on that genre.(the ones i know obviously, i dont care for the genre)
to me it's metal, they have plenty of elements in their sound and i think metal shouldn't be confined to strict subgenres and must be open for inovation. (i'm not saying slipknot were inovators!)

what to call a band like Godflesh? they have plenty of metal riffs and on the other hand lots of industrial in their sound, thus the industrial metal label. but are they metal or industrial? well to me both.

damn even Kerry King calls slipknot metal and he should know what metal is. shame he likes them though.

Most metal are influenced by blues, however, indirectly.

Not having solos is very un-metal. If you still play pure heavy metal, I'm going to call you metal. If you have others stuff that is not metal either, then chances are, you're not metal.

Rather poppish though.

By my logic? What would my reasoning be then? You just took part in middle and made your own judgement, which proved to be wrong.

Meshuggah does fit into a genre. Progressive death metal. Spiral Architect is actually prog metal.

Yes, but nobody can write a non-metal song and call it metal. It may be boring, but that's the way the genre classifications work.

Yes, but nu-metal isn't metal, just like metalcore isn't metal.

They really aren't that much heavier. It's just the drums really.

I'm not a fan of the current genre system either. But it is the way it is, and that's how we gotta deal with it.

I do not understand the question. Is there a genre called industrial? The answer is no, so what is the point?

No, not really. Alexi Laiho called Children of Bodom death metal, so what the famous people say, doesn't really mean much.

I've seen Tom Araya trash talk Slipknot.
meshuggah progressive death metal?:lol: that is hilarious! you sounded like that ozzy son. death metal band from norway.

how can meshuggah be death metal? no tremolo picking, no blastbeats, don't use fast double bass anymore, they play 8 strings, single note bends and lots of octaves most of time, no growling.
not even one death metal caracteristic in their sound. i'm afraid that just said everything about your knowledge. i rest my case.

no genre called industrial? are you serious?:lol:
Is there a genre called industrial? The answer is no, so what is the point?

rofl, jesus christ, you're fucking dumb. once again proving your blatant ignorance. hardly any of the bs you've spewed in this thread thus far has been even remotely on base, your arguments hold no water

it's clear that nobody needs to speak to you again

lmfao @ you saying "-core" genres aren't metal. you have much to learn, noob. you clearly don't know shit about metal or anything related to music
meshuggah progressive death metal?:lol: that is hilarious! you sounded like that ozzy son. death metal band from norway.

how can meshuggah be death metal? no tremolo picking, no blastbeats, don't use fast double bass anymore, they play 8 strings, single note bends and lots of octaves most of time, no growling.
not even one death metal caracteristic in their sound. i'm afraid that just said everything about your knowledge. i rest my case.

no genre called industrial? are you serious?:lol:

Progressive Death Metal is not the same thing as Death Metal.

Are you sure you know what you're talking about? They have used all those you just said they don't/haven't use(d), aside from growls.

No death metal in their sound? Have you ever actually heard death metal? Sure, they're definitely no typical death metal band, but they sure as hell have many elements of the genre, while also being overly technical. That's why they're not called technical death but progressive death.

Yes, no genre called industrial in metal. Industrial metal yes, but not industrial. Thus your point makes no sense

I love it though, how you attack me for that when I have basically destroyed your arguments so far. And even if I was wrong, so were you about Spiral Arcitecht, so I guess you don't know shit either, fucking idiot.
i was not wrong, spiral architect is a tech(or technical if you will) metal band, very influenced by prog metal but they took it to another level, so no i'm not wrong.

tell me one meshuggah song that has blastbeats(war on rare trax doesn't count), tremolo picking,etc.
you obviously don't know shit about death metal, meshuggah has nothing in common with morbid angel, cynic, death, carcass, at the gates, necrophagist, nile etc etc
fuck, you gotta be insane man. did you ever even listen to meshuggah?

i mean, at least go to metal archives and do a little research, is not the bible, but most who don't know about metal at least can get the info there so they might seem like they know what they are talking about.

and yes there is a genre called industrial, like metal incorporates a lot of different subgenres. listen to skinny puppy for instance.

and no need to get offensive. that just shows your lack of arguments.
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